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Background, Moving the paradigm of the hospital services from inpatient services to outpatient services be signed by phenomena of outpatient specialist services. This phenomena support the Telogorejo hospital management to rearrange a system of outpatient services of the practice of the medical specialist based on a philosophy of creating the future from the future. In the three last years, outpatient services only gave a 12.31% contribution from total of income. Beside that, using of the hospital facilities was not optimal. What are the necessity factors that influence to the contribution of income and using of the hospital facilities? Objective, This research was to know the factors that dominate and influence to the increasing contribution of income and the using of the hospital facilities based on a necessity unification of the partner of medical specialists with the hospital management. Method, This was survey research using cross sectional approach. The populations were 90 partners of medical specialists. Seven hospital managers were informants. Samples were 76 persons who filled inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria. Collecting of the quantitative data used the questioners. Collecting of the qualitative data used in-depth interview. Quantitative data analyzing used Chi Square Test and Logistic Regression. The results from statistical analysis were discussed with hospital managers. Independent variables were the convenience, the supporting of the work condition, the interpersonal relationship, the compensation, the work agreement, and the individual characteristics. Dependent variables were willingness to give a contribution of income, and using of the hospital facilities. In order to optimize the objectives, the result of this research was discussed by helping the House of Quality from Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Results, Based on statistical analysis, it is known that the factors, which have relationship with willingness to give a contribution of income, are the work period 12 years (p value = 0,046), the age 52 years (p value = 0,012), and the supporting of the work condition (p value = 0,044). The dominant variable is the age (p value = 0,014). The factors, which have relationship with using ofthe hospital facilities, are the discipline of big yak science (p value = 0,049), the practice's schedule seven times in a week (p value = 0,016), the number of the practice's location < 2 locations (p value = 0,023), and the number of patients 8 persons per a practice (p value = 0,000). The dominant variable is the number of patients (p value = 0,000). Based on the result of recapitulation, it is 'mown that the most needed factor of the partner of medical specialists is the supporting of the work condition. Conclusions, if management will apply the contribution of income, it needs to consider the age, the work period, and the supporting of the work condition. If management will apply the using of the hospital facilities, it needs to arrange the practice's schedule, to compare the number of the doctors based on their degree, to keep the medical specialists in order to practice properly, to keep the work relationship and to create the comfortable work condition. The necessity factors of the partner of medical specialists can be found deeply in qualitative analysis. Latar Belakang. Pergeseran paradigma pelayanan rumah sakit dari rawat Map ke rawat jalan antana lain ditandai fenomena merebaknya pelayanan spesialis rawat jalan. Hal ini mendorong manajemen RS Telogorejo perlu menata kembali sistem Pelayanan Rawat Jalan Praktik Dokter Spesialis berdasarkan falsafah creating the future from the future. Dalam kurun waktu tiga tahun terakhir, pelayanan rawat jalan hanya kontribusi 12,31% dari total pendapatan. Selain itu, pemanfaatan fasilitas rumah sakit belum optimal. Faktor-faktor kebutuhan apa sajakah yang berpengaruh terhadap kontribusi pendapatan dan pemanfaatan fasilitas rumah sakit? Tujuan. Mengetahui faktor-faktor yang dominan dan berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kontribusi pendapatan dan pemanfaatan fasilitas rumah sakit berdasarkan perpaduan kebutuhan dokter spesialis mitra dengan manajemen rumah sakit. Metode Penelitian. Penelitian survai dengan pendekatan cross sectional, mengikutsertakan 76 dokter spesialis mitra yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dari populasi 90 dokter spesialis mitra, serta 7 manajer rumah sakit sebagai informan. Data dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner tertutup dan terbuka. Data kuantitatif dianalisis dengan chi square dan regresi logistik, hasilnya didiskusikan dengan manajer nunah sakit. Variabel independen adalah kenyamanan, dukungan kondisi kerja, hubungan interpersonal, kompensasi yang didapatkan, dan kesepakatan perjanjian kerja, serta karakteristik individu, dan variabel dependennya adalah kesediaan memberikan kontribusi pendapatan dan pemanfaatan fasilitas rumah sakit. Untuk mengoptimalkan tujuan sehingga bermanfaat, maka hasil penelitian tersebut dibahas dengan bantuan House of Quality dari Quality Function Deployment (QFD). Hasil dan Pembahasan. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan kesediaan memberikan kontribusi pendapatan adalah lama kerja rata-rata 12 tahun (p-value 0,046), usia < rata-rata 52 tahun (p-value 0,012), dan dukungan kondisi kerja (p-value 0,044), secara bersama-sama paling berpengaruh adalah usia (p-value 0,014). Sedangkan faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemanfaatan fasilitas rumah sakitseminggu (p-value 0,016), jumlah lokasi praktik 2 lokasi (p-value 0,023) dan jumlah pasien rata-rata 8 orang per kali praktik (p-value 0,000), secara bersama¬sama paling berpengaruh adalah jumlah pasien (p-value 0,000). Hasil rekapitulasi faktor yang paling dibutuhkan dokter spesialis mitra adalah dukungan kondisi kerja. Kesimpulan. Bila manajemen akan menerapkan kontribusi pendapatan, perlu mempertimbangkan usia, lama kerja dan dukungan kondisi kerja. Sedangkan terhadap pemanfaatan fasilitas rumah sakit, manajemen perlu menata Wang pengaturan jadwal praktik, perbandingan jumlah dokter sesuai disiplin ilmu serta mempertahankan para dokter spesialis agar tetap berpraktik di praktik dokter spesialis dengan menjaga hubungan kerja dan menciptakan kondisi kerja yang menyenangkan dan nyaman Pennlis dapatkan pula bahwa kajian statistik melalui analisis kuantitatif yang belum mampu mengungkapkan lebih mendalam faktor¬faktor kebutuhan dokter spesialis mitra, dapat lebih terungkap melalui analisis kualitatif
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 14359 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 15 Jun 2010 07:44 |
Last Modified: | 15 Jun 2010 07:44 |
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