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Drug abuse has become a serious problem , not only in regional or national scope, but it has become a great concern in the international forum , because of its negative impact on all life dimensions of human being, such as health, social economics and mental conditions. In Indonesia, special attention of the government has been paid by implementing Law No.22/1997 on Narcotic and Law No.5/1997 on Psychotropic, the aim of which is to carry out control on narcotic and psychotropic distribution for the benefit of health services. Any kind of drug use without prior permission and supervision from a doctor or a phician will clearly constitute an offence against the laws an it shall be punished. However, despite a heavy punishment threat imposed to the law offenders, the drug problem is always increasing. They are not afraid of a heavy penalty that might be sentenced to them. The writer thinks that there must be some problem happened in the implementation of these laws. The problem aspecially the illegal drug distribution in Semarang can not be eliminated. This research has obyectives to reveal and analyze : how far the laws have been implemented, and how far the law enforcers, police, attoneys, and judges have done their duties to enforce the laws, and also, how far the drug abusers, illegal trafficers and people in society or non-government organization ( NGO ) have carried out the laws in an attempt to eliminate the illegal drug trafficing in Semarang. The research is descriptive with qualitative date carried out by conducting in-depth interview with 32 ( thirty-two ) informants consisting of law inforcers (5 polices, 5 attorneys, 5 judges ) and 5 ex- drug abusers ( users, trafficers ), 5 non-government organization persons each and 2 persons from narcotic rehabilition center. The result of analysis indicates that the police, to large extent, has carried our their duties properly but, they are still complaining about the minimum penalty ruled out by the judges, the attorneys, so far, has done their work well in line with theirresponsibility. But, unfortunately, there is now specific law accommodating the quality and quantity of offence, besides, protection quarantie for witness is not clearly defined either. Furthermore the penalty ruled out by judges cower ignation line with the prosecution. The judges on the other hand, still consider the aspects of age, education of defender to rule out a punishment. It of course will open possibility of compromise. The drug abusers ( users, trafficers do not respect the law inforcement institutions, because they think the drug cases can be compromised. The organization and narcotic rehabilitation center also think the same way, as a result, the drug problem especially the illegal trafficking will never be eliminated. It happens because the enforcers do not have good mental attitude and integrity. So as to get better outcome of law enforcement, the strategy and tactic of law implementation should be changed. Laws should be more intensively socialized with clear and transparent examples of honesty from the laws enforcers. It is also necessary that law enforcers improve their dedication and integrity. Their human resources should also be up-graded so that they will be more capable of handling and investigating the law offenders especially the illegal drug distribution in Semarang. The social welfare of theirs should also be improved, in this way, in handling the drug cases they will not be easily tempted, families, education institutions, and societies should intensified their roles to prevent the drug abuse. Masalah penyalahgunaan napza yang semakin marak bukan hanya masalah nasional atau masalah regional , tetapi sudah menjadi masalah Intemasional, karena dampaknya dapat mengganggu semua sendi kehidupan sosial masyarakat, bangsa dan negara. Di Indonesia, penyalahgunaan atau pelanggaran napza juga mendapat perhatian yang serius dari pemerintah dengan diberlakukannya UU No.22/1997 tentang Narkotika dan UU No.5/1997 tentang Psikotropika yang bertujuan untuk mengawasi secara ketat penggunaan dan peredaran narkotika dan psikotropika bagi pelayanan kesehatan. Ssemua bentuk penggunaan dan peredaran narkotika dan psikotropika tanpa ijin dan pengawasan dokter dikategorikan sebagai tindakan melanggar undang- undang. Walaupun sudah ada undang- undang yang mengatur penggunaan dan peredaran narkotika dan psikotropika dengan ancaman yang berat atas pelanggarannya, masalah narkotika dan kecenderungan semakin meningkat. Diperkirakan erdapat masalah dengan pelaksanaan undang-undang itu sehingga undang-undang tersebut tidak dapat menanggulangi peredaran napza ilegal di Semarang. Penelitian ini bertutujan untuk mengkaji sejauh mana penerapan Undang¬Undang ersebut dapat menanggulangi peredaran napza ilegal di Semarang Peneltian ini merupakan studi kualitatifdengan informan aparat ( 5 orang hakim, 5 orang polisi, 5 orang jaksa ), 5 orang pengedar yang sudah diproses hukumnya , 5 orang pemakai napza, 5 orang LSM peduli napza, 2 orang pengelola panti rehabilitasi napza Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa : polisi secara umum sudah bekerja dengan baik tetapi mereka kecewa putusan pengadilan terlelu rendah„ jaksa sudah bekerja dengan baik tetapi ada hambatan dengan UU yang belum mengatur kualitan dan kuantitas pelanggara napza, UU jaminan perlidungan terhadap saksi belum ada, hakim dalam memberilcan putusan hukuman kasus napza masih mempertimbangkan aspek: umur, pendidikan sehingga membuka peluang untuk kompromi, pelakupenyalahguna umumnya mereka berpendapat bahwa penegakan hukum sarat dengan kompromi sehingga mereka kurang menghormati aparat penegak hukum, LSM peduli napza dan pengelola panti rehabilitasi napza mengatakan banyak kompromi dalam pelaksanaan UU, karena sikap, mental perilaku SDM kurang balk dan kesejahteraan mereka kurang memadai, menurut mereka juga diperlukan peran orang tua, masyarakat dan instansi pendidikan untuk menurunkan penyalahgunaan napza.. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa UU belum dapat diterapkan dengan baik karena moral dan integritas aparat penegak hukum kurang baik. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik, strategi dan penerapan UU seharusnya diubah, UU hams disosialisasikan lebih intensif dengan contoh-contoh, kejujuran dan transparan dart aparat pelaksana UU. Aparat perlu meningkatkan dedikasi dan loyalitas serta integritas moral yang tinggi menghadapi pelanggar, serta peningkatan kesejahteraan aparat agar mereka tidak mudah tergoda dalam memenuhi tuntutan hidup dan peran keluarga, masyarakat / instansi pendidikan perlu ditingkatkan untuk mencegah penyahgunaan napza
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Epidemiology |
ID Code: | 14306 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 14 Jun 2010 13:24 |
Last Modified: | 14 Jun 2010 13:24 |
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