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Base on the "Healthy Profile" annually report of Grobogan Health Office has IMR 17.5 per 1.000 life birth in the year 2.000. In Grobogan there are many variation of IMR among the sub districts. Sub district of Klambu has the highest infants mortality 24 of 613 life birth, but the baby's visited to Public Health Center are lowers (5,8%) compare with the others. To clearly the baby's health problems we conducted interview to health employees that the result are the babies usually will find the medicine but they are fragmented to health workers and traditional healers. Usually they will come to traditional healer if their foetus handled by traditional healer, but if their delivery handled by midwife they will come to midwife for the first aid. Interview to a group of baby's mothers who had variation of age, education level, job, economic status and medical experience found that almost half of them went to traditional healer for the first This research was conducted to find out the correlation between family's characteristic and the first medical treatment seeking. This is a descriptive study using the cross sectional approach. 214 respondents of all villages in sub district of Klambu were taken with simple random sampling procedure. Data were collected by questioners and completed by interview to baby's mothers, cadre and health employee. Hypothesis test used Contingency and Logistic Regression. The result show that the babies got sick in a last month period are 80,8%. The 96,5% took effort against disease and 3,5% didn't do anything. 51,5% went to modem healer, consist of public health center (PHC) 12%, posyandu 4,2%, midwife 21%, doctor practice 9,0%, clinic 2,4%, paramedical practice 1,8% and hospital 1,2%. As much as 48,5% babies visited to traditional healers, they were consist of traditional midwife 35,3%, taken drug by themselves 8,4%, traditional healer 2,4% and taken traditional medicine by themselves 2,4%. The characteristic respondents are ages, educational level, job, type of family, income, disease perception, modem medical perception, modem medical experience and social support of modern medical. The weak correlation occurred between job and the first medical treatment (C = 0,261). The disease perception, modern medical perception and modern medical experience have strongly enough correlation with the first medical treatment (C = 0,316, C = 0,364, C = 349). The weak correlation also occurred between job and disease perception with the first use of drug (C = 0,225, C = 0,244). But the strongly enough correlation occurred between modern medical perception with the first use of drug (C = 0,316) and modern medical experience with the first use of drug (C = 0,363). Result from the logistic regression analysis just one variable useable to complete the regression model. Prediction of using the health worker is 0,772 modem medical experience, and modern drug is 0,795 modern medical experience. . It need to increase using of health worker and modem good drug distribution of health workers with enough medicine. It also need to decrease the risk of traditional treatment with well coordination between health workers and traditional healers. Profil Kesehatan Kabupaten Grobogan tahun 2000 mencatat AKB sebesar 17.5 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup. Diantara kecamatan dalam Kabupaten terdapat perbedaan besar dan kecamatan Klambu memiliki AKB tertinggi yaitu 24 dad 613 kelahiran hidup, tetapi kunjungan bayi ke puskesmas rendah (5,8%) dibanding puskesmas lain. Untuk memperjelas permasalahan yang ada maka dilakukan wawancara pada petugas kesehatan dan diperoleh keterangan bahwa bayi akan berobat pada dukun jika persalinannya ditolong oleh dukun bayi, tetapi jika persalinannya ditolong oleh tenaga kesehatan maka pengobatan pertama bila sakit pada pengobatan moderen. Wawancara pada ibu bayi dengan berbagai tingkat umur, pendidikan, pekerjaan, status ekonomi dan pengalaman pengobatan yang berbeda menemukan hampir separoh mencari pengobatan tradisional pada pengobatan pertama. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik keluarga terhadap tindakan pertama pencarian pengobatan bayi. Studi diskriptif dengan pendekatan Cross sectional. Sampel 214 keluarga bayi yang dipilih secara random sederhana dart 581 keluarga bayi di kecamatan Klambu. Responden adalah ibu bayi, dan data diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner yang dilengkapi dengan wawancara dengan ibu bayi, kader dan petugas kesehatan. Uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis koefisien Kontingensi dan Regresi Logistik. Hasil peneiitian mencatat 80,8% bayi sakit dalam satu bulan terakhir. 96,5% mencari pengobatan dan 3,5% tidak berobat. 51,5% mencari pengobatan moderen terdiri dart puskesmas 12%, posyandu 4,2%, bidan 21%, dokter praktek swasta 9,0%, klinik 2,4%, perawat praktek 1,8% dan rumah sakit 1,8%. Sebanyak 48.5% mencari pengobatan tradisional terdiri dart dukun bayi 35,5%, memberi obat sendiri 8,4%, dukun sembur 2,4% dan mengobati sendiri dengan obat tradisional 2,4%. Karakteristik keluarga meliputi umur ibu, pendidikan ibu, besar keluarga, pendapatan dan dukungan sosial tidak berhubungan dengan tindakan pertama pengobatan bayi. Ada pengaruh lemah antara pekerjaan ibu dengan tindakan pertama pengobatan bayi (C=0,261). Pengaruh cukup kuat terjadi antara persepsi penyakit dengan tindakan pengobatan pertama (C=0,319), persepsi tentang pengobatan moderen dengan tindakan pertama pengobatan (C=0,364), dan pengalaman pengobatan moderen dengan tindakan pertama pengobatan (C=0,349). Pengaruh lemah juga terjadi antara pekerjaan ibu dan persepsi tentang penyakit dengan jenis obat pertama dimanfaatkan (C=0,225, C=0,244). Pengaruh cukup kuat terjadi antara persepsi pengobatan moderen dan pengalaman pengobatan moderen dengan jenis obat yang pertama dimanfaatkan (C=0,316, C=0,363). Uji regresi logistik menunjukkan pengalaman pengobatan moderen dapat memprediksi jenis pengobat dan obat yang pertama dimanfaatkan. Prediksi berobat pada tenaga kesehatan adalah 0,772 pengalaman pengobatan moderen dan prediksi menggunakan obat moderen adalah 0,795 pengalaman pengobatan moderen. Untuk meningkatkan pengobatan pada tenaga kesehatan dan penggunaan obat moderen perlu ada distribusi tenaga kesehatan pada semua desa dengan menyediakan obat yang memadai. Untuk mengurangi resiko pengobatan tradisional maka perlu ada wadah koordinasi antara tenaga kesehatan dan pengobat tradisional.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Epidemiology |
ID Code: | 14291 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 14 Jun 2010 12:54 |
Last Modified: | 14 Jun 2010 12:54 |
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