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Industrial sector has a big role in performing standard of health. The environmental quality decreased mostly happened in several places, notably in big cities, because of the bad behavior of industrial-waste banishment. The district of Candisari is one of nine districts in the City of Semarang, where 70 small industries crushed-soybeans and fermented-soybeans products exist; the most are in the city. The result of the preliminary study revealed that the waster water waste-water volume from each industry ranges from 800 liters to 1000 liters per day. Generally, these amounts of waste-water were wasted directly into the river of Kalibajak without previously processing. Mean while,reviewing toward several member of society,who lived around the river, revealed that there were severak complaints of unpleasant smell and river shallowness supposed to result from the sedimentation of industrial waste of crushed-soybeans and fermented- soybeans products.This could disturb the health of the community or other living beings in the stream reaches of the river. The industry performers were the key persons, responsible for all of their production processes including the resulted waster¬water.Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the factors affected the practice of waste-water processing by the performers of small industry of crushed-soybeans and fermented-soybeans products. This study is in Explanatory or Confirmatory Research. Method used here was survey method with Cross Sectional approach. The study took place in the district of Candisari, Semarang. The subjects of the study were all of the performers of small industry of crushed-soybeans and fermented-soybeans products in the district, which were 70 persons. As for crosscheck, Deep- seated interviews were carried out in triangulation manner towards 12 public figures, one health officer, and one officer of the Regional Body of Environmental Impact Control (Bapedalda), City of Semarang. The results of the study were analyzed using univariate, bivariate, and multivariate analysis. The rmivariate analysis was performed using Descriptive statistic, the bivariate analysis was performed using -Chi-Square, whereas the -multivariate analysis was -performed using logistic regression test with backward stepwise method. The results of the -logistic -regression test -with backward stepwise method study reveals that the effect of the level of education on practice is 2.297 times, the effect of social environment on practice is more than 3:109 limes. Mean while, level of knowledge, the cost consideration and attitude in this study have no effects on the practice of waste-water processing by the performers of small industry. The social environment is the most dominant -variable on the practice of waste-water processing by the performers of cthR11 industry of crushed- soybeans and fermented —soybeans products and its effect is 3.109 times. The recommendation of this study suggest that support from public figures, the Health Government Office of Semarang City (the environmental health officers), and from Bapedalda apparatus, to give continuous guidance toward the small industry -to -perform the clean and healthy environment The guidance could be carried out by utilizing the existing routine meetings, such as, monthly 'arisen' and routine liengajian', or by define specific times, which analytically would not be hard to do because the respondents' characteristic tend to be the same. From the results of this study, the important guidance matters are the impact and the disturbance that resulted from the bad industrial-waste processing, the socialization of the regulation in connection with industrial-waste, sanction/ fine, support from the concerned governmental apparatus in the environmental pollution control and the techniques of waste-water processing. Moreover, the concerned governmental apparatus should offer the efforts of waste-utilization/ recycling to achieve the higher economic value, considering the amount of the resulted waste is quite numerous (approximately 70,000 liters per day). Further research should follow-up with bigger scope, considering the environmental pollution that resulted from the habit of waste-water banishment have been crucial problems need to be immediately handled, particularly in big cities with densely population. Beside, further research should examine and evaluate the utilization, the maintenance efforts, and the persons who are responsible in future for the Installation of Waste-water Processing (IPAL), a project assistance from JICA-KITAICYUSHU of Japan in the research area, after the IPAL have been working and operating, considering that this project involves various parties, such as, the waste-producers in Candisari, whereas the location for the IPAL's placement will be in Lamper, city of Semarang. Sektor industri mempunyai peranan yang besar dalam mewujudkan derajat kesehatan. Penurunan kualitas lingkungan banyak terjadi dibeberapa tempat terlebih di kota besar Icarena perilaku membuang limbah industri yang kurang layak. Kecamatan Candisari merupakan salah satu kecamatan dari sembilan kecamatan di wilayah Kota Semarang terdapat 70 industri kecil tabu tempe terbanyak dibanding wilayah lain. Hash studi awal menunjukkan volume air limbah dari masing- masing industri berldsar 800 liter —1000 liter per hari yang pada umumnya langsung di buang Ice sungai kalibajak tanpa pengolaban terlebih dahulu. Sementara wawancara terhadap beberapa warga sekitar sungai diperoleh beberapa keluhan bau kurang sedap serta pendangkalan sungai yang diduga akibat sedimentasi limbah industri tahu tempe. Hal ini akan dapat mengganggu kesehatan masyaralcat atau makhluk hidup lain di wilayah aliran sungai tersebut. Pimpinan industri merupakan key person yang bertanggung jawab atas semua proses produksinya termasuk air limbah yang dihasilkan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor — faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap praktik pimpinan industri kecil tahu-tempe dalam mengolah air limbahnya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Explanatory atau Confirmatory Research. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survey dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Lokasi penelitian adalah wilayah kecamatan candisari, Kota Semarang. Subyek penelitian adalah Selma pimpinan industri keel tahu-tempe sebanyak 70 orang sedangkan sebagai crosscheck dilakukan wawancara mendalam (Indeph interview) secara triangulasi pada tokoh masyarakat sebanyak 12 orang, satu petugas kesehatan dan satu orang petugas Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan Daerah (Bapedalda) kota semarang. Analisis hash penelitian dengan menggunakan Analisis univariat, analis is bivariat dan analisis multivariat. Analisis univariat dengan Deskriptif Staiistik, Analisis bivariat dengan menggunakan Chi Square sedangkan analisis multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik metode Backward Stepwise. Hash analisis regresi logistik metode bacward stepwise menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh tingkat pendidikan terhadap praktik sebesar 2,297 kali, lingkungan sosial berpengaruh terhadap praktik 3,109 kali leblh , sedangkan tingkat pengetahuan, pertimbangan biaya dan sikap dalam penelitian ini tidak berpengaruh terhadap praktik pimpinan industri dalam mengolah air limbabnya. Variabel yang paling dorninan pengaruhnya terhadap pralac pimpinan industri kecil tahu tempe dalam mengolah air limbah adalah lingkungan sosial yang mempunyai pengaruh 3,109 kali. p=0,030 (95% CI = 1,474 — 6,555)Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini adalah perlu dukungan dari tokoh masyarakat, Dings Kesehatan Kota Semarang (petugas kesehatan Lingkungan) dan aparat Bapedalda secara kontinyu membertican pembinaan terhadap pit:opium industri kecil sehingga tercipta lingkungan yang bersit dan sehat. Pembinaan dapat dilakukan dengan cam memanfaatkan pertemuan rutin yang ada antara lain acara arisan setiap bulan dan pengajian rutin atau waktu khusus ditentukan yang secara analisa tidak sulit dilakukan karena karakteristik responden cenderung sama. Materi pembinaan yang diperlukan oleh pimpinan industri berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini adalah tentang Dampak dan gangguan akibat limbah industri yang tidak dikelola dengan balk, sosialisasi peraturan berkaitan dengan limbah industri, sangsi/ denda, dukungan aparat pemerintah terkait dalam pengendalian pencemaran lingkungan dan Wails mengolah air limbah serta sedapat mungkin membenlcan upaya pemanfaatan limbah / lour Wang (Recycling) untuk menambah nilai ekonomi yang lebih tinggi mengingat jumlah limbah yang dikeluarkan cukup banyak (kurang lebih 70.000 liter per hari). Bagi peneliti lain dapat menindaklanjuti dengan scope yang lebih besar mengingat pane-atm= lingkungan akibat perilaku membuang air limbah merupakan masalah crucial yang segera ditangani terlebih di wilayah kota besar yang padat pendudulc ini. Disamping itu perlu dikaji dan di evaluasi pemanfaatan, .upaya mongenaneg serta yang bertanggung jawab selanjutnya terhadap Instalasi Pengolahan Air limbah bantuan dari JICA- KITAKYUSHU Japan di wilayah penelitian setelah IPAL berfinigsi dan beroperasi mengingat proyek tersebut melibatkan berbagai pihak antara lain penghasil limbah berada di wilayah Candisati sedangkan lokasi .penempatan IPAL berada di wilayah masyarakat lamper, kota Semarang.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Epidemiology |
ID Code: | 14134 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 11 Jun 2010 11:43 |
Last Modified: | 11 Jun 2010 11:43 |
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