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ABSTRAK Penanaman modal asing dapat dilakukan secara langsung (direct investment) maupun secara tidak langsung (indirect investment). PMA secara langsung dapat ditempuh melalui penanaman modal 100 % asing dan joint venture (usaha patungan). Berdasarkan pengertian modal bersama dalam perusahaan joint venture, alih teknologi di dalamnya seharusnya dapat berjalan secara otomatis dan tidak dianggap sebagai "cost" yang timbul dari pengelolaan perusahaan joint venture. Dalam praktek PMA joint venture ternyata alih teknologinya tidak berjalan secara otomatis. Pengalihan teknologi tersebut harus dibayar dengan mahal melalui suatu kontrak teknologi, yaitu kontrak lisensi paten. Untuk memahami problematika implikasi lisensi paten terhadap pelaksanaan alih teknologi pada perusahaan joint venture, diajukan tiga permasalahan pokok dalam tesis yang berjudul "Lisensi Paten dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pelaksanaan Alih Teknologi Pada Perusahaan Joint Venture". Permasalahan tersebut meliputi : pertama, urgensi alih teknologi dalam penanaman modal asing, pada umumnya; kedua, urgensi pengaturan lisensi paten dalam rangka alih teknologi; ketiga, implikasi lisensi paten terhadap pelaksanaan alih teknologi pada perusahaan joint venture serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan kontrak lisensi paten dalam rangka alih teknologi. Permasalahan-permasalahan yang diajukan dalam tesis ini, dipecahkan melalui suatu penelitian dengan pendekatan yuridis normatif dan yuridis sosiologis Adapun jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif-induktif- verifikatif. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan terhadap beberapa instansi terkait dengan pelaksanaan penanaman modal asing dan kontrak lisensi paten dalam rangka alih teknologi (BKPM(D), Depkeh dan HAM, Depperindag) dan 3 (tiga) perusahaan joint venture di Kodia Semarang yang menggunakan kontrak lisensi paten. yaitu PT 1K, PT IS dan PT IR. Berdasarkan basil penelitian dan analisis terhadapnya, diperoleh beberapa kesimpulan. Pertama, Alih teknologi dalam penanaman modal asing merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat urgen. Kedua, pengaturan lisensi paten yang rinci dan spesifik mendesak untuk segera dilakukan agar tidak terjadi ambiguitas dan penyalahgunaan (mis-use) terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang telah ada. Ketiga, secara yuridis normatif, lisensi paten dapat memiliki implikasi positif terhadap keberhasilan alih teknologi, namun secara yuridis sosiologis, implikasi tersebut sangat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor dalam bekerjanya hukum dalam masyarakat, yaitu : lembaga pembuat peraturan (DPR-Presdiden, WTO, WIPO), lembaga penerap sanksi (BKPMD, Dep Keh dan HAM, dan Depperindag), pemegang peran (licensee dan licensor), serta dipengaruhi oleh kekuatan sosial personal. Melalui analisis terhadap bekerjanya hukum dalam masyarakat (Chambliss dan Seidman), ditemukan beberapa fakor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan lisensi paten dalam rangka alih teknologi. Falctor-falctor tersebut adalah : kedudukan para pihak; budaya hukum para pihak; motivasi perilaku bisnis para pihak; budaya hukumnya serta peranan pemerintah. ABSTRACT Foreign investment can be done by foreign direct investment and indirect investment. Foreign direct investment can be realizes through 100 % foreign investment and joint venture investment. Based on capital joint definition, transfer of technology should be done automatically and it wasn't necessary to consider as a "cost" that raised in management of joint venture corporation. In reality, transfer of technology in joint venture corporation wasn't implemented automatically. It must be paid with expensive finance through a technology contract that 's called patent license contract (agreement). To cover some problems in implication of patent license upon the implementation of technology transfer in joint venture corporation, this research proposed three basic problems. Those problems were :first, the urgency of technology transfer in general foreign investment. Second, the urgency of patent license arrangement in joint venture corporation. Third, the implication of patent license upon the implementation of technology transfer in joint venture corporation and some factors those influence the implementation of patent license contract in transfer of technology program. Some problems those were proposed in this thesis, will be solved through a research which used simulating method between the normative legal dan socio legal approach. The type of this research is qualitative-inductive-and verificative. Field research was done for some government institutions i.e., BKPMD (District Institution Investment Coordination), Departemen Kehakiman dan HAM (Juridical and Human Right Department) and Department Perindustrian dan Perdagangan (Industrial and Trade Department) Province Central of Java and three joint venture corporations in Semarang City which have using patent license contract, i.e., PT IK, PT IS and PT IR. Based on the result of this research and it analysis, there are some conclusions. First, transfer of technology in foreign investment is very urgent. Second, specific regulation or arrangement of patent license is very urgent to be done in order to there be no ambiguity and miss-use of patent license rules in practice. Third, through normative legal approach, patent license contract that's arranged in Article 76-80 of Patent Act 1997 (UT] No.13 /1997) has positive implication to support transfer of technology program, but if through socio legal approach, so that implication was defined by some factors of law action in society (Chambliss and Seidman Theory). These factors were : rule making institutions (Parlement, President, WTO, WIPO), rule sanctioning institutions (BKPMD, Dep Keh dan HAM and Depperindag), role occupant (licensee and licensor) and all other societal and personal forces. There were some factors which influenced the implementation of patent license contract in transfer of technology program. These factors were founded by analyzed about law action in society. Those factors were : the parties bargaining position, the parties legal culture, the parties motivation of business behavior and the government role.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Law |
ID Code: | 13757 |
Deposited By: | Ms upt perpus3 |
Deposited On: | 08 Jun 2010 11:45 |
Last Modified: | 08 Jun 2010 11:45 |
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