MUSHLIHAH, MUSHLIHAH (2003) PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI UNTUK PEMANTAUAN IBU HAMIL BERISIKO DI DINAS KESEHATAN KABUPATEN REMBANG (The Development of Information System for Monitoring the Risky Pregnant Women at the Health Official of District of Rembang). Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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As one of regional government offices, the Rembang District Health Office has main duty in planning, organizing, and controlling of health program such as family health program. In this way, the Maternity Section is the executive agent in carrying out this program It has some duties to do such as to increase detection / the coverage of risky pregnant women ; and to overcome and to monitor as well. In carrying out the program, it needs some information about the risk factors, the high risk factors, the referrals, and the risk of giving birth for those risky pregnant woment. The previuos study and some interviews with the Head of Maternity Section revealed that the expected information was insufficient and uneasy to obtain immediately. Therefore, it was not able to use to monitor the risky pregnant women accurately. The objective of the study was to carry out a development of information system which was able to use for monitoring risky pregnant woment. This study used the qualitative methods of system development life cycle. The design of the study was retreatment of pre eksperimental (one group pre and post test). The subject of the the study were the Head of Rembang District Health Office, the Chief Executive of Maternity Section, and the Staff of Data Processing. This study used Content Analysis on the obtained result of interviews, Reviewed Average Analysis and Paired Sample T Test on system evalution. The obtained result reveals that it needs a development of information system which is able to use. for monitoring risky pregnant women. After establishing the system development, the gaining tippn the system is better than the previous one. (it was 1,88 after and 3,87 before for Me reviewed average in global). The components of system framer (the input, the process, and the out put) either before or after development are quite different significantly (the p-value was 0,001). It presents a complete and a quick information (reviewed average value of the comprehensiveness information before the development was 1,5 and 3,75 after the development, while the reviewed average value of the acceleration information before the development was 1,25 contrasted with the gaining after the development of 4,25). The conclusion is that it is necessary to develop an information system for monitoring risky pregnant woment. It is also in line with the necessities of the Head of Rembang District Health Office, the Chief Executive of Maternity Section, and the Staff of Data Processing. The Due to the result, it is necessary to carry out this system at Public Health Centres in the District Health Office more optimally. More than that, a development system of recording and reporting on K1 should be considered as well for optimalzing the data of risky pregnant women. There should be, of course, an evaluating on the system performance affectively after being implemented. Sebagai salah satu instansi Pemerintah Daerah, Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Rembang rnempunyai tugas pokok merencanakan, mengorganisasikan dan mengendalikan kegiatan di bidang kesehatan, diantaranya kesehatan keluarga. Adapun pelaksana bidang kesehatan keluarga tersebut adalah Seksi Kesehatan Ibu danAnak (Seksi KIA) yang mempunyai kegtatan diantaranya peningkatan deteksi / penjarmgan ibu hamil bensiko, penanganan dan pemantauannya. Dalam kegiatan tersebut dibutuhkan informasi tentang taktor risiko, faktor risiko tinggi, rujukan dan persalman ibu hamil berisiko. Studi pendahuluan dan wawancara dengan Kepala Seksi KIA menunjukkan bahwa inforrnasi yang dibutuhkan selarna ini kurang lengkap dan tidak cepat diperoleh, sehingga belurn dapat digunakan untuk pemantauan ibu hamil berisiko dengan baik. Tujuan penelitian adalah melakukan pengembangan sistem informasi yang dapat digunakan untuk pemantauan ibu hamil berisiko. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan menerapkan metoda siklus hidup pengembangan sistem (system development hfe cycle). Sedangkan rancangan penehtiannya adalah pra eksperimental perlakuan ulang (one group pre and post test). Subyekpenehtian adalah Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Rembang, Kepala Seksi KIA dan Staf pengolah data. Analisa data yang dipergunakan adalah analisa isi untuk hasil wawancara, analisa rata — rata tertimbang dan Paired Sample T-Test untuk evaluasi sistem. Hasil dart penelitian, diperlukan suatu pengembangan sistem informasi yang dapat digunakan untuk pemantauan ibu hamil bensiko. Setelah diadakan pengembangan sistem, diketahui bahwa sistem yang dikembangkan lebih baik daripada sebelum dikeinbangkan (rata — rata tertimbang keseluruhan sebelum sistem dikembangkan = 1,88 dan sesudah sistem dikembangkan = 3,87). Komponen pembentuk sistern (masukan, proses dan keluaran) sebelum dikembangkan dan sesudah dikembangkan sangat berbeda nyata (nilai p = 0,001). Sistern yang dikembangkan dapat menghasilkan informasi yang lengkap dan cepat diperoleh (nilai rata — rata tertimbang kelengkapan informasi sebelum dikembangkan = 1,5 dan sesudah dikembangkan = 3,75, sedangkan nilai rata — rata tertimbang kecepatan informasi sebelum dikembangkan =1,25 dan sesudah dikembangkan = 4,25). Disimpulkan bahwa telah berhasil dikembangkan suatu sistem informasi yang dapat digunakan untuk peinantauan ibu harml berisiko sesuai dengan kebutuhan Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Rembang, Kepala Seksi KIA, dan Staf pengolah data. Sistem yang dikeinbangkan lebih baik danpada sebelum dikernbangkan dan komponen pembentuk sistemnya juga sangat berbeda nyata. Disarankan untuk mengembangkan Sistern Infornaasi Pernantauan Ibu FIarnil Berisiko (SIPBR) di puskesmas, sehmgga SIPBR di Dinas Kesellatan Kabupaten dapat lebih optimal. Diharapkan ada pengembangan sistern pencatatan dan pelaporan K1 untuk optimalisasi data ibu hamil berisiko dan dilakukan evaluasi kinerja sistern setelah diterapkan secara efektif.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 13750 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 08 Jun 2010 11:19 |
Last Modified: | 28 Dec 2010 13:45 |
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