ANALISIS PENGARUH KARAKTERISTHC PASIEN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PASIEN DALAM HAL MUTU PELAYANAN KESEHATAN DI UNIT RAWAT INAP PUSKESMAS MAOS KABUPATEN CILACAP (Analysis of The Patient's Characteristics Influence to The Satisfaction of Patient in The (iiality of Health Services at Inpatient Unit at Maos Health Center, Cilacap District)

HANDAYANI, SRI EKA (2003) ANALISIS PENGARUH KARAKTERISTHC PASIEN TERHADAP KEPUASAN PASIEN DALAM HAL MUTU PELAYANAN KESEHATAN DI UNIT RAWAT INAP PUSKESMAS MAOS KABUPATEN CILACAP (Analysis of The Patient's Characteristics Influence to The Satisfaction of Patient in The (iiality of Health Services at Inpatient Unit at Maos Health Center, Cilacap District). Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.

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The level of satisfaction of patient to a quality of health services at inpatient unit at Maos Health Center can be influenced by aspects of art from health services. It relates to psychology. interaction and social between the health provider and the patient. In this interaction, many non-medical variables determine the satisfaction's degree of the patient such as age, sex, education, income, jobs, and place of residence. This research was to analyze the influence of patient's charactenstics to the level of thepatient's satisfaction in a quality of ry health services at inpatient services at Maos Health Center. This research used cross sectional approach to analyze the characteristics of the patient that influence to the satisfaction of the patient who get health services at inpatient unit at Maos Health Center and to know how far the characteristics were involved in creating the satisfaction of the patient. The number of population were 451 patients. The number of samples were 82 patients Taking the samples used purposive sampling method and accidental samples. Data processing and data analyzing used software for SPSS version ID. All of variables were described in frequency distributions and cross-tabs. To analyze the influence among variables it used Chi Square test and Logistic Regression. The result of this research shows 20.7% respondents are not satisfied and 79.3% respondents are satisfied to the quality of health services at inpatient unit at Maos Health Center. The characteristics of the patient that influence to the level of the satisfaction of the patient in quality of health services at inpatient unit at Maos Health Center are the age (p value = 0.003), the education (p value = 0.005), and place of residence (p value = 0.001). To increase the quality of health services at inpatient unit at Maos Health Center, It needs to improve the services. It is in the following subjects: the time precision of examination, and the patience of the doctor in checking up .on the patient. Beside that, it needs to improve the regularity of nurses in monitoring the patient condition everyday, and the good communication between the patient and the medical officer that is signed by friendliness and patience of the health worker in giving the health services to the patient. Foodservices must agree with the patient's diet. Beside that, it needs to increase hygiene of room, bathroom, toilet, and environment of treatment. Tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap mutu pelayanan kesehatan di unit rawat inap Puskesmas Maos dapat dipengaruhi oleh aspek seni dari layanan kesehatan itu sendiri yang menyangkut interaksi psikologi dan sosial antara pemberi jasa dan pasien. Dalam interaksi ini banyak variabel non medis yang ikut menentukan derajat kepuasan pasien seperti umur, jenis kelamin, pendidikan, pendapatan, status pekerjaan dan tempat asal. Tujuan penelitian untuk analisis pengaruh karakteristik pasien dengan tingkat kepuasan pasien dalam hal mutu pelayanan kesehatan di unit rawat inap Puskesmas Maos. Rancangan penelitian ini cross sectional yang berusaha untuk menganalisa karakteristik pasien yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pasien yang mendapat pelayanan kesehatan di unit rawat inap Puskesmas Maos dan sejauh mana karakteristik tersebut berperan dalam menciptakan kepuasan pasien. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 82 dari 451 pasien sebagai populasi yang diambil dengan metode purposive sampling dan eksidental sampel. Data diolah dan dianalisa dengan menggunakan software for SPSS versi 10, semua variabel dideskripsikan dalam bentuk distribusi frekuensi, tabulasi silang dan untuk dapat mengetahui pengaruh antara variabel dilakukan analisis chi square dan regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 20,7% menyatakan tidak puas dan 79,3% menyatakan puas terhadap mutu pelayanan rawat inap Puskesmas Maos. Karakteristik pasien yang berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kepuasan pasien dalam hal mutu pelayanan kesehatan di unit rawat inap Puskesmas Maos hanya umur (p=0,003), pendidikan (p=0,005) dan tempat asal pasien (p=0,001). Disarankan agar Puskesmas Maos dalam rangka meningkatkan pelayanan rawat inap yang lebih baik lagi maka di unit rawat inap Puskesmas Maos perlu diadakan perbaikan pelayanan dalam hal : ketepatan waktu periksa dan kesabaran /ketelitian dokter dalam memeriksa pasien, keteraturan perawat dalam mengontrol keadaan pasien setiap hari, komunikasi yang baik antara pasien dan petugas yang ditandai dengan keramahan dan kesabaran petugas dalam melayani pasien. Pelayanan makanan hams sesuai dengan diit pasien serta meningkatkan kebersihan ruangan,kamar mandi, we pasien dan lingkungan perawatan.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Epidemiology
ID Code:13728
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:08 Jun 2010 10:11
Last Modified:08 Jun 2010 10:11

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