HUBUNGAN ANTARA MUTU PUSKESMAS MENURUT PERSEPSI PASIEN DENGAN MINAT PEMANFAATAN ULANG PELAYANAN PENGOBATAN RAWAT JALAN UMUM DI PUSKESMAS MAOS KABUPATEN CILACAP TAHUN 2002 (The Relationship Between The Quality of The Health Center Based On The Patient Perception with The Interesting to The Reusing Ambulatory Services at The Maos Health Center in District of Cilacap, 2002)

RIYADI, TEGUH (2002) HUBUNGAN ANTARA MUTU PUSKESMAS MENURUT PERSEPSI PASIEN DENGAN MINAT PEMANFAATAN ULANG PELAYANAN PENGOBATAN RAWAT JALAN UMUM DI PUSKESMAS MAOS KABUPATEN CILACAP TAHUN 2002 (The Relationship Between The Quality of The Health Center Based On The Patient Perception with The Interesting to The Reusing Ambulatory Services at The Maos Health Center in District of Cilacap, 2002). Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.

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The quality of the Maos Health Center that is good enough based on standard oriented of services is not followed by increasing of the number of patient visit of outpatient department services at the Maos Health Center. It shows that the patient has other perceptions to the quality of the Health Center in which the patient satisfies to the multi-serviCes. The patient satisfaction will affect on the interesting to the reusing the same medical services. To anticipate the decreasing trend of the number of patient visit, it needs research analysis the relationship between the qualities of the Health Center based on the patient perception with the interesting to the reusing ambulatory services at the Maos Health Center in District of Cilacap. The aim of research is to know the description of the Health Center quality based on the patient perception and the interesting to the reusing ambulatory services. Besides that, it is to know the relationship between the multi qualities of services of Health Center (the qualities of the ticket window officers, the doctors, the nurses, the medicine officers, the medicines, the tools and the unit of ambulatory services) based on the patient perception with the interesting to the reusing ambulatory services. This is explanatory research using survey method to collect data and using cross-sectional approach. The sample of this research is the patients who are reusing ambulatory services at the Maos Health Center. Two hundred and fifty samples were taken from .9.479 patients using the &systematic random sampling method. Data processing and analyzing use SPSS v. MO Ibr Windows Program. All variables are described in form of distribution of frequencies. To know the relationship among variables it is used the multiple regression analysis. The result of this research shows that the quality of the Health Center based on the patient perception, which is described in satisfied level; the patients who are not satisfied, is 25.08% and who are satisfied, is 74.92%. The patients who are not interested, is 18.92% and the patients who are interested, is 81.08%. Except the quality of the ticket window officers and the quality of the unit of the ambulatory services, the result of the multiple regression analysis shows that the qualities of the doctors, the nurses, the medicine officers, the medicines, and the tools have significant relationship with the interesting to the reusing ambulatory services at the Maos Health Center. To improve the quality of the Maos Health Center based on the patient perception, it needs to do renewal of health worker friendliness to patient, to start medical services timely, to make the communication link between health worker and patient and to make the standing in line procedures in registering and taking medicine. Mutu Puskesmas Maos yang cukup baik berdasarkan orientasi standar praktek pelayanan ternyata tidak diikuti dengan kenaikan jumlah kunjungan pasien rawat jalan tetapi justru sebaliknya. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa pasien mempunyai persepsi tersendiri terhadap mutu puskesmas yang dapat rnewujudkan perasaan puas terhadap pelayanan yang diterimanya. Kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan yang diterima akan berdampak pada minatnya untuk mernanfaatkan ulang pelayanan yang sama. Untuk mengantisipasi kecenderungan terjadinya penurunan kunjungan pasien dalam memanfaatkan pelayanan pengobatan rawat jalan puskesmas diperlukan penelitian tentang hubungan antara mutu puskesmas menurut persepsi pasien dengan minat pemanfaatan ulang pelayanan pengobtan rawat jalan umum di Puskesmas Maos Kabupaten Cilacap. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran mutu puskesmas menurut persepsi pasien dan minat pernanfaatan ulang pelayanan rawat jalan urnum serta mengetahui hubungan antara mutu puskesmas menurut persepsi pasien yang meliputi mutt petugas loket, mutu dokter, mutu perawat, mutu petugas obat, mutu obat, mutu alat dan mutu tempat pelayanan rawat jalan sebagai variabel bebas dengan minat pemanfaatan ulang pelayanan pengobatan rawat jalan umum di Puskesmas Maos Kabupaten Cilacap sebagai variabel terikat. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam jenis penelitian explanatory study dengan metode pengambilan data secara survey melalui pendekatan cross sectional. Sebagai sampelnya adalah pasien yang menianfatakan Wang pelayanan pengobatan rawat jalan umum di Puskesmas Maos. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 250 dari 9.479 pasien sebagai populsi yang diambil dengan metode teknik random sampling. Data diolah dan dianalisa dengan menggunakan software firr SPSS versi 10, semua variabel dideskripsikan dalam bentuk distribusi frekuensi, tabulasi silang dan untuk dapat mengetahui hubungan antar variabel dilakukan analisis regresi linier sederhana dan regresi linier berganda. • Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa mutu puskesmas menurut persepsi pasien yang dinyatakan dalarn tingkat kepuasan, pasien menyatakan tidak puas (25,08%) dan yang menyatakan puas (74,92%). Sedangkan pasien yang menyatakan tidak minat (18,92%), dan pasien yang menyatakan minat (81,08%). Kecuali mutu petugas loket dan mutu tempat pelayanan rawat jalan hasil analisis regresi linier berganda menunjukan bahwa mutu dokter, mutu perawat, mutu petugas obat mutu obat dan mutu alat pelayanan rawat jalan berhubungan secara bermakna dengan minat pemanfaatan ulang pelayanan pengobatan rawat jalan umum di Puskesmas Maos, Dalam rangka perbaikan mutu puskesmas menurut persepsi pasien hendaknya Puskesmas Maos melakukan pembaharuan pada keramahan petugas terhadap pasien, ketepatan waktu memulai pelayanan pengobatan, membina jalinan kornunikasi antara petugas dengan pasien dan pengadaan aturan antri dalam pendaftaran dan pengambilan obat.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health
ID Code:13661
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:07 Jun 2010 14:14
Last Modified:29 Dec 2010 08:34

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