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The slow decline in maternal and perinatal mortality are due to the improper maintenance of pregnancy and delivery process especially in the rural areas. Maternal mortality rate reflects the amount of the risk that a mother should face during the pregnancy and delivery time. The delay in referring mother to hospital, lack of transportation and financial problems are some aspects that may influence the safety of mothers during delivery process. Thus, mortality factor can be influenced by internal and external health condition factors. There has been an increase in the number of maternal mortality at District of Semarang at period 2000 compared to that of 1998 and 1999. A decision made by family and birth attendant in referring mother to the hospital is one of the initial decisions that might significantly influence maternal mortality. This research is a descriptive assessment by using qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results of this research is presented without conducting a statistical test, therefore, a need to propose hypotheses is not necessary. Maternal mortality incident is traced back (retrospective), especially to find out the pattern of decision making by family and birth attendant in referring mother to the hospital. The numbers of maternal mortality at District of Semarang at period 2000, as listed at District Health Office of Semarang are 18 cases. Most of the age of pregnant mother ranged between 20-35 years old (81,25%). Most of them were graduated from elementary school (43,775%). Fifty percent (50%) of them are housewives in which their husband plays a dominant role in making daily decisions. However, the decision in referring mother to the hospital is 56,25% influenced by the family. As much as 37,5% of husband, family, and birth attendant in dealing with medical delivering matters are directly referring mother to the hospital, while 43,75% of them are trying to obtain other helps. Twelve point five percent (12,5%) the distance between mother's home and hospital are more than 20 km and 18,75% mother felt difficult in searching for transportation means. Generally, husbands have a dominant position as a decision-maker, but in deciding delivery attendance and delivery site there are several interventions from family member i.e. parents and parents in law, and also from birth attendant (midwives). In the occasion where medical problems in delivery process arise, family discussion remains necessary in referring a pregnant mother to the hospital. There is a great importance in improving midwife skills in obstetric-neonatal emergency care. Health education staff in Puskesmas need to be more active in conducting mother and child healthcare education. Besides, the programs of "Gerakan Sayang Ibu (GSI)" and "Kelompok Peminat Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KPKIA)"need to be strengthened. Penurunan angka kematian ibu bersalin dan bayi sangat lambat, karena penanganan kehamilan ibu dan kelahiran bayi yang kurang memadai, khususnya di daerah pedesaan. Angka kematian ibu mencerminkan risiko ibu selama kehamilan dan melahirkan. Keterlambatan merujuk, ketersediaan transportasi dan biaya dapat menjadi kendala dalam upaya menyelamatkan ibu bersalin. Faktor kematian dapat dipengaruhi oleh faktor kesehatan maupun diluar kesehatan. Telah terjadi peningkatan jumlah kematian ibu bersalin di Kabupaten Semarang pada tahun 2000 dibandingkan tahun 1998 dan tahun 1999. Pengambilan keputusan oleh keluarga dan penolong persalinan dalam merujuk ibu bersalin ke rumah sakit, merupakan salah satu keputusan awal yang dapat mempengaruhi kematian ibu bersalin. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara diskriptif, dengan menggunakan rancangan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian disajikan tanpa menganalisis dengan uji statistic, sehingga tidak perlu adanya hipotesis. Kejadian kematian ibu bersalin ditelusuri ke belakang (Retrospektif) terutama untuk melihat mengenai pola pengambilan keputusan keluarga dan penolong persalinan dalam merujuk ibu bersalin ke rumah sakit. Jumlah kasus kematian ibu bersalin di Kabupaten Semarang pada tahun 2000 yang tercatat di Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Semarang sebanyak 18 kasus. Sebagian besar ibu hamil berumur antara 20 — 35 tahun (81,25 %). Tingkat pendidikan 43,75 % lulusan Sekolah Dasar, 50 % berstatus sebagai ibu rumah tangga dan dalam pengambilan keputusan sehari-hari suami dominan. Namun dalam mengambil keputusan merujuk ibu bersalin 56,25 % dipengaruhi keluarga. Suami, keluarga dan penolong persalinan dalam menghadapi masalah medis persalinan sebanyak 37,5 % langsung merujuk ibu ke rumah sakit, 43,75 % masih berusaha mencari penolong lain. Terdapat 12,5 .% jarak tempat tinggal ibu bersalin ke rumah sakit lebih dari 20 km, 18,75 % kesulitan mendapatkan alat transportasi. Pola pengambilan keputusan rumah tangga sehari-hari suami dominan, tetapi dalam penentuan penolong persalinan dan tempat bersalin ada yang turut campur, dari pihak keluarga yaitu orang tua dan mertua, dari penolong persalinan yaitu bidan. Pada saat menghadapi masalah medis persalinan masih diperlukan musyawarah keluarga untuk merujuk ibu bersalin ke rumah sakit. Perlu adanya peningkatan ketrampilan bidan dalam penanganan kegawatan obstetri neonatal. Petugas penyuluhan ditingkat Puskesmas agar lebih aktif mengadakan penyuluhan kesehatan ibu dan anak. Kegiatan Gerakan Sayang Ibu (GSI) dan kelompok Peminat Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KPKIA) perlu diaktifkan kembali.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Public Health |
ID Code: | 13653 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 07 Jun 2010 13:54 |
Last Modified: | 07 Jun 2010 13:54 |
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