Yustianto , Yustianto (2001) ANALISIS NILAI KONSUMEN PADA MOBIL MEREK TOYOTA JENIS SEDAN DI KOTA SEMARANG. Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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From many customer studies aspect, the customers satisfaction becomes the major aspect which is very attractive to observe. It is a relative matter, dynamic, moving along the business competition, the advanced technology, other individual and group's influences. Therefore, every company has to comprehend its customers behavior in its target market, because the going concern or the company's continuity as the organization which does the efforts to fulfil its customer's needs and wants depends on its customers behavior. (Levitt, 1987; Jones and Sasser 1998). Some arguments have been uttered by some researchers who agreed that the conduct of the customers values is persuasive, and the existence of the framework which_ depicts conceptually of how the managers have to improve the competitive advantages which is focused on customer. (example; Day 1990; Slater and Narver 1995). Many companies failed in sustaining their customers loyalty, which once they have attained through effortful works. One of the failure's reasons is the incapability of the company to conduct or manage the customers values. (Burns and Woodruff, 1992; Kotler, 1996; Dutka, 1994) Based on the research's background, hence the research gap was improved and became the issue of this research. The main issue of the research is: how is the customers value analysis on Toyota sedan cars in Semarang? To answer the issue in this research, the research model was enhanced, which consists of for variables Le. the customers value, the brand equity, the service quality of the product and the customers loyalty with three tested hypothesis. The analysis tool " Structural Equation Modelling" (SEM), in AMOS 4.0 program was applied for the data analyses which was accomplished toward 120 respondents who own the Toyota sedan cars in Semarang. The data analysis result indicates that all the proposed hypothesis were acceptable. Therefore it can be concluded that the brand equity variable and the service quality of the product have positive influences to the customers loyalty. So the conclusion is that the high customers value is able to raise the customers loyalty of a product. This research is also relating the research's result with the theoretical implication and the policy implication for the management which would be explained in the conclusion section. The limitation of the research and the future research's agenda would be able to set as a reference for the next researchers. Dad berbagai aspek telaah konsumen, kepuasan konsumen rnerupakan aspek yang menarik untuk diamati. Dikatakan menarik karena kepuasan konsumen adalah sesuatu yang relatif, dan dinamis, sejalan dengan persaingan bisnis, kemajuan teknologi, pengaruh individu lain maupun kelompok. Dengan demikian, setiap perusahaan harus mampu memahami perilaku konsumen pada pasar sasarannya, karena kelangsungan hidup perusahaan tersebut sebagai organisasi yana berusaha memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan para konsumennya sangat tergantung pada perilaku konsumennya (Levitt, 1987; Jones dan Sasser 1998). Beberapa argumen telah dikemukakari oleh beberapa peneliti yang setuju akan pengelolaan nilai konsumen adalah bersifat persuasif, dan adanya kerangka kerja yang menggambarkan secara konseptual bagaimana para manajer seharusnya mengembangkan keunggulan bersaing yang berfokus pada konsumen (misal; Day, 1990; Slater dan Narver, 1995). Banyak perusahaan gagal mempertahankan loyalitas konsumennya , yang dulu diperoleh dengan susah payah. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah ketidakmampuan pihak perusahaan dalam mengelola nilai konsumennya (Burns dan Woodruff, 1992 ; Kotler, 1996; Dutka, 1994). Berdasarkan latar belakang penelitian, maka dikembangkaniah research gap yang dijadikan permasalahan dalam penelitian. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah : bagaimana analisis nilai konsumen pada mobil merek Toyota jenis sedan di Kota Semarang ? Untuk menjawab permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, maka dikembangkanlah model penelitian yang terdiri dad empat variabel, yaitu nilai konsumen, ekuitas merek, kualitas pelayanan atas produk dan loyalitas konsumen dengan tiga hipotesis yang diuji. Analisis data terhadap 120 responden yang memiliki mobil merek Toyota jenis sedan di kota Semarang dilakukan dengan alat analisis Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) pada program AMOS 4.0. HasH analisis data menunjukkan bahwa semua hipotesis yang diajukan dapat diterima. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel ekuitas merek dan kualitas pelayanan atas produk berpengaruh positif terhadap nilai konsumen, sedangkan variabel nilai konsumen sandhi berpengaruh positif terhadap loyalitas konsumen. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa nilai konsumen yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan loyalitas konsumen pada suatu produk. Penelitian ini juga menghubungkan hasil penelitian dengan implikasi teoritis dan implikasi kebijakan bagi manajemen yang diuraikan pada bagian kesimpulan. Keterbatasan penelitian dan agenda penelitian mendatang dapat dijadikan acuan bagi para peneliti selanjutnya.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Management |
ID Code: | 13635 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 07 Jun 2010 12:41 |
Last Modified: | 07 Jun 2010 12:41 |
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