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Soemadi, SH, Thesis. The responsibility period of a carrier for carrying containerized cargo by sea transportation. The shipment of cargo in containers is one of the most significant and exciting developments in the transportation industry. As we have known, according to ISO standard, the term container mean is an article of transport neither vehicle nor conventional packaging. Containerization replace conventional fragmented transportation system by one fully integrated system, called Multimodal Transport or Combined Transport. Based on the above description there are two research questions to be answer : 1. how far the period of carrier's responsibility on the carriage of containerized cargo ? 2. are the national laws of transportation suitable to accommodate the technology development of Combined Transport ? To obtain the answer about the above research question has been carried out a library and containerization research. The sample has been taken from the management and staffs of the shipping lines companies and freight forwarding companies in charge of containerization in port of Semarang The sample were 50 persons by using purposive non random sampling, who had to answer 40 questions each. Data were collected through interview and observation, and the quantitative analysis was applied to obtain the percentage descriptive of the answer. Based on die research finding percentage of the answer about the responsibility period can be seen that : 72,4 % of the answer to indicate a good understanding about carrier's responsibility and the implementation in accordance with the common practice of containerization. - 27,6 % of the answer to indicate a poor understanding about carrier's responsibility. The implementation follow the common practice of containerization. The percentage of the answer about national laws related to combined transport can be seen that : - 58, 4 % of the answer state that national laws of transportation are suitable for covering combined transport, but were not suitable for special cases. - 41,6% of the answer state that national laws of transportation not suitable for covering combined transport arising from containerizatin. The conclusing of the research fmding can be drawn as follows : 1. The period of carrier's responsibility falls into two categories : a. on frill container load shipment ( FCL ), the period of carrier's responsibility starts from the time when the carrier receives container at container yard of loading port up to the time when the carrier delivers container to the consignee at container yard of destination port ( CY to CY ), and b. on less than container load shipment ( LCL ), the period of carrier's responsibility starts from the time when the carrier receives the cargo at container freight station of loading port up to the time when the carrier delivers the cargo to the consignee at container freight station of destination port ( CFS to CFS ). 2. The national laws of transportation are suitable for covering a combined transport arising from containerization as a tool of engineering, but not for special cases. Soemadi, SH, Tesis. Periode Tanggung Jawab Pengangkut pada Pengangkutan Barang dengan Container dalam Angkutan Laut. Pengiriman barang dalam container merupakan suatu perkembangan nyata dan menarik dalam industri transportasi. Sebagaimana telah kita ketahui, menurut standard ISO, pengertian container adalah alat pengangkutan bukan kendaraan, bukan kemasan barang. Containerisasi menggantikan system transportasi yang terputus-putus dengan sistem transportasi terpadu yang disebut Multimodal Transport atau Penganglcutan Gabungan. Berdasarkan uraian singkat tersebut, terdapat dua permasalahan yang perlu dijawab: 1. sejauh manakah periode tanggung jawab pengangkut pada pengangkutan barang dengan container ? 2. apakah hukum nasional sebagai alat pengatur dapat mengakomodasikan perkembangan teknologi pengangkutan gabungan ? Untuk memperoleh jawaban dari permasalahan tersebut telah dilakukan penelitian kepustakaan dan stuck lapangan tentang containerisasi. Sample yang diambil adalah pimpinan dan staf karyawan perusahaan pelayaran dan freight forwarding yang menangani containerisasi di pelabuhan Semarang. Sample sebanyak 50 responden diambil dengan cara non random purposive sampling dengan diberikan questionnaire 40 pertanyaan setiap responden. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, persentase jawaban tentang periode tanggung jawab pengangkut dapat dilihat bahwa : 72,4 % jawaban responden menunjukkan tingkat pemahaman yang balk terhadap periode tanggung jawab pengangkut dan penerapannya dilapangan sesuai dengan kebiasaan praktek yang dilakukan dalam containerisasi. 27,6 % jawaban responden menunjuldcan tingkat pemahaman terhadap periode tanggung jawab pengangkut kurang balk, penerapannya dilapangan mengikuti kebiasaan praktek yang dilakukan dalam containerisasi. Persentase jawaban tentang hukum nasional berkaitan dengan pengangkutan gabungan dapat dilihat bahwa • 58, 4 % jawaban responden menyatakan bahwa hukum nasional tentang pengangkutan sesuai untuk mengakomodir pengangkutan gabungan, tetapi tidak sesuai untuk hal-hal yang bersifat khusus. 41,6 % jawaban responden menyatakan bahwa hukum nasional tentang pengangkutan, tidak sesuai untuk mengakomodir pengangkutan gabungan yang muncul adanya containerisasi Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan sebagai berilc-ut : 1. Periode tanggung jawab pengangkut terdiri dari dua kategori : a. pada pengiriman barang secara full container load ( FCL), periode tanggung jawab pengdngkut dinaulai dari saat pengangkut menerima container di container yard pelabuhan pemuatan sampai dengan saat pengangkut menyerahkan container di container yard pelabuhan tujuan ( CY to CY ), dan b. pada pengiriman barang secara less than container load ( LCL ), periode tangoing jawab pengangkut dimulai dari saat pengangkut menerima barang di container freight station pelabuhan pemuatan samapai dengan saat pengangkut menyerahkan barang di container freight station pelabuhan tujuan ( CFS to CFS ). 2. Hukum nasional tentang pengangkutan dapat mengakomodir sistem pengangkutan gabungan yang muncul adanya containerisasi dan dapat berfungsi sebagai alat pengatur, tetapi untuk hal-hal yang bersifat khusus tidak sesuai.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:K Law > K Law (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Law
ID Code:13605
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:07 Jun 2010 11:33
Last Modified:07 Jun 2010 11:33

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