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Recent technology has experienced a fast growth following human civilization improvement. Such phenomenon leads to higher level of competitiveness. Competion requires firms and enterprises to create value added qualities. One effect these technological shifts goes to automotive industries, including, PT. Nasmoco Kaligawe Semarang. The form has made efforts to market its products by using a marketing mix technique, in which product, price, promotional, and distributional strategies are involved. The importance of price and quality effects on purchase desicion in buying automotive products cause PT. Nasmoco Kaligawe Semarang to seek and gather as many information as possible about customers. According to development of the market place, more customers favor Toyota Kijang as their firts option. However, there are still obstacles in purchase desicion, such as uncertainty of the customers before they make final desicion in buying this brand. Factors that cause such uncertainty vary form irelevant pricing from the seller to unmachted product quality with the price. Generated by Foxit PDF Creator © Foxit Software http://www.foxitsoftware.com For evaluation only. This reseach applies an explanatory method explaining the relationship between studied variables. Samples collected by purposive random sampling, whereas data are obtained from observation, quesioner, and literary study. Result obtained from SPSS data process show a regression of Y = 13,017 – 0,425 X1 + 0,170 X2 and a positive and significant effet of price and product quality on purchase desition of Toyota Kijang. The effects takes place simultaneously. From the reseach it can be concluded that both price and product quality do affect the purchase desicion of the vehicles in study. In order to draw interest of more customers, PT. Nasmoco Kaligawe Semarang can make available such facilities as discounted price and/or bonuses so that the customers find it more varied, attractive and higher quality. One thing the firm should remember is that it is supposed to organize market reseach to identify the customers, interest, intention, and needs. These efforts are believed to generate the customers satisfaction. In addition, substantial development of the products should be one of supreme priorities. Keyword : Price, quqlity of the oproduct, purchase decision.
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management |
Divisions: | Faculty of Social and Political Sciences > Department of Business Administration |
ID Code: | 13571 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 07 Jun 2010 10:40 |
Last Modified: | 07 Jun 2010 10:40 |
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