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The first of economic growth in the new order era, in fact, had made society forgot about the existence of Faillsement Verordening of Bankruptcy Law was issued in 1905. However, since monetary and_ economic crisis was happened in the middle of 1997, which was coining up some difficulties in business sector, had caused bankruptcy matters become more popular back until its top level where it was decelerated the new Bankruptcy Law which is so-called Law No. 4 Year 1998 concerning Govenunent Regulation Decree No. 1 Year 1998 concerning the Amendment of Bankruptcy Law. The Bankruptcy Law is being hope to be a new legal device that regulate matter of debtor fulfillment obligation to their creditors. Thus, • in any condition of liquidity difficulties, e debtor as could as possible not to lose his creditors. Besides that, this law give also the facility to debtor for apply PKPU (Penundaan Pembayaran Utang / the Suspension of Debt Payment Obligation) application as one of alternative ways to avoid Bankruptcy. The PKPU is definitely very useful in order to keep sustainable of debtor's life and it will be affected to national economic growth. In order to use those settlement, as a matter of fact, Judges should really consider the debtor's prospect by minimize the losses of their creditor. Although for declaring such a verdict, Judges have to have agreements from the creditors quorum. The case above is absolutely become more and more interesting to be research so that it could be found the answer for the question how to save a company from Bankruptcy in relation with win-win solution for debtor and creditor. Nowadays, under the circumstances there are only two optional choices, the first is to change several settlements in Bankruptcy Law. Next, the Judges in giving a verdict is unspecialized base on Bankruptcy Law only since in principally every court decision is always followed by the sentence "JUSTICE FORSAKEN UNDER A NAME OF GOD THE ALMIGHTY." Pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cepat di era Orde Baru ternyata telah menjadikan masyarakat lupa atas keberadaan Faillisements Verordening atau Undang-undang Kepailitan yang diundangkan pada tahun 1905. Namun sejak terjadinya krisis moneter dan ekonomi pada pertengahan tahun 1997, yang menimbulkan berbagai kesulitan dalam dunia usaha menyebabkan masalah kepailitan kembali populer, hingga puncaknya ditetapkan Undang-tuidang Kepailitan ban, yaitu Undang¬undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1998 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-undang Kepailitan. Undang-undang Kepailitan ini diharapkan menjadi sarana hukum bare yang mengatur soal pemenuhan kewajiban debitur kepada para krediturnya. Sehingga dalam kondisi kesulitan lilcuiditas, debitur sedapat mungkin tidak merugikan para krediturnya. Selain itu, undang¬imdang ini juga memberikan fasilitas kepada debitur tuttuk mengajukan • pennohonan PKPU (Penundaan Kewajiban Pembayaran Utang) sebagai salah sate alternatifjalan dalam mencegah kepailitan PKPU tersebut sudah barang tentu sangat bermanfaat dalam menjaga - kelangsungan hidup debitur dan akan berdampak pada pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional. Oleh karma itu dalam menggtmakan ketentuan tersebut, Majelis Hakim hams benar-benar mempertimbangkan prospek debitur dengan meminimalisir kerugian para kreditumya. Meskipun untuk menetapkan putusan seperti Majelis Hakim hams memperoleh persetujuan secara konun dari pada kreditur. Persoalan diatas tentu menjadi menarik untuk diteliti. Sehingga dapat ditemukan jawaban atas pertanyaan bagaimana menyelamatkan perusahaan dari kepailitan dalam hubungan debitur dan kreditur yang win-win solution. Dalam keadaan sekarang hanya dua pilibaH, yaitu, pertama, mengubah beberapa ketentuan dalam Undang-undang Kepailitan. Kedua, Majelis Hakim dalam menetapkan putusan tidak khusus berdasar pada Uridang-tindang Kepailitan, karena pada hakekatnya setiap pengadilan selalu diawali dengan kata-kata "DEMI KEADILAN BERDASARKAN KETUHANAN YANG MAHA ESA"
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Law |
ID Code: | 13473 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 04 Jun 2010 11:44 |
Last Modified: | 04 Jun 2010 11:44 |
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