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Studies about Legal Culhre and Small Entrepreneur Empowerment in the hnplementation of Trademark Act as an Attempt for Product Protection, is an effort of disclosing case in conjunction with perception, value, and behavior of the small entrepreneur playing its role in the implementation of Trademark Act, particularly about trademark registration and their powerlessness which result in the limitation of small entrepreneur in proposing their trademark registered. The study was conducted to small entrepreneur in Surakarta City, by applying socio-legal approach and qualitative research method, whereas the analysis applies inductive teclinique with an interactive mode. Actually, the, implementation of Trademark Act indeed was less effective, small entrepreneur has perception and behavior different from what is in the concept. The legal concept to have trademark right by register (constitutive system) to get legal protection implies that trademark is valuable asset for business development and highly economical value. Howe-ver, for the small entrepreneur a trademark was only perceived as an effort to attract constmiers in order to buy their products, so counterfeiting another trademark was commonly done. The certainty of trademark registration was considered "a burden", so rise some unwillingness to register. Communal values of around society also influences them in giving response to the implementation of Trademark Act, which is full of exclusive and individualistic values. The legal culture is directly and indirectly influenced by the powerlessness factors of the small entrepreneur which is caused of their internal or external conditions, and therefore, efforts need to be done to empower them to enforce trademark law system, by classifying and constructing them on the basis of their potencies, sefting up registration centres and Intellectual Property Right (TR) advocacy in trademark field which is organize itself, beside that law empowering also needed. Studi tentang Budaya Hukum clan Pemberdayaan Pengusaha Knell dalam Pelalcsanaan Undang-Undang Merek sebagai Upaya Perlindungan Produk, berusaha mengunglcap hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan persepsi, nilai, perilalm pengttsaha kecil yang berperan terhadap pelaksanaan Undang-Undang Merek lthususnya tentang ketentuan pendaftaran merek dan ketidakberdayaannya yang menyebabkan masih sedikitnya pengusaha kecil yang melalculcan permintaan pendaftaran merek Studi dilalcukan terhadap pen,gusaha kecil di Kota Surakarta, dengan pendekatan socio-legal dan metode penelitian kualitatif Sedangkart analisis menggtmakan teknik induktif dengan model interaktif Pelalcsanaan Undang-Undang Merek dalam kenyataannya !wrung efektif, petkgusaha kecil memiliki persepsi dan perilalcu yang berbeda dari apa yang dikonsepsikaa Konsep hula= perolehan hak ataq merek dengan cara mendaftar (sistem konstitutif) untuk memperoleh perlinclungan hula= mengandaikan merek merupakan aset yang berharga bagi pengembangan usaha dan betntilai ekonomi tinggi num], bagi pengusaha kecil merek dipersepsikan hanya sekedar tuituk menarik minat konsumen agar membeli barangnya, sehingga meniru merek milik pengusaha lain pun dilakukan. Ketentuan pendafturan merek telah dipersepsikan "memberatkan", aldtinwa timbul keengganan untuk mendaftancan. Nilai komunal masyarakat yang melingkupinya turut berpengaruh dalam merespon pelaksanaan Undang-Undang merek yang sarat nilai eksklusif dan individualisme. Budaya hulann tersebut secara langsung maupun tidak, dipengaruhi faktor-fak-tor ketidakberdayaan pengusaha kecil yang disebabkan kondisi internal maupun eksternalnya, sehingga diperlukan upaya pemberdayaan pengusaha knell untuk memperkuat sistem huktim merek, yang dilakulcan melalui langlcah-langlcah pengldasiftkasian clan pembinaan berdasm- potensi yang ada padanya, serta dibentlik sentra pendaftaran dan advolmsi HaKI di bidang merek yang diorganisasilcannya senclin, dan di sawing itu juga ditalculcan pendayagunaan hulcumnya
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Law |
ID Code: | 13419 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 04 Jun 2010 10:06 |
Last Modified: | 04 Jun 2010 10:06 |
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