Sitepu , Sudirman (2002) PERSEPSI TERSANGKA MENGENAI BUDAYA PENEGAKAN HUKUM POLRI SEBAGAI PENYIDIK DI POLTABES SEMARANG. Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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The theoretical frame used for the block of analysis and interpretation in this thesis is the theory of Legal System from Lawrence M. Friedman as a principal theory. Friedman suggested that every legal system contain legal structure, legal substance, and legal custom components. Thus, how the law works as a system can be analyzed through the three components. Beside, to analyze the suspect's perception, the theory of Symbolic Interactions by G.H. Mead was used. Substantially, the theory has some assumptions as follow: First, human behavior is directed toward the meanings it put upon object; Second, the meanings are developed through daily interaction; Third, the meanings are formed as model and interpretation by the performer. The behavior of Indonesian Police Department investigator is the base for the formed perception of how the law enforcement custom of Indonesian Police Department investigator. In other words, suspects deem the police as the behavior pattern performed by the police toward them during the law enforcement process. Background factors of social, education, job, sex, race, age, and religion were not the decisive factors against the perception, because the stimulus against the perception making (in the investigation proc,ess) not came from the suspect but from the police. Efforts to study the suspect's perception have been done through the tracing of cognitive, affective, and cognate dimension of the informers. It means the researcher seek toward it through what they have been experienced, watched, or listened, through how they gave meanings to it, and through their reaction so far toward the police in performing the investigation task. In the investigation process, violence has still been deemed as an effective method to get the suspect's confession in order to quicken the investigation process. Because this research object relates to the behavior of Indonesian Police Department investigator in law enforcement, consequently the research method is the qualitative one. The suspect's perception of the law enforcement custom of Indonesian Police Depai Intent investigator in Police Department of Semarang Municipality has a tendency of violence manner application. Especially toward suspects who not confessed their deed, suspects who also were criminal, and suspects who were performer of criminal act included in category "disturbing the society." Dominantly, the tendency to apply the violence manner was the contribution from the effect of legal system components that regulate the Indonesian Police Department up to now, which are: 1. The Indonesian Police Department Structure, among other things (either in IJU No. • 13 Year 1961 or in I.JU No. 28 Year 1997) the Indonesian Police Department as a component of Indonesian Army Forces and the aim of the Indonesian Police Department organization which is more oriented on the accomplislunent of crime report (clearance rate). 2. The Indonesian Police Department Substance, among other things that the Code of Criminal Law not yet clearly holds sanctions processuil against the violation of suspect's rights. 3. The Indonesian Police Department Legal Custom, among other things that the pattern of education and building of Indonesian Police Department personnel so far have been performed with the military patterns. Efforts which can be done so that the law enforcement in investigation process will not apply the violence manner again, among other things are apart from re-reviewing the legal system components that regulate the body of Indonesian Police Department, also increase the education quality of the Indonesian Police Department, supply the facilities and infrastructure of Indonesian Police Department in accordance with the international standard, and increase the welfare of Indonesian Police Department members. Kerangka teori yang digunakan sebagai landasan analisis dan interpretasi dalam tesis ini adalah teori tentang Sistem Hukum (legal system) dari Lawrence M. Friedman sebagai teori utama. Menurut Friedman, setiap sistem hukum mengandung komponen struktur hukum, substansi hukum dan budaya hukum. Sehingga untuk melihat bekerjanya hukum sebagai suatu sistem dapat dianalisis melalui ketiga komponen tersebut. Di samping itu, untuk menganalisis persepsi tersangka, digunakan teori Interaksionisme Simbolik dari G.H. Mead, yang pada intiftya.memiliki beberapa asumsi sebagai berikut : Pertama, tingkah laku manusia diarahkan pada makna yang diletakkannya pada obyek; Kedua, makna itu berkembang melalui interaksi sehari-hari; Ketiga, makna tersebut dijadikan acuan dan interpretasi oleh si pelaku. Perilaku penyidik Polri dalam proses penyidikan mendasari terbentuknya persepsi tersangka mengenai bagaimana budaya penegakan hukum penyidik Polri. Dengan kata lain, tersangka mempersepsikan polisi sebagaimana pola tingkah laku yang diperankan oleh polisi pada mereka sewaktu berlangsungnya 'proses penegakan hukum. Faktor-faktor latar social, pendidikan, pekerjaan, jenis kelamin, suku, usia dan agama tidak menjadi faktor penentu terhadap persepsi tersebut, karena stimulus terhadap pembentukan persepsi (dalam hal proses penyidikan) bukanlah datang dari tersangka tetapi dari pihak polisi. Upaya mempelajari persepsi tersangka telah ditempuh lewat penelusuran dimensi kognisi, afeksi dan konasi pars informan. Artinya peneliti melacaknya melalui apa yang mereka alami, apa yang mereka lihat atau dengar, bagaimana mereka memaknai serta apa sikap mereka terhadap polisi dalam menjalankan tugas penyidikan. Dalam proses penyidikan, kekerasan masih dianggap sebagai metode yang efektif untuk mendapatkan pengakuan tersangka guna mempercepat proses penyidikan. Sehubungan dengan obyek penelitian ini menyangkut perilalcu penyidik Polri dalam penegakan hukum, maka metode penelitiannya adalah kualitatif Persepsi tersangka mengenai budaya penegakan hukum penyidik Polri di Poltabes Semarang cenderung masih menggunakan cara-cara kekerasan terutama terhadap tersangka yang tidak mengakui perbuatannya, tersangka yang residivis dan tersangka pelaku tindak pidana yang masuk dalam kategori "yang meresahkan masyarakat". Kecenderungan masih menggunakan cara-cara kekerasan tersebut, dominan merupakan kontribusi dari pengaruh komponen-komponen sistem hukum yang mengatur tentang lembaga Polri selama ini, yakni : 1. Struktur. Polri, antara lain selama ini (baik dalam UU NO 13 Tahun 1961 maupun dalam UU No. 28 Tahun 1997) Polri sebagai unsur ABRI dan tujuan organisasi Polri yang lebih berorientasi pada penyelesaian laporan kejahatan (clearance rate). 2. Substansi Polri, antara lain bahwa KUHAP belum secara tegas memuat sanksi processuil terhadap pelanggaran hak-hak tersangka. 3. Budaya Hukum Polri, antara lain bahwa pola pendidikan dan pola pembinaan personil Polri selama ini dilaksanakan dengan pola-pola militer. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan agar penegakan hukum dalam proses penyidikan tidak lagi menggunakan cara-cara kekerasan, antara lain adalah selain meninjau kembali komponen-komponen dari sistem hukum yang mengatur tentang lembaga Polri, juga meningkatkan mutu pendidikan Polri, melengkapi sarana dan prasarana Polri sesuai dengan standar intemasional serta meningkatkan kesejahteraan anggota Polri.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Law |
ID Code: | 13416 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 04 Jun 2010 10:04 |
Last Modified: | 04 Jun 2010 10:04 |
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