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The present globalization indicated by the swiftness of information stream, technology, communication and transformation as well as the effect in the absence of limit between any country and the others ones, then in the trade in particular, especially caused by the development in the fields of technology and information, has caused the activity of this sector increased drastically and even has made the world a free market by all countries to introduce or sell all kinds of product which mostly use Intellectual Property Rights which is an intellectual result of human being. That is why it needs law protection in that field. Moreover we see that some countries including Indonesia, at present rely on economic and trading activities on a product resulted by the Human Intellectual ability such as Creation Work in the field of Science, Art and Literature, so the application of Intellectual Property Rights Law is included in it. Copyright becomes more important in order to give law protection to entrepreneur's designer including the batik entrepreneur. By the existence of The Copyright Law, then the Surakarta Batik entrepreneur's interest as well as the interest of Batik entrepreneur can be accomodated, this can be indicated by the arrangement of protection on Economic Right. Protection on Copyright of Batik Art Copyright and the Protection Duration , Licence Problem, Protection on Moral Right, Right and Authority to sue for the inventor and the arrangement on the crime condemnation. The Understanding of Application of Copyright Law can accomodate the interest of Batik entrepreneur from several side, almost of the same aspiration saying that by the exsistence of Copyright Law and applied correctly, and completed with means as well as infrastructure and reliable oficials, it will certainly give much advantages for Batik entrepreneur or designer of Batik motives. The Application of Copyright Law in Indonesia which is executed in Accordance with right law regulation as well as based on the awareness of the Batik entrepreneur community who like to appraise The Batik copyright of other Batik entrepreneur's as well as omitting tradition which considers that Batik Copyright is an ancestor's heritage hence the application of Copyright Law can accomodate the interest of Batik entrepreneur. Law Pretection of the Batik entrepreneur of Surakarta in its application of Copyright Law, has been arranged in Indonesia since dutch colonization era. This definition has been regulated in Auteurswet 1912 (Staatblad No. 600 of 1912) concerning with creation in the field of science, art and literature. Copyright based on Auteurswet 1912 has been an absolute right, but Batik copyright has not been arranged yet, and only in The Law No. 7 of 1987 which then was renewed by The Law No. 12 of 1997 Batik Copyright was arranged and had a Law Protection. Then all The Three laws (Law No. 6 of 1982, Law No. 7 of 1987, and Law No. 12 of 1997 concerning Copyright) was changed with a New Law Namely Law No. 19 of 2002, on Copyright. The Protection of Batik copyright was still constantly arranged. Law Protection toward Batik copyright is not obligated to register in advance at regional office of Departement of Justice and Human Right in central Java, because although without registration, Batik Copyright constantly gets Law Protection as an already registered copyright. Copyright Law follows the system declarative negative, or that regristation of a creation is not obligatory in protecting a creation work. Because the certificate issued by Directorate General of Copyright, Integrated Circuit Topography and Industrial Design of Departement of Justice and Human Right of The Republicof Indonesia is merely an initial evidence for the applicant if there is any dispute later someday concerning Copyright. The Result of interview with many parties on Law Protection of Batik entrepreneur's design of Surakarta in the application of Copyright Law, that the subject protected by copyright is the idea that has changed into realization and original, copyright rises automatically, a creation needs not always be announced to have its copyright. Copyright is not something absolute because copyright has a social function. The Result of questionnaire from the Batik entrepreneurs on Batik Copyright Law Protection, in the change of copyright law is only one of efforts meant to push and realize a better climate in the field of copyright. Of Course this step has to be followed with other action which is also a defining factor for the realiazation of Law Protection in the field of copyright and supported by appropriate officials and that the community do understand the law of copyright. Beside the approval and the participation of Indonesia in the (Agreement of Trade Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Right, including Trade in Counterfeit Good's/TRIP' s) which is part of The Agreement on Establishing The World Trade Organization, then with Law No. 7 of 1994 on Legalization on The Agreement of World Trade Organization (WTO). The Decree of RI 's, President No. 5 of 1997 on legalization of WIPO Organization as well as with the decree of RI's President No. 18 of 1997 on legalization of Bern Convention. These Conditions have changed the Indonesia's Domestic Law, because of the influence or the adaption with Intellectual Property Rights Agreements which have been ratificated in Indonesia, including The Regulation on its Law Protection Concening Batik Design Creation. Globalisasi saat ini yang ditandai dengan derasnya anis informasi, teknologi, komunikasi dan trasformasi serta berakibat tidak adanya batas lagi antara negara sate dengan negara lainnya, maka dalam bidang perdagangan pada khususnya, terutama karena perkembangan di bidang teknologi dan infonnasi, telah menjadikan kegiatan disektor ini meningkat secara pesat dan bahkan telah menempatkan (tuna sebagai pasar bebas oleh semua negara untuk memperkenalkan atau menjual segala macam produk yang banyak menggunakkan HaKI yang merupakan hasil intelektual dan manusia. Oleh karena itu diperlukan perlindungan hukum dibidang tersebut. Apalagi kita melihat beberapa negara termasuk Indonesia, saat ini mengandalkan kegiatan ekonomi dan perdagangannya pada produk yang dihasilkan atas kemampuan intelektual manusia seperti karya Cipta di bidang Ilmu Pengetahuan, Seni dan Sastra, maka penerapan Undang-undang HaKI termasuk didalamnya Hak Cipta menjadi lebih penting guna memberikan perlindungan hulnun bagi para penciptanya tennasuk pengrajin batik. Dengan adanya Undang-undang Hak Cipta maka kepentingan Pengrajin batik Surakarta maupun kepentingan Pengrajin batik dapat terakomodir, hal ini dapat terlihat dengan pengaturan perlindungan Hak Ekonomi, perlindtmgan Hak Cipta seni batik dan jangka waktu perlindungannya, masalah Lisensi, Perlindungan Ptak Moral, Hak dan wewenang menggugat bagi Pencipta dan pengaturan ketentuan pidananya. Pemahaman Penerapan UUHC dapat mengakomodir kepentingan Pengrajin batik dari berbagai pihak, hampir senada yang mengatakan dengan adanya Undang¬undang Hak Cipta (UUHC) dan diterapkan secara benar dengan dilengkapi oleh sarana dan prasarana serta aparat yang handal, memang akan banyak memberi keuntungan bagi pengrajin batik atau pencipta motif/corak batik. Penerapan Undang¬undang Hak Cipta Indonesia, yang dilakukan sesuai dengan aturan huktun yang benar serta dilandasi dengan kesadaran masyarakat pengrajin batik yang mau menghargai karya cipta batik pengrajin lain serta menghilangkan tradisi mengangap bahwa karya cipta batik adalah peninggalan leluhur maka penerapan Undang-undang Hak Cipta dapat mengakomodir kepentingan pengrajin batik Perlindungan Hula= karya pengrajin batik Surakarta dalam Penerapan Undang-undang Flak Cipta, sudah diatur di Indonesia sejak zaman penjajahan Belanda. Ketentuan ini diatur dalam Auteurswet 1912 (Staatblad Nomor 600 tahun 1912), yang berkenaan dengan penciptaan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, kesenian dan kesusastraan, hak cipta berdasarkan Auteurswet 191.2 merupakan hak mutlak, tetapi karya cipta batik belum diatur , barn pada Undang-undang No.7 Tahun1987 yang kemudian diperbahard dengan Undang-undang No. 12 tahun 1997 karya cipta batik diatur dan memperoleh perlindungan hukum. Kemudian ketiga Undang-undang tersebut (UU No. 6 Tahun 1982, UU No. 7 Tahun 1987 dan UU No. 12 Tahun 1997 tentang Hak Cipta), diubah dengan Undang-undang yang butt yaitu Undang-undang Nomor. 19 Tahun 2002 tentang Flak Cipta, perlindungan karya cipta batik masih tetap diatur . Perlindungan hukum terhadap karya cipta batik tidak harus didaftarkan terlebih dahulu ke Kantor Wilayah Departemen Kehakiman Dan Hak Asasi Manusia Jawa Tengah , karena tanpa pendaftaran pun karya cipta batik tetap akan memperoleh perlindungan hukum seperti karya cipta yang telah didaftarkan. Undang-undang Hak Cipta menganut sistem Deldaratif Negatif atau pendaftaran ciptaan tidak merupakan suatu keharusan dalam melindungi suatu karya cipta. Karena Sertifikat yang dikeluarkan Oleh Direktorat Jenderal Hak Cipta, Topografi Sirkuit Terpada dan Desain Industri Departemen Kehakiman Dan Flak Asasi Manusia RI hanya merupakan bukti awal bagi pemohon apabila terjadi sengketa dikemudian had tentang Flak Cipta. , Hasil wawancara dengan berbagai pihak tentang perlindungan hukum karya pengrajin batik Surakarta claim Penerapan Undang-undang Flak Cipta, bahwa yang dilindtmgi Flak Cipta adalah ide yang telah berwujud dan ash, Hak Cipta timbul dengan sendirinya (otomatis), suatu ciptaan tidal( selalu di umunikan untuk mendapat Hak Ciptanya, Hak Cipta bukan hak yang absolut karena hak cipta mempttnyai fitngsi sosial. Hasil kuesioner dari pars pengrajin batik tentang perlindungan link= karya cipta batik, dalam hal perubahan Undang-undang Hak Cipta memang hanya merupakan salah sate upaya yang dimaksudkan untuk mendorong dan mewujudkan iklim yang lebih baik di bidang 'Flak Cipta. Tentu saja langkah ini hams diikuti pula dengan tindakan lain yang juga merupakan faktor penentu bagi terwujudnya perlindungan hukum dibidang Hak Cipta dengan didukung oleh aparat yang memadai dan masyarakat benar-benar memahami Undang-tutdang Hak Cipta. Disamping itu juga karena penerimaan dan keikut sertaan Indonesia dalam persetujuan mengenai aspek-aspek Dagang Hak atas Kekayaan Intellektual (Agrement on Trade Related Aspects. of Intellectual Property Rights, Including Trade in Counterfeit Goods/TRIPs) yang merupakan bagian dan persetujuan pembentukan Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia (Agreement Establishing The World Trade Organization), kemudian dengan Undang-undang Nomor. 7 Tahun 1994 tentang Pengesahan Persetujuan Organisasi Perdagangan Dunia (WTO), Keputusan Presiden RI No 5 tahun 1997 tentang pengesahan organisasi WIPO serta dengan Keputusan Presiden RI No. 18 tahun 1997 tentang pengesahan Konvensi Bern. Kondisi-kondisi inilah yang telah mengubah huktun domestik Indonesia, karena pengaruh atau penyesuaian dengan perjanjian-perjanjian HaKI yang telah diratifikasi Indonesia, termasuk didalamnya pengaturan perlindungan hukum mengenai Karya Cipta batik.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Law |
ID Code: | 13033 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 02 Jun 2010 13:46 |
Last Modified: | 02 Jun 2010 13:46 |
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