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Latar belakang: Umumnya tali pusat puput saat bayi mar 6-7 hari, tetapi dapat satnpai 2 miaggu. Sebagai tetnpat masuknya kutnan bayi barn labir biasanya melalui tali pusat, dengan puputnya tali pusat lebih cepat infeksi dapat ditekan. Penggunaan antiseptik untuk perawatan tali pusat bayi baru lahir belwn ada keseragaman di beberapa senter di Indonesia, di Ruang rawat gabung RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang masih digunakan alkohol 70%. Digunakannya povidone iodine 10% karena telah diproduksi di Indonesia dan apakah akan mempercepat lama puput tali pusat bayi barn lahir ? Rancangan Penelitian: Studi eksperimental klinik prospektif dengan metode penelitian acak terkendali. Lokasi Penelitian: Ruang rawat gabung/Sub Bagian Perinatologi SMF Kesehatan. Anak RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang/Laboratoritun lima Kesehatan Anak Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Diponegoro Semarang. Subyek Penelitian: Tali pusat bayi barn lahir sehat, cukup bulan, berat badan blur normal. Intervensi/Perlakuan: Pada subyek tersebut dibagi dalam kelompok A yang dirawat dengan alkohol 70% sebagai kontrol clan kelompok B yang dirawat dengan povidone iodine 10%. Metode: Dengan mengacu pada puput tali pusat, maim uji beda kedua kelompok perlakuan diukur, juga larnanya waktu puput tali pusat. Deniikian juga terhadap variabel-variabel yang mempengaruhi puput tali pusat. Ilasil: Selarna satu setengan bulan, sebanyak 70 bayi barn lahir yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi masuk dalam penelitian ini, yang terdiri dari 35 kelompok A dan 35 kelompok B. Dalam penelitian ini didapatkan beda latna waktu puput tali pusat secara statistik bennakna, yaitu lama puput alkohol 70%: 6,61 ± 1,48 had dan povidone iodine 10% (Betadine) 5,53 ± 1,48 hari, dimana p = 0,003. Pendidikan kedua orang tua terdapat perbedaan bennakna secara statistik terhadap lama puput, dimana p < 0,05. Sosial ekonomi dan penghasilan keluarga terdapat perbedaan bennakna secara statistik terhadap lama puput, dimana p < 0,05. Pecah kulit ketuban terhadap larva puput terdapat perbedaan bennakna secara statistik, dimana p < 0,05. Sedangkan partus tindakan dan perawat tali pusat tidak terdapat perbedaan bennakna secara statistik terhadap lama puput, dimana p > 0,05. Frekuensi ganti kasa, umur kehmnilan, berat badan It, diameter tali pusat dan berat plasenta tidak terdapat hubungan yang bennakna dengan lama puput pada kedua kelompok terapi, p > 0,05. Kesimpulan: Povidone Iodine 10% lebih baik dibandingkan dengan alkohol70% dalam hal mempengaruhi cepatnya puput tali pusat. Kata Latna puput, Tali pusat, Bayi barn lahir. ..--••• • Background: Generally the duration of umbilical cord disruption of newborns are 6 to 7 days old; or sometimes at 2 weeks old. Umbilical cord is considered to be the entry point for bacterial infection; as the duration of umbilical cord disruption is shorter; the risk of getting infection is decreased. There are still varies from many centers in Indonesia about the kind of antiseptic used for treatment of umbilical cord; while at Dr.Kariadi Hospital; they use 70% alcohol. Since the 10% povidone iodine is already available in Indonesia; the question arise: will it make duration umbilical cord disruption getting shorter ? Study Design: Prospective clinical experimental study with randomized controlled trial method. Place of study: Rooming in ward/Perinatology sub departement of Child Health Department of dr.Kariadi Hospital Semarang. • Subject: Umbilical cord of helthy newborn, normal gestational age; normal birth-weight. Intervention: Group A as case control with 70% alcohol as a solution for umbilical cord treatment and group B as case study with 10% povidone iodine. Method: With umbilical cord disruption as a point of interest; we measured the differences between two groups. We also measured the variables which interfere the umbilical cord disruption. Result: There were 70 newborn which met the criteria of inclusion; 35 newborns as A group and 35 others as B group. The duration of study was 1,5 months. From this study there were significantly differences about the duration of umbilical cord disruption; there were 6,61 ± 1,48 days with 70% alcohol; and 5,53 ± 1,48 days with 10% povidone iodine (p=0,003). From the duration of umbilical cord disruption issue; there were also significantly differences of parent's education status; also there were signi-ficantly differences on the issues of social-economic status and family's income (p<0,05). The rupture of amniotic membrane also had significantly difference where p<0,05. No significantly differences (p>0,05) also found onthe issue of artificial mode of delivery, the frequency of bandage exchange, gestational age, birth-weight, umbilical cord diameter and the placental weight. Conclution: Solution of 10% of povidone iodine is better compere to 70% alcohol on the matter of the duration of umbilical cord disruption. Keywords: Duration of umbilical cord disruption, umbilical cord, newborn.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Biomedical Science |
ID Code: | 12908 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 02 Jun 2010 07:56 |
Last Modified: | 02 Jun 2010 07:56 |
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