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This study was held to reveal the byssinosis prevalence and to find out the relationship between the content of cotton dust in the working environment, the length of working time, ages, sexes, smoking habit, disease of bronchial asthma and the rising risk of lungs function impairment, and the respiratory tract disease suffered on the employee of a textile factory in Semarang. The cross sectional analytic study was held during 6 weeks from February until march 2001, total sample 252 employee was taken by convenience sampling technique among the high dust area (carding group) and the low dust area (spinning group). The prevalence of byssinosis was 26. % with the following explanation according to Schilling criteria : 7/2 degree was I3.%, 1' degree 6.%, z degree was 3% and 3rd degree was 2.%. The content of cotton dust in working environment among carding group 0.38 mg/m3 and the byssinosis prevalence was 26.0%. Among the spinning group the content of cotton dust a14 mg/m3 with 26.4% byssinosis prevalence. There were significant differences toward the emerging cases of prevalence. There were a decline value of FVC and FEVI among the employee who have worked more than 5 years, before (p = 0,02) and after they worked (p = 0,003); the reduction of FEV1/FVC prediction value before they started to work at the working area more than a2 mg/m3 dust degree compared to those in the working area less than 0.2 mg/m3 = 0,05). Multivariate analysis with logistic regression show that smoking habit have the greatest relevancies toward the case of byssinosis = 0,05) with prevalence ratio 3.3 (95%C1 1 to 10); and the length of working time (p = 0,04) with prevalence ratio 2 (95% CI I to 5). Whereas the content of cotton dust in the working environment; obstruction in respiratory tract; sex; ages; and bronchial asthma shows have no relevant relationship toward byssinosis emergence. The conclusion of this study was that : lungs function impairment correlated with the length of working time and the content of cotton dust in the working environment; Byssinosis prevalence correlated with smoking habit and the length of working time. Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui prevalensi Bisinosis dan mencari hubungan antara kadar debu kapas di lingkungan kerja, lama paparan, umur, jenis kelamin, kebiasan merokok, riwayat penyakit asma bronkiale dengan timbulnya gangguan fungsi pant dan penyakit saluran nafas pada pekerja salah satu pabrik tekstil di kota Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan studi observasional dengan desain penelitian analitilc-cross sectional berlangsung selama 6 minggu mulai bulan februari hingga maret 2001. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 252 karyawan pabrik diambil dengan cara convenience pada area paparan debu tinggi (kelompok carding) dan area paparan debu rendah (kelompok spinning). Didapatkan hasil Prevalensi Bisinosis sebesar 26,2% dengan perincian menurut kriteria Schilling sebagai berikut : derajat 1/2 sebesar 13,5%; derajat 1 sebesar 6,3%; derajat 2 sebesar 3,6% dan derajat 3 sebesar 2,8%. Pengukuran kadar debu kapas di lingkungan kerja kelompok carding 0,38 mg/m3 didapatkan prevalensi Bisinosis 26,0%; pada kelompok spinning 0,14mg/m3 didapatkan prevalensi Bisinosis 26,4%. Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna secara statistik terhadap timbulnya gangguan fungsi pant, yaitu penurunan nilai %KVP dan VEP1 karyawan yang bekerja L 5 tahun dibanding dengan < 5 tahun, pada saat sebelum bekerja (p=0,02) maupun setelah bekerja (p=0,003). Serta penurunan nilai VEP1/KVPprediksi pada sebelum bekerja pada area kerja paparan debu kapas L 0,2 mg/m3 dengan kadar debu kapas < 0,2 mg/m3 (p=0,05). Analisis multivariate dengan regresi logistik menunjukan kebiasaan merokok memiliki hubungan yang terbesar untuk terjadinya Bisinosis (p=0,05; C195%=1-10)) dengan rasio prevalensi 3,3. Lama bekerja / lama paparan (p=0,04; C195%=1-5) dengan rasio prevalensi 2. Area kerja/kadar debu dalam lingkungan kerja, obstruksi saluran nafas akut dan kronis, umur serta riwayat penyakit asma bronkiale secara statistik tidak mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna terhadap timbulnya Bisinosis. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah gangguan fungsi paru berhubungan dengan lama bekeija dan kadar debu area kerja; kejadian Bisinosis berhubungan dengan kebiasaan merokok dan lama bekerja.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Biomedical Science |
ID Code: | 12898 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 5 |
Deposited On: | 02 Jun 2010 07:25 |
Last Modified: | 02 Jun 2010 07:25 |
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