WIDIYANTO, Y.F.Y RONNY (2005) PERAN "A K TIVIT A S" PADA RUANG PUBLIK DI SIMPANG LIMA PATI. Masters thesis, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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The research about "The Role of Activity in a Public Space in Simpang Lima — Pati" wants to investigate the influence of facilities and activities, which are definetively, become the supporting factors for the activities in the public space of Pati. This research uses the urban design and behavior theory in revealing the relationship between the supporting elements in a public space from the physical and non-physical reviews. The research methodology used within, qualitative method to investigate the categorical measurement (good-average-less and poor) to the phenomenon, the characters, and holistic activities. While a quantitative method, using is meant to the results of qualitative measurement (3-2-1 and 0) The obtained scores will be considered as a descriptive analysis and statistic analysis. The instruments used within the research are; an observation and participative interview to collect a representative and objective data. The hypothesis proven by this research is "there are some influences of supporting facilities and activities to a public space". The source of samples are three groups in society who are involved with, they are (1) bureaucrats, academics, and public figures, (2) the visitors and (3) the local traditional sellers, each of the sample category consists of 30 persons. The sample obtaining process was held on a busy hours. Empirical indicators from the aspects of support the variables and the sub-variables from the aspects of: needs, right and meaning. The results obtained from the visitors and the local traditional sellers indicates a good measurement, but the bureaucrats show a less good responses to public space. The descriptive result from the research has been examined using test for validity, reliability, double regression, a "t" test, and a "sign" test. A significant level proves the descriptive result on 0,05. The conclusion is that "the supporting facilities and activities are influential to a public space." The result of this research will be recommended to the related sides and for the development of similar knowledge. Penelitian tentang "Pecan `Alctivitas' pada Ruang Publik di Simpang Lima —Pati bertujuan ingin mengetahui pengaruh fasilitas dan aktivitas yang secara difiniitif merupakan factor-faktor pendukung kegiatan ruang publik di kota Pati. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan teori urban design dan perilaku, dengan harapan dapat mengungkap keterkaitan pendukung kegiatan pada ruang publik yang ditinjau dari aspek phisik maupun non phisik. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan, metode kualitatif untuk menetapican penilaian secara kategorikal (baik-cukup-kurang dan tidak baik) terhadap fenomena, karakter dan aktivitas secara holistic. Sedangkan metode kuantitatif digunakan untuk mengukur keputusan hasil kategorikal secara kualitatif (3-2-1 dan 0). Score yang didapat selanjutnya digunakan sebagai analisis deskriptif maupun statistik. Instrumen penelitian yang dipakai adalah: observasi dan wawancara partisipasif untuk mendapatkan data yang representatif dan obyekti. Hipotesis yang digbangun "ada pengaruh fasilitas dan aktivitas kegiatan pendukung terhadap ruang publik". Sampel diambil dan tiga kelompok masyarakat yang berkopenten (1) birokrat, akademisi, praktisi serta tokoh masyarakat,(2) Pengunjung dan (3) pedagang kaki lima, masing-masing 30, pengambilan sample bagi pengunjung dan PKL pada waktu padat. Variabel-variabel dan sub-sub variabel yang dibangun didukung oleh indicator empirik dan aspek: needs, right dan meaning. Hasil penelitian yang didapat, secara deslcriptif rata-rata responden dan kelompok pengunjung dan PKL memberi penilaian baik, sedangkan kelompok lainya (birokrat) memberikan penilaian kurang baik terhadap ruang publik. Kebenaran diskrepsi tersebut telah diuji dengan metode statistik, Uji validitas, reliabilitas, regresi berganda, uji "t" dan uji "sign". Hasil deslcriptif dibenarkan dan terbukti dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,05. Kesimpulannya adalah "fasilitas dan aktiivitas pendukung kegiatan berpengaruh dan berperan terhadap ruang publik". Dan hasil penelitian ini direkomendasikan kepada pihak-pihak yang terkait serta untuk pengembangan ihnu pengetahuan selanjutnya dalam masalah yang sejenis.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | N Fine Arts > NA Architecture |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Architecture |
ID Code: | 12823 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 01 Jun 2010 15:55 |
Last Modified: | 01 Jun 2010 15:55 |
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