ADIWINARTO, GATOT (2005) PENAMPILAN DAN LAJU PERTUMBUHAN RELATIF KARKAS DAN KOMPONEN KARKAS DUA STRAIN AYAM BROILER FASE FINISHER (21-42 HARI) DALAM BERBAGAI SUHU PEMELIHARAAN (The Performance and The Relative Growth Rate of Carcass and The Component of Carcass Two Strain from the Finisher Phase of Broiler Chicken (21-42 Day) on the different Temperatures Rearing). Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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The purpose of this research is to know the average of feed consumption, the increasing of body weight ( PBB), life weight, carcass weight, " ratio conversion feed" ( FCR) and carcass growth and the relative component of carcass to growth of weight live at 2 strain of broiler chicken that is live at different temperature. This research is used 180 of masculine broiler chicken with the average of body weigh 736,57±39,16 gram consist of strain Cobb ( SI) and Lohmann ( S2), the treatment start at 21 day. Device "Split Plot" break even form at treatment cage with 3 different temperatures those are T1 (34-36°C), T, (29-32°C), and T; (20-24°C), at 2 strain that is strain SI and S2. Device of Basic Elementary RAL, every restating imposed of 3 amputations that is on 28, 35 and 42 day. Parameter the checked is feed consumptions, PBB, life weight, carcass weight and FCR, besides it is alSo examined the relative growth of chest, thigh, upper thigh and flesh and also bone. Research result indicate that 28 day at temperature T3 there is no difference of feed consumption, PBB, life weight, carcass and FCR among S 1 and strain S2. The increasing of temperature at T, and T, cause the significance feed consumption of stiain 52 (13<0,05) Higher than strain SI, but at strain S , can maintain FCR which remain to efficient significantly (P<0,05) better than strain S2. When 35 day at temperature T3 there is significance of feed consumption at strain 51 (P<0,05) Higher than strain Sz. The increasing of temperature T2 and T, degrade of feed consumption, PBB, weight live and carcass except FCR do not different significantly on strain SI and strain S2. When 42 day with temperature T3 feed consumption and FCR are not different significantly (P<0,05) among strain Si and strain S2, but PBB, weight live and the carcass of strain SI are significant (P<O,05) higher than strain S2. The increasing of temperature T2 and T1 significantly (13<0,05) degrade of feed consumption, PBB, weight live and carcass. At temperature T1 and T2 feed consumption, PBB, weight live and carcass of strain Si significantly (P<0,05) Higher than strain S2 at temperature T2. The performance of broiler chicken phase "finisher" optimum at temperature Th and strain SI is better than strain S2. The relative growth of strain Si is faster, the relative growth of strain S, thigh is faster compared to the growth of weight live at temperature T3. On strain 5, the relative growth is faster compared to the growth of carcass at temperature T3, while on strain S2 the relative growth is equal to the growth of carcass at various temperatures. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui rata-rata konsumsi pakan, pertambahan bobot badan (PBB), bobot hidup, berat karkas, "feed conversion ratio" (FCR) dan laju pertumbuhan karkas dan komponen karkas relatif terhadap pertumbuhan bobot hidup pada 2 strain ayam broiler yang dipelihara pada suhu berbeda. Digunakan 180 ekor ayam broiler jantan dengan rata-rata bobot badan 736,57±39,16 gram terdiri dad strain Cobb (S1) dan Lohrnann (SA mulai perlakuan umur 21 hari. Rancangan "Split plot" bentuk seri pada kandang perlakuan dengan 3 suhu berbeda yaitu T1 (34-36°C), T2 (29-32°C), dan T3 (20-24°C), pada 2 strain Si dan S2. Rancangan dasar RAL, tiap ulangan dikenakan 3 umur pemotongan yaitu 28, 35 dan 42 had. Parameter yang diteliti adalah konsumsi pakan, PBB, bobot hidup, berat karkas dan FCR, selain itu diarnati laju pertumbuhan relatif dada, paha, paha atas dan daging serta tulang. Hasil penelitian rnenunjukkan bahwa urnur 28 had pada suhu T3 tidak terdapat perbedaan konsumsi pakan, PBB, bobot hidup, karkas dan FCR di antara strain SI dan S2. Peningkatan suhu pada T2 dan T1 rnenyebabkan konsumsi pakan strain S2 nyata (P<0,05) lebih tinggi dibanding strain SI, manun pada strain SI dapat mempertahankan FCR yang tetap efisien nyata (P<0,05) lebth baik dibanding strain 52. Umur 35 han pada suhu T3 terdapat konsumsi pakan pada strain SI nyata (P<0,05) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan strain 52. Peningkatan suhu T2 dan Ti menurunkan konsumsi pakan, PBB, bobot hidup dan karkas kecuali FCR tidak berbeda baik strain SI maupun strain 52. Umur 42 hari dengan suhu T3 konsumsi pakan dan FCR tidak berbeda nyata (P<0,05) di antara strain SI dan strain 52, namun PBB, bobot hidup dan karkas strain SI nyata (P<O,05) lebih tinggi dibanding strain S2. Peningkatan suhu pada T2 dan T1 nyata (P<0,05) menurunkan konsumsi pakan, PBB, bobot hidup dan karkas. Pada suhu T1 dan T2 konsumsi pakan, PBB, bobot hidup dan karkas strain Si nyata (13<0,05) lebih tinggi dad strain S2 pada suhu T2. Penampilan ayam broiler fase "finisher" optimum pada suhu T3, dan strain SI lebih baik daripada strain S,. Strain SI laju pertumbuhan relatif karkas lebih cepat, strain S2 laju pertumbuhan relatif paha Iebih cepat dibanding pertumbuhan bobot hidup pada suhu T3. Strain Si laju pertumbuhan relatif daging lebih cepat dibanding pertumbuhan karkas pada suhu T3, sedangkan strain S2 laju pertumbuhan relatif sama dengan pertumbuhan karkas pada berbagai suhu.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | S Agriculture > SF Animal culture |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Animal Agriculture |
ID Code: | 12758 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 01 Jun 2010 14:24 |
Last Modified: | 01 Jun 2010 14:24 |
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