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Principally, learning, understanding and practicing science will be useful, like science of archiving. Archiving esteemed like eliminate of punishment place for employee that did fault in his job, so, employee less interested archiving. Based on the Ordinance No. 7/1971 about Main Certainty of Archiving, that the aim of archiving is to make sure the safety of the national accountability matter, about planning, actuating nationality life, and to preparing the accountability matter for government activity. Then, with the government rules No. 30 in 1979 about main certainty of Department, use: — Controls Card System, as controlling device - Classifications System, as archives arrangement device - Retention Schedule System, as reduction device According it, the Government of Central Java Province in Archiving with the Governor Decision of Central Java No. 046/4 in 1980 about Classification Design of Central Java. Related with it, the condition of archiving on Domestic Secretary of Central Java was not actuated the archiving achievement yet with the Government Decision Epistle. In order to know the reality of the archiving achievement of Domestic Secretary of Central Java, author will be trying with the tittle thesis the influence of leadership, motivation, ability to the effectuation of the archiving on Domestic Secretary of Central Java. In here, author researching the influence among the relation of each variable with the effectuation of archiving achievement. The result of it, empirically that the relation between leadership variable with effecivity, the coefficient of both variables is 0,35%, with tables value 96% is 0,046% according to "T" Table with validity 95%, concluded that the hypothesis was acceptable, that there were relation between leadership with working effectivity. The relation between motivation with effectivity showing that coefficient of Rank Kendall between both variables was 0,426. According "T" Table validity 95% and research value 97% was 1 — 0,038%. So, the hypothesis between motivation with working effectivity The relation between ability with effectivity showing that the percentage of research value 0,416% in T Table with validity 95%, research value 97% was 100 — 0,3%. The hypothesis was acceptable, that there was relation between ability with working effectivity. For the relation of leadership, motivation, ability with effectivity showing that Rank Kendall 0,385. On Chi-Square there were value 12,645. When it consulted with dt = 3(95%), coefficient 7,82, counting value equivalent with tables value (12,645 ? 7,92), can be concluded that there were relation between variable of leadership, motivation, ability and working effectivity. With the conclusion that the relation between leadership, motivation, ability with effectivity, there was influenced, mean while other factors is discipline, etc. That was illustration of the research between the influence of leadership, motivating, ability to the effectivity of archiving achievement in Domestic Secretary of Central Java. Berdasarkan Undang-undang No. 7 Tahun 1971 tentang Ketentuan Pokok Kearsipan, bahwa tujuan kearsipan adalah untuk menjamin keselamatan bahan pertanggung jawaban nasional tentang perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penyelenggaraan kehidupan kebangsaan serta untuk menyediakan bahan pertanggung jawaban tersebut bagi kegiatan pemerintah. Kemudian dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 30 Tahun 1979, tentang Ketentuan-ketentuan Pokok Kearsipan Departernen Dalam Negeri, dengan menggunakan : - Sistem Kartu Kendali sarana pengendalian. - Sistem Pola Klasifikasi sarana penataan arsip. Sistem Jadwal Retensi Arsip sarana penyusutan. Sesuai peraturan dimaksud, Pemerintah Propinsi Jawa Tengah dalam penanganan kearsipan dengan Keputusan Gubernur KDH. TK I Jawa Tengah Nomor 045/ 4 Tahun 1980 tentang Pola Klasifikasi Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Berkaitan dengan Surat Keputusan dimaksud, melihat kondisi kearsipan di Sekretariat Daerah Propinsi Jawa Tengah masih belum sepenuhnya melaksanakan penanganan kearsipan sesuai Surat Keputusan Gubernur dimaksud. Guna mengetahui sebenarnya penanganan kearsipan di Sekretariat Daerah Propinsi Jawa Tengah, penulis mencoba dengan judul tesis Pengaruh Kepernimpinan, Motivasi, Kemampuan terhadap Efektivitas Penanganan Kearsipan di Sekretariat Daerah Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Dalam hal ini penulis meneliti tentang pengaruh antara hubungan masing-masing variabel terhadap efektivitas penanganan kearsipan. Adapun hasil dari penelitian secara empiris, bahwa hubungan antara variabel kepemimpinan terhadap efektivitas koefisien antara kedua variabelnya sebesar 0,35%, sedang harga tabel 96% yaitu 0,046%. Dilihat T tabel dengan tingkat kebenaran 95% dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis yang diajukan dapat diterima, bahwa ada hubungan antara kepemimpinan dengan efektivitas kerja. Untuk hubungan antara motivasi terhadap efektivitas tnenunjukkan bahwa, koefisien Rank Kendall antara kedua variabel adalah 0,426. Dilihat tabel T tingkat kebenaran 95%, sedang hasil penelitian 97% yaitu 1 — 0,038%. Dengan demikian hipotesis yang diajukan dapat diterima, bahwa ada hubungan antara motivasi dengan efektivitas kerj a. Hubungan antara kernampuan terhadap efektivitas menunjukkan persentase jumlah penelitian 0,416%, bila dilihat T tabel dengan tingkat kebenaran 95%, hasil penelitian 97% yaitu 100 — 0,3 persen. Hipotesis dapat diterima, bahwa ada hubungan antara kemampuan dengan efektivitas kerja. Untuk hubungan kepemimpinan, motivasi, kemampuan, terhadap efektivitas menunjukkan bahwa, Rank Kendall 0,385. Dilihat Chi-Square terdapat nilai 12,645. Apabila dikonsultasikan dengan dt = 3 (95%), koefisien 7,82, harga hitung dibandingkan harga tabel (12,645 > 7,92) dapat disimpulkan ada hubungan secara bersama-sama antara variabel kepemimpinan, motivasi, kemampuan dengan efektivitas kerja. Dengan kesimpulan bahwa hubungan antara kepemimpinan, motivasi, kemampuan, terhadap efektivitas terdapat adanya hubungan yang mempengaruhi, sedang yang lain diantaranya faktor kedisiplinan, kesejahteraan dan lain-lain. Demikian sekilas intisari dari penelitian antara pengaruh kepemimpinan, motivasi, kemampuan, terhadap efektivitas penanganan kearsipan di Sekretariat Daerah Propinsi Jawa Tengah.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:J Political Science > JS Local government Municipal government
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Administration Science
ID Code:12755
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 5
Deposited On:01 Jun 2010 14:20
Last Modified:01 Jun 2010 14:20

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