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Jakarta as the Capital City which has grown into metropolitan City, at this moment has its potential sources to produce air pollution which come from movable and unmovable sources . The main couse of air pollution which comes from the movable source is from the system of transportation (motor vehicles). Whereas the unmovable sources cousing air pollution are especially electric generator ,industrial and household sector. At present the amount of motor vehicle in DIU Jakarta is about 4.000.000 vehicles ,in which ABRI vehicles , specific vehicles and diplomatic corps vehicles are not included it is predicted that the air pollution causing by motor vehicles is about 70 % - 80%. The impact of air pollution for human life due to man's health ,such as short —winded caused by the lack of oxigen , and this cobdition will be worse and can casise death ,pnemonia, bronchitis, lungs disease, cancer and health disease. In order to cope with the problem of air pollution caused by motor vehicles,the government of DKI Jakarta has held an air quality Management through BAPEDALDA from the management of air quality ,it is khown that in order to prevent physical environment dregradation and also to maintain/take care of the health of community in DKI Jakarta ,the effort to cope the air quality is an urgent step to be made .For that purpose, it is needed the support from many sides, especially from the related instituion at the central government enviroment,especially Minister of life Environment ,Departement of Mining and Energy ,Departement of Publik Working ,Departement of Transportation ,and Departement of Health. DPR together with the government (President) make some regulations ,such as regulations about The management of life enviroment ,traffic law and transpotation law,state minister of enviromental affairs make a regu;ation concerns with the limitation thershold of discarded gas emission from motor vehicles .Then the governor make a decision dealing with qualoity standard and arnbien air ,such as the deciasion about the checking and and treatment of privatecars. The enforcement of envvironment law especially dealing with air pollutation produced by motor vehicks in DKI Jakarta both from the aspect of Administration law, civil law and penal law. Until this time is still on the stage of campaigh for discarded gas emission test ,the education of investigating officer for the civil servant, providing gasoline without metal Aead (Pb), the investigation of discarded gas emission and motor vehicles treatment. Jakarta sebagai Ibukota Negara telah berkembang menjadi Kota Metropolitan, pada saat ini memiliki sumber-sumber potensial pencernar udara yang berasal dafi sumber bergerak dan sumber tidak bergerak. Pencemar dari sumber bergerak yang utama adalah dari sistem transportasi darat (kendaraan bermotor), sedangkan sumber pencemar tidak bergerak terutama sektor pembangkit listrik, sektor industri, dan sektor rurnah tangga. Pada saat ini jumlah kendaraan bermotor di wilayah DKI Jakarta diperkirakan 4.000.000 kendaraan, tidak termasuk kendaraan ABRI, kendaraan khusus dan Corps Diplomatik. Diperkirakan pencemaran udara yang disebabkan oleh kendaraan bermotor sekitar 70-80%. Dampak buruk dad pencemaran udara pada kesehatan manusia antara lain adalah sesak nafas karena kekurangan oksigen, dan apabila tidak segera di tolong rnengakibatkan kematian, pnemonia, bronkitis, penyakit paru, kanker dan jantung. Untuk menanggulangi pencemaran udara yang berasal dari kendaraan bermotor tersebut, Pemerintah DKI Jakarta telah mengadalan Manajemen Kualitas Udara melalui BAPEDALDA. Dari manajemen kualitas udara dapat diketahui bahwa untuk mencegah degradasi lingkungan fisik dan sekaligus mempertahankan kesehatan masyarakat DKI Jakarta, penyelenggaraan pengendalian kualitas udara sudah sangat mendesak. Untuk rnaksud itu diperlukan dukungan dad berbagai pihak, terutama dad instasi terkait di lingkungan Pemerintah Pusat, terutama Menteri Lingkungan Hidup, Departemen Pertambangan dan Energi, Departemen Pekerjaan Urnum, Departernen Perhubungan, dan Departemen Kesehatan. DPR bersarna dengan Pemerintah (Presiden) membuat Undang-undang antara lain tentang Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, Undang-undang lalu-lintas dan Angkutan Jalan, Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup antara lain mernbuat Keputusan tentang Ambang Batas Ernisi Gas buang kendaraan bermotor. Kemudian Gubernur membuat keputusan tentang Baku Mutu & Udara Ambien, antara lain Keputusan tentang Pemeriksaan dan Perawatan Mobil Penunipang Pribadi. Penegakan Hukurn Lingkungan, khususnya Pencemarari Udara oleh Kendaraan Bermotor di wilayah DKI Jakarta baik dad aspek Hukurn Administrasi, Hukum Perdata, maupun Hukum Pidana sampai saat ini pada tahap Karnpanye uji petik emisi gas buang, pendidikan tenaga penyidik pejabat Pegawai negeri Sipil, penyediaan bensin tanpa timbal (Pb), pemeriksaan emisi gas buang, dan perawatan kendaraan bermotor.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GE Environmental Sciences |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Law |
ID Code: | 12744 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 5 |
Deposited On: | 01 Jun 2010 14:13 |
Last Modified: | 01 Jun 2010 14:13 |
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