SIDIKI , IRVAN (2001) URGENSI PENGELOLAAN BERKELANJUTAN USAHA PERTAMBANGAN BATUBARA (SUSTAINABLE MINING MANAGEMENT) BAGI PENINGKATAN EKONOMI MASYARAKAT DAERAH (Studi terhadap usaha pertambangan batubara di Kecamatan Satin Kabupaten Kotabaru Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan). Masters thesis, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Among the ten towns and regencies in the Province of South Kalimantan, Kotabaru Regency is an area with an abundant supply of coal and the highest frequency of coal mining operations, which are concentrated in Satui Subdistrict. It is in this subdistrict that one finds coal mining giant, PT Arutmin Indonesia (a company run by PMA/foreign investment) with a land area of 70,153 ha spread over 19 PKP2B (contractual agreements on coal mining operations) and Oi,th a measured coal reserve of over 800 million metric tons and an estimated reserve of 2.3 trillion metric tons. By 1995 coal production in South Kalimantan amounted to 11,409,192, an increase of nearly 1000% from the 1990 production, 93% of which came from PT Arutmin Indonesia and PT Adaro Indonesia (another company run by PMA, operating outside Kotabaru Regency). Ironically, according to an annual report by the District Office of the Ministry of Mining and Energy in South Kalimantan, in 1996 out of 33 authorized coal workings, only 14 were actively engaged in field activity and had the AMDAL (Environmental Impact Analysis) document. From these 14 coal workings, only one of them regularly submitted reports on the implementation of its RKL (environmental action plan) and RPL (environmental management plan) so that not all the authorized coal workings (exploitation) have been registered. In other words, coal exploitation in Satui Subdistrict is dominated by illegal coal mining operators, conmionly known as PETI. On the other hand, there har been no improvement in the local community's economic welfare level to the extent that the coal mining operations have achieved. In fact, the community has been undergoing psychological pressure from the impact of pollution with coal dust and social gap among members of the community. In this respect, there is very little contribution and proactive efforts from the local government to cope with the situation. The beginning of a new era of regional autonomy in January 2001 has not induced the provincial government and the regency administration to take measures or adopt a strategic policy, particularly to deal with the coal-mining operators who ignore the concept of sustainable management. The regicnal government has been focusing instead on efforts to utilize natural resources with a new to increasing the PAD (regional revenue), which has brought about polemic and conflicting views between the central government and the provincial government, the provincial government and the regency/municipal government, or among the officials of the regency/municipal government on the authority over the management and utilization of natural resources in the region. In order to develop and maintain a conducive climate for investment in the region, particularly in the coal mining sector, each of the parties concerned should be willing to adopt an attitude of critical self-appraisal through introspection and keep the problem in proportion. By so doing, sustainable mining management will no longer be a mere symbol and a standard of performance pursued by the company; nor is it merely a manifestation of compliance with the national legislation but it should be oriented as a proactive effort to enhance the economic potential of the local people, particularly those whose means of livelihold is dependent on the condition of the natural environment in the area. Dari 10 daerah Kota dan Kabupaten yang terdapat di Propinsi Kalirnantan Selatan, Kabupaten Kotabaru merupakan daerah yang memiliki kandungan dan frekuensi usaha pertambangan batubara paling tinggi. Usaha pertambangan batubara tersebut sebagian besar terkonsentrasi di Kecamatan Satui. Di Kecamatan inilah terdapat "raksasa" usaha pertambangan batubara yang merupakan Perusahaan Modal Asing (PMA)-PT. Arutmin Indonesia dengan luas lahan yang dimiliki rnencapai 70.153 ha yang tersebar dalam 19 Perjanjian karya Pengusabaan Pertambangan Batubara (PKP2B) dengan cadangan batubara yang terukur lebih dad 800 juta Metrik Ton (MT) dan perk naan cadangan 2,3 milyar MT. Sainpai dengan Eakin 1995 produksi batubara di Kalimantan Selatan telah mencapai 11.409.192, naik hampir 1000% dad produksi tahun 1990 yang 93% diantaranya berasal dad PT. Arutmin Indonesia bersama PMA lainnya PT. Adaro Indonesia yang beroperasi di luar Kabupaten Kotabaru. Ironisnya nienurut laporan tahunan dad Kantor Wilayah Pertambangan dan Energi Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan per tahun 1996 yang lalu dari 33 Kuasa Pertambangan eksploitasi bait 14 (empat belas) yang aktif melakukan kegiatan lapangan dan telah mempunyai dokumen AMDAL. 1tupun dad ke 14 Kuasa Pertambangan yang aktif tersebut hanya, 1 Kuasa Pertambangan yang tertib memberikan laporan atau tembusan pelaksanaan Rencana Kegiatan Lingkungan (RKL) dan Rencana Pe ngelolaan Lingkungan, (RPL)-nya, sehingga belum seluruh Kuasa Pertambangan (elcsploitasi) terdatakan dalam pelaksanaan pengelolaan lingkungan hidupnya. Dengan kata lain pelaku usaha pertambangan batubara di Kecamatan Satui justru didominasi oleh pelaku usaha pertambangan tanpa ijinlillegal atau yang larim disebut dengan istilah PETI. Sementara itu disisi lain tingkat ekonomi masyarakat setempat tidak mengalami peningkatan sebagaimana usaha pertambangan batubaranya itu sendiri. Yang diperoleh masyarakat justru tekanan psikologis ganda seperti lingkungan yang terganggu oleh debu batubara dan adanya kesenjangan sosial antar masyarakat. Dalam hal ini sangat dirasakan kurangnya kontribusi dan upaya pro aktif dari Pemerintah Daerah dalarn menanggulangi hal tersebut.. Bergulirnya era Otonomi Daerah sejak Januari 2001 yang lalu tidak juga kunjung rnenggerakan pihak Pernerintah Propinsi dan Pernerintah Kabupaten untuk segera mengambil sejumlah tindalcan maupun kebijakan yang strategis, terutarna dalam menghadapi pelaku usaha yang mengenyampingkan aspek pengelolaan berkelanjutan seperti halnya para PETI. Pernerintah Daerah justru terfokus pada upaya pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dalam rangka meningkatkan Pendapatan. Asli Daerah (PAD), tanpa mernikirkan konsep pengelolaan berkelanjutannya, sehingga yang tampak ke perrnukaan adalah polernik dan saling silang pendapat, baik antara Pemerintah Pusat dengan Pemerintah Propinsi, Pemerintah Propinsi dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota atau antar sesarna Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota dalam hal kewenangan pengelolaan dan pendayagunaan sumber daya alam di daerahnya.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HC Economic History and Conditions |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Law |
ID Code: | 12737 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 5 |
Deposited On: | 01 Jun 2010 14:03 |
Last Modified: | 01 Jun 2010 14:03 |
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