Wiharyadi, Didik (2004) FAKTOR-FAKTOR RISIKO LEPTOSPIROSIS BERAT DI KOTA SEMARANG. Masters thesis, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Leptospirosis is a wide-spread zoonosis in the the world especially in the wet tropical areas. Clinical manifestations vary, ranging from non-specific anicteric, influenza-like illness to more specific fulminant disease Weil's syndrome (with jaundice, acute renal failure and haemorhagic diathesis etc). Epidemiological studies showed that living environment conditions, seasonal pattern, occupational and recreational activities can be associated with risk factors of contracting Leptospirosis. Studies on risk factors for Leptospirosis have rarely been performed in Indonesia. To identify risk factors for leptospirosis in Semarang City, we conducted a hospital-based case-control study during period November 2002 to March 2004. Cases were severe leptospirosis patients hospitalized in the hospitals of Semarang (Dr. Kariadi, Telogorejo, St. Elizabeth, Roemani, Pantiwilasa and Municipal Hospitals), while controls subjects were random non-febrile patients admitted to the hospitals at the same admission day. During the period of November 2002 to March 2004, 43 cases and 43 controls were included in the study. Univariate analysis showed that poor social-economic states [Odd ratio (OR) = 4.35; confidence intervals (95% CI: 1.75 — 10.8)], bad personal hygiene (OR--7.04; 95%CI: 1.45 — 34.07), activities in flooded areas in the preceding 4 weeks before getting illness (OR=19.63; 95%CI= 6.24 — 61.76), walking in flooded areas in the preceding 4 weeks before getting illness (OR=31.35; 95%CI= 6.68 — 147.03), walking in the water stagnant in the preceding 4 weeks before getting illness (OR= 18.51; 95%CI= 4.94 — 69.35), history of ulcer on extremities in the preceding 4 weeks before getting. illness (OR= 24.88; 95%CI= 3.11 — 198.69), water stagnant in surrounding of the house (OR= 18.2; 95%C 2.25 — 146.7), flooded in surrounding of the house (OR= 13.4; 95%CI= 2.85 — 21.69), bad housing sanitation (OR= 7.86; 95%Cl= 2.85 — 21.69), bad environmental santitation (OR= 2.77; 95%CI= 1.11 — 6.89), high rat population in surrounding of the haouse (OR= 4.68; 95%0= 0.93 — 23.53), poor district areas (OR= 2.59; 95%CI= 1.08 — 6.20), bad gutter in surrounding house (OR= 2.35; 95%CI= 0.99 —5.71) were risk-factors associated with leptospirosis. Based on multivariate analysis, history of ulcer on extremities in the preceding 4 weeks before getting illness (Adjusted OR = 44.38; 95% CI= 4.25 — 463.5), activities in flooded areas in the preceding 4 weeks before illness (OR=18.1; 95% CI=4.19— 77.30), stagnant water in surrounding of the house (OR=12.93; 95% CI=1.17-142.69), and bad personal hygiene (OR=11,37; 95% CI=1.53-84.36) were influence each other risk-factors for Leptospirosis in Semarang. Conclusion: Bad environmental living condition and personal hygiene are risk factors for acquiring leptospirosis in Semarang. These epidemiological factors may be used as important clues for the diagnosis of leptospirosis especially if the clinical manifestations are not specific. Leptospirosis adalah penyakit pada binatang yang tersebar luas di penjuru dunia terutama daerah tropik basah. Manifestasi klinik bervariasi, dad yang nonspesifik anicteric, influenza-like illness sampai penyakit yang lebih spesifik berat "Weil's syndrome" (dengan jaundice, gagal ginjal akin, dan diatesa hemoragik dsb). Penelitian epidemiologi menunjukkan bahwa kondisi lingkungan tempat tinggal, pola musim, aktivitas kerja dan rekreasi merupakan faktor risiko leptospirosis. Penelitian faktor-faktor risiko Leptospirosis masih jarang di Indonesia. Untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor risiko leptospirosis di Kota Semarang, digunakan studi kasus-kontrol di rumah sakit selama periode November 2002 sampai Maret 2004. Kasus adalah penderita leptospirosis berat yang dirawat di rumah sakit Kota Semarang (Rumah sakit Dr. Kariadi, Telogorejo, St. Elisabeth, Roemani, Pantiwilasa dan Kodya), sedangkan subyek kontrol diambil secara random pada pasien yang bukan panas, masuk rumah sakit pada had sama. Selama periode November 2002 sampai Maret 2004, penelitian ini memperoleh 43 kasus dan 43 kontrol. Analisis univariat menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor risiko yang dihubungkan dengan leptospirosis yaitu status sosial-ekonomi yang kurang [Odd ratio (OR)= 4,35; interval kepercayaan (95%CI= 1,75 — 10,8)], higiene perorangan yang jelek (OR=7,04; 95%CI= 1,45 — 34,07), aktivitas di tempat berair antara kurun waktu 4 minggu sebelum sakit (OR= 19,63; 95%CI= 6,24 — 61,76), jalan melewati daerah banjir antara kurun waktu 4 minggu sebelum sakit (012.= 31,35; 95%CI= 6,68 — 147,03), beijalan di genangan air antara kurun waktu 4 minggu sebelum sakit (OR= 18,51; 95%CI= 4,94 — 69,35), Riwayat luka pada anggota gerak antara kurun waktu 4 minggu sebelum sakit (OR=24,88; 95%C1= 3,11 — 198,69), genangan air di sekitar rumah (OR-- 18,2; 95%CI= 2,25 — 146,7), banjir di sekitar rumah (012.= 13,4; 95%CI= 2,85 — 21,69), kebersihan rumah yang jelek (OR= 7,86; 95%C 2,85 — 21,69), sanitasi lingkungan yang jelek (OR= 2,77; 95%CI= 1,11 — 6,89), populasi tikus di sekitar rumah (OR= 4,68; 95%CI= 0,93 — 23,53), pemukiman kumuh (012= 2,59; 95%CI= 1,08 — 6,20), selokan yang jelek di sekitar rumah (OR= 2,35; 95%CI= 0,99 — 5,71). Pada analisis multivariat, adanya riwayat luka pada anggota gerak diantara kurun waktu 4 minggu sebelum sakit (Adjusted OR= 44,38; 95%CI= 4,25 — 463,47), aktivitas di tempat berair antara kurun waktu 4 minggu sebelum sakit (012.= 18,10; 95%0= 4,25 — 77,30), genangan air di sekitar rumah (OR= 12,93; 95%CI= 1,17 — 142,69), higiene perorangan yang jelek (012= 11,37; 95%CI= 1,53 — 84,36) merupakan faktor risiko yang saling memberi pengaruh terhadap kejadian Leptospirosis di Semarang. Kesimpulan: Kondisi lingkungan tempat tinggal dan higiene perorangan yang jelek merupakan faktor risiko leptospirosis di Semarang. Faktor-faktor epidemiologi ini bisa digunakan sebagai petunjuk penting untuk diagnosis leptospirosis terutama jika manifestasi klinik tidak khas.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Biomedical Science |
ID Code: | 12636 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 01 Jun 2010 08:43 |
Last Modified: | 01 Jun 2010 08:43 |
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