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Santoso,TA. The independence of eating, bathing and dressing activities on stroke patients in 6-24 months after occupational therapy. Scientific research.2003 : 1-55. Objectivee : To detect patients dependency in activities of eating, bathing and dressing in 6-24 mounths after occupation therapy. Design : Observation with cross sectional approach. Subject : The data of stroke patient's at Occupational Therapy sub devision of the medical rehabilitation of Dr.Kariadi Hospital between April 2001 — October 2002 are visited at their home is 72 patients. There are fourty two subjects who are still alive and who are still in the same address, they consist of 27 male and 15 female. Aged : under 45 years ; 3 patients, 45-54 years ; 11 patients, 55-64 years ; 12 patients, 65-75 years ; 14 patients, over than 75 years ; 2 patients. Setting : Subjects residence at Semarang municipality. Time : May — Juli 2003. Intervention : The patients that do not return back to Occupational Therapy Dept. are evaluated by home visit.Data is obtained from questionare. The questionare contain of recent daily activities, age, education, income, paralysed side, recurrent stroke and their comorbity. The ability of patients in doing activities such as eating, bathing and dressing is tested the other variable evaluated were dementia and depression. Main outcome measures : Wheather eating, bathing and dressing activities are still done independently or not and other factors that may influence those activities. Result :There are 3 subjects with independent activities: 2 subjects of 45-54 years old, 1 subject of 65-75 years old: 1 subject of yunior high school graduate, 2 subjects of university graduate: 1 subject with an income group of Rp 500.000 — Rp 1.000.000 per month, 2 subjects with an income of more than Rp 1.000.000 permonth: 2 subjects with right hemiparesis,1 subject with left hemiparesis: 1 subject with Ashworth scale 2, 2 subjects with Ashworth scale 3: Other group who do not wish to be independent: 11 subjects ( 28,1%) of 65-75 years old, 12 subjects ( 30,7% ) of senior high school graduate; D1,D2 graduate, 21 subjects ( 53,7% )with an income of more than Rp 1.000.000, 18 subjects ( 46,2% ) with right hemiparesis, 15 subjects ( 38,3% ) with Ashwort scale 3. Dependent: 5 subjects ( 12,8%) of 55-64 years old, 5 subjects ( 12,8% ) of yunior high school graduated, 6 subjects ( 15,3% )with an income of more than Rp 1.000.000, 5 subjects ( 12,8%) with left hemiparesis, 5 ( 12,8%) with Ashworth scale 3. Reasons for being dependent: 15 subjects ( 53,6%) enjoy being cared by wife/husband/ children/nurse, 3 subjects ( 10,7% ) are reluctant to take care of themselves, 4 subjects ( 14,4% ) with over protective family, 5 subjects ( 17,6% ) feel they are still not clean with their way of bathing, 1 subject ( 3,7% ) feel difficult to dress. Cause of dependency: 4 subjects ( 44,4% ) with depression , 2 subjects ( 22,2% ) with dementia, 2 subjects ( 22,2% ) with recurrent stroke and bilateral hemiparesis,1 subject ( 9,1% ) with Parkinson disease. Conclution : After 6 — 24 mounths of occupational theraphy, there are 3 subjects( 7,7% ) independent in activities of bathing, eating and dressing. 36 subjects ( 92,3% ) are dependent which consists of 28 ( 77,8%) subjects who do not with to be independent and 8 subjects ( 22,2%) who are really dependent. Factors such as: age, income, reluctant to take care of themselves, over protective family, feeling not clean in bathing, difficult in dressing, depression, dementia, recurrent stroke and bilateral hemiparesis and Parkinson disease play a risk in the dependency. Santoso,TA. Kemandirian aktivitas makan, mandi dan berpakaian pada penderita stroke 6-24 bulan pasca okupasi terapi. Karya ilmiah penelitian. 2003 ; 1-55. Tu'uan : Untuk mengetahui masih dilakukannya mandiri atau tidak aktivitas makan, mandi dan berpakaian pada penderita stroke 6-24 bulan pasca okupasi terapi. Rancangan : observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional Subyds data penderita stroke di sub bagian Okupasi Terapi, Divisi Rehabilitasi Medik, RS Dr.Kariadi selama bulan April 2001-0Ictober 2002 sebanyak tujuh puluh dua subyek dan setelah dilakukan kunjungan rumah didapatkan tiga puluh sembilan subyek penelitian terdiri dari 25 laki-laki dan 14 perempuan dengan katagori umur ; kurang dari 45 tahun ; 3 orang, 45-54 tahun : 9 orang, 55-64 tahun : 13 orang, 65-75 tahun : 12 orang, lebih dari 75 tahun : 2 orang. Tempat : Tempat tinggal subyek penelitian di Kodia Semarang. Waktu : Mei - Juli 2003 Perlakuan : Penderita stroke yang tidak pemah datang lagi di sub bagian okupasi terapi RS Dr.Kariadi di evaluasi dengan kunjungan rumah, data di peroleh dengan pengisian kuesener mengenai : identitas penderita, aktivitas kehidupan sehari-hari sekarang, umur, pendidikan, penghasilan, sisi kelumpuhan, stroke ulang, dan penyakit yang menyertai Evaluasi kemampuan pasien dalam melakukan aktivitas makan,mandi dan berpakaian juga menggunakan variabel lain yaitu demensia dan depresi. Hasil pengukuran yang utama : masih dilalcukan mandiri atau tidak aktivitas makan,mandi dan berpakaian dan faktor-faktor yang diduga berperan.. Hasil : Yang melakukan aktivitas mandiri pada penelitian in! 3 orang : Kelompok umur 45-54 th ; 2 orang, Kelomook umur 65-75 th ; 1 orang, Kelompok pendidikan SLTP; 1 orang, sarjana 2 orang. Berpenghasilan Rp 500.000 — Rp1.000.000,-; 1 orang , lebih dari Rp 1.000.000-: 2 orang. Slat kelumpuhan : slat kanan 2 orang, sisi kiri 1 orang, Tonus otot : kenaikan sedikit ( skala 2 ); 1 orang, kenaikan ringan ( skala 3 ); 2 orang. Kelompok terbanyak yang tidak mau mandiri : Kelompok umur 65-75 th ; 11 orang ( 28,1% ). Kelompok pendidikan SLTA,DI,D2: 12 orang ( 30,7% ). Kelompok berpenghasilan lebih dad Rp 1.000.000,-: 21 orang( 53,7% ).Kelompok kelumpuhan sisi kanan ; 18 orang ( 46,2% ). Kelompok dengan kenaikan tonus otot ringan ( skala 3 ): 15 orang ( 38,3% ). Kelompok terbanyak yang tidak mampu mandiri : Kelompok umur 55-64 th : 5 orang ( 12,8% ), Kelompok berpendldikan SLTP : 5 orang ( 12,8% ), Kelompok berpenghasilan lebih dari Rp 1.000.000,- : 6 orang ( 15,3% ).Kelompok kelumpuhan sisi kid : 5 orang ( 12,8% ). Kelompok dengan kenaikan tonus ringan ( skala 3 ) : 5 orang ( 12,8% ). Alasan penderita stroke untuk tidak mau mandiri : Senang dibantu istri/ suami/ anak/ perawat : 15 orang ( 53,6% ).Malas beraktivitas : 3 orang ( 10,7% ).Keluarga yang selalu membantu : 4 orang ( 14,4% ).Merasa kurang bersih untuk mandi : 5 orang ( 17,6% ).Merasa sulit berpakaian 1 orang ( 3,7% ).Penyebab tidak mampu mandiri: depresi 4 orang ( 44,4% ).demensia : 2 orang ( 22,2% ). stroke ulang dengan hemiparesis bilateral : 2 orang ( 22,2% ), penyakit penyerta : parkinson : 1 orang ( 9,1%)

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Biomedical Science
ID Code:12631
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 1
Deposited On:01 Jun 2010 08:33
Last Modified:01 Jun 2010 08:33

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