LOLO, JAOWENNY LINDAJANA (1999) HUBUNGAN KELEBIHAN BERAT BADAN DENGAN FAAL PARU. Masters thesis, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.

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Background: Obesity is associated with increased morbidity and reduced life expectancy. Several studies have shown that body weight excess or weight gain is related to pulmonary dysfunction. The increased mass of fat leads to decreased compliance of the respiratory system. This issue becomes a reason to conduct the study. Study objective: To determine the associations between the body weight excess and pulmonary function in the healthy adults Methods: A cross sectional study design. This study enrolled six hundred-ninety nine respondents, belonged to among 18 - 60 years of age, during January 1997 through December 1997 in Semarang, Indonesia. Pulmonary functions [vital capacity (VC), forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one second (FEVI)] were measured by Autospiro AS-300. Percentage of body fat was examined by bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA.). The correlation-regression analysis was used to determine the correlation between the body weight excess [based on body mass index (BMI), Bray criteria and Bodystat-1500 criteria] and reduced pulmonary function. Results: The spirometric values (VC% and FVC%) were strongly correlated with BMI (r = -0.605 ; p=0.0001 and r = - 0.585 ; p=0.0001). The percentage of body fat based on Bray criteria was strongly correlated with VC % and FVC % (r = -0.808 ; p= 0.0001 and r = -0.727 ; p=0.0001). A closed significant correlation was found between the percentage of body fat based on Bodystat-1500 and VC% (r = -0.780; p = 0.0001) and FVC% (r = - 0.722 ; p = 0.0001). Surprisingly, FEV 1% were insignificant correlation in obese subjects. Restrictive pulmonary dysfunction was found in 94.0% (BMI), 93.6% (Bray criteria) and 83.1% (Bodystat-1500 criteria) obese respondents. The results showed a closed significant correlation between chest expansion and body weight excess based on three criteria [BMI (r = 0.704 ; p = 0.0001), Bray criteria (r = 0.714; p = 0.0001) and Bodystat-1500 criteria (r = 0.582 ; p = 0.0001) ] Conclusions: There was a significant association and positive linear correlation between obese respondents based on three criteria and reduced VC% value, reduced FVC% value, restrictive pulmonary dysfunction and diminished chest expansion. It is suggested that weight loss programs with exercise and diet may improve pulmonary function in obese person. ABSTRAK Latar belakang : Obesitas berhubungan dengan meningkatnya angka kesakitan dan menurunkan harapan hidup. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelebihan berat badan atau penambahan berat badan berhubungan dengan gangguan faal pm. Peningkatan masa lemak menyebabkan menurunnya "compliance" sistem pernafasan. Masalah ini menjadi alasan dilakukannya penelitian. Tujuan penelitian : untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kelebihan berat badan dengan faal pam pada orang dewasa yang sehat. Metoda: Rancangan peneitian adnlah belah lintang. Penelitian ini melibatkan 699 responden berumur 18 - 60 tahun, mulai bulan Januari 1997 sampai dengan Desember 1997 di Semarang, Indonesia. Faal paru [kapasitas vital (KV), kapasitas vital paksa (KVP) volume ekspirasi paksa detik pertama (VEP1)], diukur dengan Autospiro AS-300. Presentase lemak tubuh diperiksa dengan "bioelectrical impedance analysis" ("BIA"). Analisis korelasi - regresi digunakan untuk menentukan korelasi antara kelebihan berat badan [ berdasarkan indek masa tubuh (IMT). kriteria Bray dan kriteria "Bodystat-1500") dengan penurunan faal paru. Hasil penelitian : Nilai spirometrik (KV% dan KVP"%) berkorelasi tinier kuat secara bermakna dengan IMT (r = -0,605: p = 0,0001 dan r = -0,585 ; p = 0,0001). Presentase lemak tubuh berdasarkan kriteria Bray berkorelasi kuat yang bermakna dengan KV % dan KVP % ( r = -0,808; p = 0,0001dan r = -0,727 ; p = 0,0001). Secara bermakna terdapat korelasi yang kuat antara presentase lernak tubuh berdasarkan kriteria "Bodystat-I500"dengan nilai KV% (r = -0,780 ; p=0,0001) dan KVP% (r = -0,722: p = 0,0001). Hal yang mengejutkan, yaitu tidak terdapatnya korelasi bermakna antara VEP I % dengan subyek yang obesitas. Gangguan faal paru tipe restriksi ditemukan pada 94,0 % (IMT), 93,6 % (kriteria Bray) dan 83,1% ("Bodystat-1500") responden obesitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan suatu korelasi kuat yang bermakna antara ekspansi dada dan kelebihan berat badan berdasarkan tiga kriteria [IMT (r = 0,704; p = 0,0001), kriteria Bray (r = 0,714; p=0,000 I dan kriteria "Bodystat-1500" (r = 0,582; p= 0,0001)]. Kesimpulan : Pada responden dengan kelebihan berat badan berdasarkan ketiga kriteria di atas didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna dan korelasi positif linear dengan penumnan nilai KV % , KVP % serta kelainan paru tipe restriksi dan berkurangnya ekspansi dada. Disarankan program menumnkan berat badan dengan olahraga dan diet agar dapat meningkatkan faal paru pada obesitas.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:R Medicine > R Medicine (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Biomedical Science
ID Code:12599
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 5
Deposited On:31 May 2010 19:14
Last Modified:31 May 2010 19:14

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