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The MH Thamrin street, Semarang, is divided into four segments (North —East, North — West, South — East, South — West segment). They have different existing condition. At North — East segment is a commerce zone, North — West segment is an exclusive zone (office zone), South — East and South — West segments are commerce and housing zone. The actual phenomenon is the density accumulation of circulation-parking (at North — East segment) and activity support (at North — West segment) which causing uncomfortable of the Dawasja (Daerah Pengawasan Jalan) space utilization. It makes the difference mount of the Dawasja space utilization in each segments caused by circulation-parking and activity support (informal sector), which finally influence the change of function of Dawasja space (at pedestrian way and on street parking area). Those are arousing a hypothesis: there are relation among circulation-parking and activity support with the Dawasja space utilization. The part of Dawasja space where is closer/ easier to be accessed (by circulation-parking function) and more strength the commercial character of the activity support, the Dawasja space utilization will be greater too. The research purposes are to study the influence of circulation-parking and activity support to the Dawasja space utilization (at pedestrian way and on street parking area). The method research is quantitative rationalistic; survey research methods are observation and questionnaire and the analysis data research methods are statistical descriptive (frequency distribution), Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau b correlation and correlation and doubled regression analysis. From the data and data analysis have been found equal to 78,8% of variation from the Dawasja space utilization can be explained by variations from both of the free variables (circulation-parking and activity support). Between circulation-parking and the Dawasja space utilization have positive and significant relation. Between activity support and the Dawasja space utilization have negative and significant relation, whereas between activity support and circulation-parking have negative and weak relation. The doubled regression equation model is Y (L. RG) = 1088,996 + 0,459 L. SP — 1,769 L. AS (L. RG = wide of the Dawasja space utilization, L. SP = utilization of circulation-parking and L AS = utilization of activity support). The conclusions are both of utilization of circulation-parking and activity support give an influence to the Dawasja space. If the space of Dawasja is more accessible, the utilization of its space will be bigger (proved hypothesis). If the service character of activity support is more strength, the utilization of its space will be bigger too (unproved hypothesis). There are some attributes that required by circulation-parking: 1) accessibility and visibility, 2) security, 3) crowding and density, 4) thermal and physical comfort. The attributes of the activity support are 1) accessibility and visibility, 2) thermal and physical comfort, 3) territorial, 4) crowding and density. The recommendations are the need of next research about the influence of thermal comfort (micro climate) to the Dawasja space utilization on the street corridor where it stretchs out on North — South. Space plan for the informal sector and the circulation-parking at MH Thamrin based on location and attributes they are needed (according to the results of the research). Koridor JIn. MH. Thamrin, Semarang, ditinjau dari sistem fisik terbagi menjadi empat segmen jalan (segmen Utara-Timur, Utara-Barat, Selatan-Timur, Selatan-Barat) memiliki kondisi eksisting yang sangat berbeda. Pada segmen Utara-Timur merupakan zona perdagangan, segmen Utara-Barat merupakan zona perkantoran, sedangkan segmen Selatan-Timur dan Selatan-Barat merupakan zona perdagangan dan rumah tinggal. Fenomena aktual yang teridentifikasi adalah terjadinya akumulasi kepadatan sirkulasi dan parkir (pada segmen Utara-Timur) dan activity support (pada segmen Utara-Barat) yang menyebabkan ketidaknyamanan penggunaan Dawasja. Munculnya fenomena tsb membawa problematika. Terjadi kesenjangan tingkat penggunaan ruang Dawasja di setiap segmen akibat sirkulasi-parkir dan activity support (sektor informal) yang akhirnya juga mempengaruhi perubahan fungsi ruang Dawasja (terutama jalur pedestrian dan area parkir tepi jalan). Fenomena, problematika dan didukung oleh beberapa teori yang relevan memunculkan dugaan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara sirkulasi — parkir dan activity support (pendukung kegiatan) dengan penggunaan ruang Dawasja (Daerah Pengawasan Jalan), yaitu semakin dekat/ mudah bagian ruang Dawasja untuk diakses (oleh fungsi sirkulasi dan parkir) dan semakin kuat sifat komersial activity support didekatnya maka akan semakin besar guna ruangnya. Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh fungsi sirkulasi dan parkir dan activity support terhadap guna ruang Dawasja (jalur pedestrian dan area parkir tepi jalan). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif rasionalistik, dengan metode survey observasi dan kuesioner serta metode analisis data statistik deskriptif (distribusi frekuensi), analisis korelasi data ordinal (Spearman's rho dan Kendall's tau b) dan analisis korelasi dan regresi berganda. Berdasarkan data dan analisis data, ditemukan bahwa sebesar 78.8% variasi dari penggunaan luasan ruang Dawasja bisa dijelaskan oleh variasi dari kedua variabel bebas tsb (sirkulasi-parkir dan activity support). Antara sirkulasi-parkir dengan ruang Dawasja memiliki hubungan kuat yang positif (searah), activity support dengan ruang Dawasja berhubungan kuat negatif (berlawanan arah) dan antara sirkulasi¬parkir dengan activity support berhubungan sangat lemah dan berlawanan arah. Persamaan model regresi berganda yang diperoleh adalah Y (L.RG) = 1088,996+0,459 L.SP-1,769 L.AS (L.RG= penggunaan luasan ruang Dawasja, L. SP= penggunaan oleh sirkulasi-parkir, L.AS= penggunaan oleh activity support). Kesimpulan diperoleh bahwa terbukti penggunaan oleh sirkulasi-parkir dan activity support secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap ruang Dawasja. Semakin aksesibel ruang Dawasja, makin besar guna ruangnya (hipotesis terbukti) dan makin bersifat jasa suatu activity support, makin besar guna ruangnya (hipotesis tak terbukti). Ditemukan adanya atribut yang dibutuhkan oleh sirkulasi¬parkir: 1) aksesibilitas dan visibilitas, 2) keamanan, 3) crowding dan density, 4) kenyamanan termal dan fisik dan activity support: 1) aksesibilitas dan visibilitas, 2) kenyamanan termal dan fisik, 3) teritorial, 4) crowding dan density. Sebagai rekomendasi, perlu •adanya penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai pengaruh kenyamanan termal (iklim mikro) terhada penggunaan ruang Dawasja di koridor jalan yang juga membujur Utara-Selatan serta perencanaan ruang bagi activity support (sektor informal) dan sirkulasi-parkir di Jln. MH. Thamrin berdasarkan lokasi dan atribut yang dibutuhkan dan basil temuan penelitian.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | N Fine Arts > NA Architecture |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Architecture |
ID Code: | 12570 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 5 |
Deposited On: | 31 May 2010 17:31 |
Last Modified: | 31 May 2010 17:31 |
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