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The development of the effort how to develop the fishpond of tiger prawn in Juwana District, Pati Regency are early much demand and hig prize and supported by field potential and width. Whatever they had been problems disease and low technology applications to grow up productions. The research about the analysis of economic efficiency the effort of how to develop tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) by the traditional system and the middle system in Juwana District, Pati with the goals: (1) to know and compare the eligible level the effort of how to develop tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon Fabricius). (2) to know and compare the efficiency level the usage of production factors the effort of how to develop tiger prawn traditional system and middle system. Research method used is descriptive method in case study the collective data through interview and observation, getting sample is done by sampling purposive. The requirement of data is analyzed by double linear regression Cobb Douglas. F test is used to observe the meaning full of global regression coefficient and t test for examine partial correlation. While to know and compare the eligible of the effort is done by examine total quadrant of will t student test the research is hold from October to December 2002 in District of Juwana, Pati Regency. Based on the result of research, technical aspect of function production traditional system, log Y = log 1,0014 + 0,05711 log X1 + 0,0184 log X2 + 0,0608 log X3 + 0,0921 log X4 + 0,0344 log X5 and middle system, log Y = log 3,9009 + 0,0778 log XI + 0,3101 log X2 + 0,0462 log X3 + 0,0559 log X4 + 0,0727 log X5. From F test, both of private and collaboration design shows that F account value < F table either in probability 5% or 1%, these mean the fifth variables have not the real is fluencies to prawn production. Determination coefficient value (R2) for traditional system have 0,6000 means 60,00 % of production resulted is affected by production factors established in the result of research, while for middle system have 0,4850 means 48,50% production resulted is affected. Economic aspect simple system have value t test labour (X5) = 51,8071 and drugs (X4) had efford significant = 51,5333 t > 0,05. Result of middle system t test drugs (X4) = 101,0266 and labour (X5) = 97,2905 had efford significant t > 0,05. In properly aspect, traditional system have MEC = 46,654 %, RBI = Rp. 4.726.494 dan PP = 2,046 years, RC RATIO = 1,3872. While middle system have MEC = 69,163 %, RBI = Rp. 12.337.465 dan PP = 1,2480 years, RC RATIO = 2,0984. Wilxocon test result on MEC traditional system between MEC middle system have tcount=6,533 > ttable= 2,076. RBI traditional system between RBI middle system have tcount= 20,064t > 2,076. PP traditional system between PP middle system have tcount= -3,2195 < ttable= -2,076. R-C Ratio traditional system between R-C Ratio middle system have teount= 6,3482 > ttablez 2,076. Conclution of result research the prawn production middle system on Juwana District more properly can be effort than traditional system, because according middle system have MEC, RBI, PP and R-C Ratio bigger than traditionally system. Pengembangan budidaya udang windu di Kecamatan Juwana didorong oleh adanya permintaan udang dalam dan harga yang tinggi, serta ketersediaan potensi lahan tambak yang cukup luas. Di Kecamatan Juwana pada umumnya petani tambak melakukan budidaya udang windu dengan sistem sederhana dan sistem madya. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini ditujukan (1) untuk mengetahui dan membandingkan tingkat efisiensi penggunaan falctor-faktor produksinya, (2) untuk mengetahui dan rnembandingkan tingkat kelayakan usaha budidaya udang windu (Penaeus monodon Fabricius) sistem sederhana dan sistem madya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat studi kasus, di mana pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dengan cara wawancara dan observasi. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive random sampling, sehingga sampel yang terpilih sebanyak 22 responden dari 10 desa yang mewakili masing-masing sistern sederhana atau sistem madya. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan regresi linier berganda Cobb Douglas. Untuk menguji keberartian koefisien regresi secara keseluruhan digunakan Uji F, sedangkan uji t untuk menguji efisiensi ekonomis. Untuk mengukur kelayakan usaha budidaya digunakan MEC, RBI, PP, R-C ratio. Sedangkan untuk membandingkan tingkat kelayakan usaha dilakukan uji Wilcoxon. Penelitian dilakukan selama 6 bulan, yaitu dari bulan Juni sampai bulan Nopember 2002 di Kecamatan Juwana Kabupaten Pati. Aspek teknis budidaya udang dengan sistem sederhana diperoleh persamaan fungsi produksi: log Y = log 1,0014 + 0,05711 log X, + 0,0184 log Xy + 0,0608 log X3 + 0,0921 log X4 + 0,0344 log X5 dan sedangkan untuk sistem madya diperoleh log Y = log 3,9009 + 0,0778 log X1 + 0,3101 log Xy + 0,0462 log X3 + 0,0559 log X4 + 0,0727 log X5. Uji F sistem sederhana maupun sistem madya nilai F hitung < F tabel pada taraf kepercayaan 5% berarti kelima variabel tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi udang. Nilai koefisien determinasi (R2) untuk sistem sederhana sebesar 0,6000 berarti 60,00 % produksi dipengaruhi faktor produksi pada penelitian ini. Sistem madya sebesar 0,4850 berarti 48,50% produksi dipengaruhi faktor produksi pada penelitian ini. Aspek ekonomis dari sistem sederhana memiliki nilai efisiensi ekonomis (uji t) sistem sederhana tenaga kerja (X5) = 51,80971 (Xs) dan Obat-obatan (X4) = 51,5333 berpengaruh sangat signifikan t > 0,05. Hasil efisiensi ekonomis (uji t) sistem madya faktor Obat-obatan (X4) = 101,0266 dan produksi tenaga kerja (X5) = 97,2905 berpengaruh sangat signifikan t > 0,05. Analisis kelayakan usaha budidaya udang windu sistem sederhana diperoleh MEC = 46,654 %, RBI = Rp. 4.726.494, PP = 1,3872 tahun, dan RC RATIO = 1,8362 Sedangkan sistem madya diperoleh MEC = 69,163 %, RBI = Rp. 12.337.465, PP = 1,2480 tahun, RC RATIO = 2,0984. Uji Wilcoxon untuk MEC sistem sederhana berbeda nyata dibandingkan dengan sistem madya thitune 6,533 > ttabel =2,076. RBI sistem sederhana berbeda nyata dibandingkan dengan sistem madya thitune 20,064 > t .tabel =2,076. PP sistem sederhana berbeda nyata dibandingkan dengan sistem madya thane -3,2195 < ttabel -2,076. R-C Ratio sistem sederhana berbeda nyata dibandingkan dengan sistem madya t -hitunr 6,3482t > -tabel =2,076. Secara umum dapat disirnpulkan bahwa usaha budidaya udang windu sistem madya lebih layak diusahakan dibandingkan usaha budidaya udang windu sistem sederhana.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:S Agriculture > SH Aquaculture. Fisheries. Angling
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Coastal Resource Management
ID Code:12531
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:31 May 2010 15:41
Last Modified:31 May 2010 15:41

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