Lamanepa, Maria Ema Lestari (2005) PERBANDINGAN PROFIL LIPID DAN PERKEMBANGAN LESI ATEROSKLEROSIS PADA TIKUS WISTAR YANG DIBERI DIET PERASAN PARE DENGAN DIET PERASAN PARE DAN STATIN (The Comparison of Lipid Profile and The Progression of Atherosclerotic Lesion between Momordica Charantia Juice Dietary with and without Statin on Wistar Rats). Masters thesis, Program Pasca Sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Background: Statin has used for hypocholesterolemic, but reduced body antioxidant. Momordica charanaa (MC) contains lectin, fiber, p-insulin and antioxidant, have an antiatherogenic effect, was expected to decrease lipid profile and inhibit the progression of atherosclerosis lesion with and without statin. The aim for this research was to compare lipid profile (LP) and the progression of atherosclerosis lesion (PAL) between MC dietary with and without statin on atherosclerosis inducted Wistar. Material and method: Randomized post-test control group design research were done on 30 male Wistars, 20 weeks old, divided in 6 groups after inducted. PI and P2 were control fed with egg yolk three and six weeks; P3 and P4 fed with egg yolk and MC juice 3 and 6 weeks; P5 and P6 fed with egg yolk, MC juice, and statin 3 and 6 weeks. LP (total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-c and LDL-c) were measured enzymaticly, foam cells (FC) and the thickness of abdominal aortic wall (TAAW) were measured on the HE staining tissue. The test of hypothesis used Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney. Result: The study showed that P3 and P4 had lower total cholesterol; triglyceride and LDL-c than control but significant (p=0,009) only P4; HDL-c higher than control but not significant (p>0,05); FC fewer (p=0,009); TAAW were thinner (p=0,602) for P3 but thicker (p=0,917) for P4. P5 and P6 had lower total cholesterol, and LDL-c than control (p=0,009); lower triglyceride (p=0,009) only for P6; HDL-c lower than control, but significantly only for P6 (p=0,009); FC were fewer and TAAW were thinner but significant (p=0.009) only for P6 FC. Total cholesterol and LDL-c of PS and P6 were lower significantly than p3 and P4, while triglyceride were higher but significant (p=0,009) only for 3 weeks group; HDL-c were lower significantly (p=0,009). FC and TAAW of PS and P6 were better than P3 and P4 but not significant (p0,05). Conclusion: P3 and P4 improved LP and FC, but inhibited TAAW only for P3. PS and P6 improved LP significantly, except triglyceride of PS and HDL-c. PS and P6 inhibited PAL and decreased total cholesterol and LDL-c better than P3 and P4, but P3 and P4 decreased triglyceride and increased HDL-c better. Latar Belakang: Statin bekerja menurunkan kadar kolesterol darah, namun mereduksi antioksidan tubuh. Pare (Momordica charantia) mengandung lectin, fiber, p-insulin dan antioksidan, mempunyai efek antiaterogenik, diharapkan dapat memperbaiki profil lipid darah (PLD) dan menghambat perkembangan lesi aterosklerosis (PLA), dengan dan tanpa statin. Studi ini bertujuan membandingkan PLD dan PLA antara tikus Wistar yang setelah diinduksi aterosklerosis, perasan pare dengan dan tanpa statin. Metoda: Penelitian eksperimental randomized post-test control group, pada 30 Wistar jantan, 20 minggu, dibagi dalam 6 kelompok, setelah diinduksi aterosklerosis. PI dan P2 (kontrol perlakuan) diberi diet kuning telur tiga minggu dan enam minggu. P3 dan P4 diberi kuning telur dan perasan pare, tiga dan enam minggu, P5 dan P6 diberi kuning telur, perasan pare dan statin, tiga dan enam minggu. Dilakukan pemeriksaan PLD (kolesterol total, trigliserida, kolesterol HDL dan kolesterol LDL) diukur secara enzimatik, jumlah sel busa (JSB) dan ketebalan dinding aorta abdominalis (KDAA). Uji hipotesis dengan Kruskal Wallis dan Mann Whitney. Haat!: P3 dan P4, kolesterol total, trigliserida, kolesterol LDL lebih rendah dari kontrol, tetapi hanya bermakna (p=0,009) pada P4; kolesterol HDL lebih tinggi dad kontrol (p>0,05); JSB lebih sedikit, tetapi hanya bermakna (p=0,009) pada P4; KDAA lebih tipis (p=0,602) pada P3 tetapi lebih tebal (p=0,917) P4. P5 dan P6 kolesterol total dan LDL lebih rendah dad kontrol (p=0.009), trigliserida lebih rendah (p=0.009) hanya pada P6 dan kolesterol HDL lebih rendah dad kontrol, tetapi hanya bermakna (p=0.009) pada P6. JSB lebih sedikit, KDAA lebih tipis, tetapi hanya bermakna pada P6 (p=0.009). P5 dan P6, kolesterol total dan LDL lebih rendah dan bermakna (p=0,009) dari P3 dan P4; tetapi trigliserida lebih tinggi dan bermakna (p=0.009) pada 3 minggu, sedangkan kolesterol HDL lebih rendah secara bermakna (p=0.009); JSB lebih sedikit dan KDAA lebih tipis tetapi tidak bermakna. Simpulan: P3 dan P4 memperbaiki PLD dan menurunkan JSB, tetapi KDAA lebih tipis hanya pada P3. P5 dan P6 memperbaiki PLD secara bermakna kecuali trigliserida pada P5 dan kolesterol HDL. PLA, kolesterol total dan LDL lebih baik pada P5 dan P6, tetapi trigliserida dan kolesterol HDL lebih baik pada P3 dan P4.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine > Department of Medicine School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Doctor Program in Biomedical Science |
ID Code: | 12520 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 31 May 2010 15:12 |
Last Modified: | 05 Aug 2010 23:52 |
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