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The dynamicization Rule of Law regarding with the implementation of area autonomy that reflect to the Law No. 32, Year of 2004 as a replacement of the Law No. 22, Year of 1999 brings the logic consequence to the government's management in the area especially in the subdistrict. If before, the subdistrict head as a head of subdistrict received the duty of deconcentration and decentralization (base of the Law No. 5, Year of 1974) thus, with the new law the subdisttrict head will only doing the general duty and accept the further assignment from the head of the Regent or the Mayor. This also happened in the subdistrict of Gabus, Regent of Pati. In the levwl implementation apparently was not able to translate and do the real purpose from the law effectively. This may be incurred because of the level of the assignment given to the subdistrict head was not in accordance with the existing problem yet, most of the staff, rank and file were not qualified enough. This problem also may be happened because of there was not enough motivation and there was no awareness on communication in doing their duty. Learning from the above experience, this case will also be bringing some indication including of Why the job assignment the been accepted was not able to support the duty and function to the subdistrict head of Gabus effectively and than is there any relationship between the Job assignment against with the effectiveness, Employee's ability with the effectiveness, Motivation with the effectiveness, Coordination with the effectiveness, the job assignment, employee's ability, motivation, and coordination with the effectiveness. And than, what should the subdistrict head of Gabus to handle the above problems. The research method that need to be utilized is approaching by giving the explanation with the quantitative analysis in accordance with the coefficient "Rank Kendall" trough SPSS program, and for the further consideration will use the qualitative analysis. In taking the example by using the technical of sampling purposive was 27 % from total of the population. The result of the research shown that the job assignment given was not optimal in supporting the daily duty and function of subdistrict head of Gabus because of the job assignments given was not in accordance with the needs, unqualified employee in facing the development, no employee's motivation and the weakness of the coordination system. This opinion supported by the hypothesis examination that given the results of a positive relationship and significant between the job assignment against with the effectiveness, Employee's ability with the effectiveness, Motivation with the effectiveness, Coordination with the effectiveness and also between the job' assignment, employee's ability, motivation, and coordination with the effectiveness. In addition, the subdistrict head of Gabus recommended to handle and solve the problems internally first by improving the quality of human recourses, improving the enmployee's prosperity and follow the term and condition in giving the reward and punishment. And able to solve and handle the problem externally by giving the proposal of departement reformation in the regent level and work with UPT department or instance concerned. Dilaksanakannya Undang-undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 sebagai pengganti Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 1999 membawa konsekunsi logis terhadap penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di Daerah khususnya di Kecamatan, dimana ia hanya melaksanakan tugas umum dan pelimpahan kewenangan dari Bupati/Walikota. Demikian halnya di Kecamatan Gabus Kabupaten Pati, pada tataran implementasi ternyata belum sepenuhnya mampu menterjemahkan dan melaksanakan maksud dad aturan tersebut secara efektif. Hal ini diperkirakan karena jenis kewenangan yang dilimpahkan kepada Camat Gabus belum sesuai dengan permasalahan yang ada, kemudian kemampuan pegawai yang belum sepenuhnya siap, serta kurangnya motivasi dan lemahnya koodinasi pegawai dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya. Berangkat dad permasalahan tersebut, rumusan masalah yang di angkat dalam Tesis ini meliputi mengapa pelaksanaan pelimpahan kewenangan belum mampu menunjang efektivitas tugas dan fungsi Camat Gabus, kernudian apakah terdapat hubungan antara pelimpahan kewenangan dengan efektivitas, kemampuan pegawai dengan efektivitas, motivasi dengan efektivitas, koordinasi dengan efektivitas, serta antara pelimpahan kewenangan, kemampuan pegawai, motivasi, dan koordinasi dengan efektivitas. Selanjutnya bagaimanakah upaya yang dilakukan Camat Gabus guna mengatasi permasalahan yang ada. FlasH penelitian rnemunjukkan bahwa belum optimalnya pelaksanaan pelimpahan kewenangan dalam menunjang tugas dan fungsi Camat Gabus dikarenakan belum sesuainya antara jenis kewenangan yang dilimpahkan dengan kebutuhan, masih rendahnya kemampuan pegawai dalam menghadapi perubahan yang ada, rendahnya tingkat motivasi pegawai serta lemahnya pelaksanaan fungsi koordinasi. Hal tersebut dikuatkan dengan pengujian hipotesis yang menghasilkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positip dan signifikan antara pelimpahan kewenangan dengan efektivitas, kemampuan pegawai dengan efektivitas, motivasi dengan efektivitas, koordinasi dengan efektivitas, serta antara pelimpahan kewenangan, kemampuan pegawai, motivasi, dan koordinasi dengan efektivitas. Sedangkan upaya yang dilakukan Camat Gabus dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan meliputi upaya secara internal yakni peningkatan sumber daya pegawai, peningkatan kesejahteraan pegawai, dan penegakan reward dan punishment. Kemudian upaya secara eksternal meliputi usulan reformasi kelembagaan di tingkat kecamatan dan kerjasama dengan UPT Dinas/Instansi terkait. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan masukan bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Pati dalam mengembangkan organisasi kecamatan sehingga dalam implementasinya mampu mendukung pelaksanaan otonorni daerah Oleh sebab itu saran penulis guna mewujudkan hal tersebut adalah dengan meredefinisi sebagian kewenangan Bupati yang dilimpahkan kepada Camat yang dapat ditempuh melalui pola seragam, pola tidak seragam (heterogen), pola campuran. Kemudian guna menunjang pelimpahan tersebut perlu adanya sumber daya yang qualified serta anggaran yang memadai.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | J Political Science > JS Local government Municipal government |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Administration Science |
ID Code: | 12510 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 31 May 2010 14:50 |
Last Modified: | 31 May 2010 14:50 |
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