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ABSTRACT ENDAH HASRATI. H4A. 099.002. The Performance of Calves Which Have Born from Heifers and First Lactation Dairy Cows, Caused by PMSG (Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotrophin) Injection. (Counselors: BAMBANG SUDARMOYO and SUDJATMOGO) The objective of this research is to know the performance of calves as the result of PMSG injection on heifers and first lactation dairy cows, arranged on breeding program. Research materials to be used are: (a) 10 pregnant FH dairy cows; (b) 10 calves which have born from 5 heifers and 5 first lactation dairy cows; (c) PMSG from Folligon brand; (d) PGF2c, from Reprodin brand; (e) Riiddweigh digital scales; (0 Gude calf weight scales; (g) Milk can; (10 Lactodencimeter and glass scales; (i) Stick and measuring tape. Research planning to be used is Completely Randomized Design for heifers and first lactation dairy cows, which every cow got PMSG dose (0 IU and 1500 IU) with unequal replication. Data collected, are analyzed with analysis of variance from that of heifers and first lactation dairy cows, then tested with Least Significant Difference (LSD 5% and 10%), Parameters observed are birth weight, haemoglobine and haemotocrite value in blood, chest round size and body length of every calf Parent's parameters observed are: thy matter feed consumption, cumulative body weight gain during third timester of pregnancy, and body weight during last month's pregnancy and total colostrum production. Results of this research, indicate that the influence of PMSG dose (01U and 1500 IU) towards: (1) Birth weight, is 34.41 and 42.00 kg (P<0.10); (2) Haemoglobin value in blood: 8.46 and 10.00 g/d1 (P<0.10); (3) Haemotocrite value in blood: 25.33 and 30.00% (P<0.10) on calves, born from first lactation dairy cows. The influence of PMSG dose (0 IU and 1500 IU) on dairy cows towards: (4) Chest round size of calves, equals to: 82.68 and 95.37 cm (P<0.05) and (5) Body length of calves, 68.81 and 83.12 cm (P<0.05). The influence of PMSG dose (0 IU and 1500 IU) towards: (6) Dry matter feed consumption during third trimester of pregnancy, equals to 10.14 and 13.75 kg (P<0.05); (7) Cumulative body weight during third trimester of pregnancy, 63.66 and 89.00 kg (P<0.01) and between heifers and first lactation dairy cows, respectively, 95.25 and 57.41 kg (P<0.05). (8) Body weight during last month's pregnancy, 482.66 and 566.25 kg (P<0.01), and between heifers and first lactation dairy cows, respectively, 505.16 and 543.75 kg (P<0.05). (9) Total colostrum production, 11.00 and 13.68 litres (P<0.10) on heifers and between heifers and first lactation dairy cows, respectively, 17.33 and 32.36 litres (P<0.05). This research concluded that, PMSG injection arranged on cow breeding program could increase: (1) Birth weight, haemoglobin and haemotocrite value in calfs blood, born from first lactation dairy cows; (2) Chest round size and body length of heifers and first lactation dairy cows; (3) Dry matter feed consumption during third trimester of pregnancy on heifers and first lactation dairy cows; (4) Cumulative body weight gain during third trimester of pregnancy on heifers and first lactation dairy cows; (5) Body weight during last month's pregnancy of heifers and first lactation dairy cows and (6) Total production of heifer's colostrum. Keywords: Calves' performance, Dairy cows, PMSG RINGKASAN ENDAH HASRATI. H4A.099.022. Perfonnans Pedet Sapi Perah yang Dilahirkan dari Sapi Dara dan Laktasi I Akibat Penyuntikan Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotrophin (PMSG). (Pembimbing: BAMBANG SUDARMOYO dan SUDJATMOGO) Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui performans pedet sapi perah sebagai hasil penyuntikan PMSG pada sapi dara dan laktasi I dalam program perkawinannya. Materi penelitian yang digunakan: (a) 10 ekor sapi FE bunting; (b) 10 ekor pedet dari 5 ekor sapi dara dan 5 ekor sapi laktasi I; (c) PMSG merk Folligon; (d) PGF2a merk Reprodin; (e) Timbangan digital merk Ruddweigh; (f) Timbangan pedet merk Gude; (g) Milk can; (h) Gelas ukur dan laktodensimeter; (i) Tongkat dan pita ukur. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Lengkap yang diperlakukan pada sapi dara dan laktasi I dengan perlakuan dosis PMSG (0 111 dan 1500 IU). Data yang diperoleh, dianalisis dengan analisis ragam gabungan dari analisis ragam data sapi dara dengan laktasi I, kemu'dian diuji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT 5% dan 10%). Data yang diamati adalah: bobot lahir, nilai hemoglobin dan hematokrit dalam darah, lingkar dada serta panjang badan pedet. Data induk yang diamati adalah: konsumsi bahan kering pakan dan pertambahan bobot badan kumulatif selama trimester ketiga, serta bobot badan bulan terakhir kebuntingan dan total produksi kolostrum. Basil penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa, pengaruh dosis PMSG (01U dan 1500 111) terhadap: (1) Bobot lahir, sebesar 34,41 dan 42,00 kg (P<0,10); (2) Nilai hemoglobin darah: 8,46 dan 10,00 g/dl (P<0,10); (3) Nilai Hematokrit darah: 25,33 dan 30,00% (P<0,10) pada pedet dari sapi laktasi I. Pengaruh PMSG 0 11.1 dan 1500 11J pada sapi perah terhadap: (4) Lingkar dada pedetnya, sebesar: 82,68 dan 95,37 cm (P<0,05) dan (5) Panjang badan pedetnya, sebesar. 68,81 dan 83,12 cm (P<0,05). Pengaruh dosis PMSG 0 IU dan 1500 IU terhadap: (6) Konsumsi bahan kering pakan selama trimester ketiga kebuntingan, sebesar: 10,14 dan 13,75 kg (P<0,05); (7) Bobot badan kumulatif selama trimester ketiga kebuntingan, sebesar. 63,66 dan 89,00 kg (P<0,01) dan antara sapi dara dengan sapi laktasi I, masing-masing: 95,25 dan 57,41 kg (P<0,05); (8) Bobot badan bulan terakhir kebuntingan, sebesar 482,66 dan 566,25 kg (P<0,10) dan antara sapi dara dengan sapi laktasi I, masing-masing sebesar: 505,16 dan 543,75 kg (P<0,05); (9) Total produksi kolostrum, sebesar 11,00 dan 13,68 liter (P<0,10); pada sapi dara dan antara sapi dara dengan sapi laktasi I, masing-masing sebesar: 17,33 dan 32,36 liter (P<0,05). Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini, bahwa penyuntikan PMSG pada program perkawinan sapi perah dapat meningkatkan: (1) Bobot lahir, nilai hemoglobin dan hematokrit darah pedet dari sapi laktasi I; (2) Lingkar dada dan Panjang badan pedet sapi data dan laktasi I. (3) Konsumsi bahan kering pakan selama trimester ketiga kebuntingan sapi data dan laktasi I; (4) Pertambahan bobot badan kumulatif selama trimester ketiga kebuntingan sapi dara dan laktasi I; (5) Bobot badan bulan terakhir kebuntingan sapi dara dan laktasi I dan (6) Total produksi kolostrum sapi dara. Kata kunci: Perfonnans pedet, Sapi perah, PMSG

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:S Agriculture > SF Animal culture
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Animal Agriculture
ID Code:12473
Deposited By:Ms upt perpus3
Deposited On:31 May 2010 14:02
Last Modified:31 May 2010 14:02

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