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ABSTRACT Bangsal Kencono (Golden Throne) is located within Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat Palace and constitutes the biggest throne building in the area. It has various kinds of decorations constituting different symbols which express a system of signs. The symbols are intended to give certain meaningful advice. These forms of decorations represent Javanese culture which was much influenced by Hinduic, Chinese, Western and Islamic cultures. Viewed by their forms, colours, scales, illumination and proportions, these decoration become united into one aesthetic entity containing symbolic values each with its own purpose. The decorations which were studied are the floors, the "umpaks", the columns and the ceilings. The spatial aesthetics was manifestad by arranged the whole interior ornaments based on the unity, contrast, proportion and scales. The aesthetics of traditional Javanese architecture is reflected, revealed and rooted on the culture haritage of the people's religion and custom. In its semiological expression into the aesthetic, the intention is to create both physical and spiritual peacefulness for the people who always want peacefulness and safety. The analyses on the elements of the interior aesthetics consisted of the floor hierarchies, the wall styles in the form of coloumn and pillars. The illumination within the area of Bangsal Kencono is one of the aesthetic elements which is able to clearly display the parts in the interior. The purpose of this study were to understand the aestheticsand symbolic meanings of the interior and to identify the symbolic factor as an aesthetic aspect of the building. This study used descriptive qualitative approach with the interior's aesthetic values as the objective of the review. The needed data were collected by observations, interviews and documentation. The collected data were then analyzed qualitatively by reductional verification and interpretation. By the findings of the study, it is hoped that material an technological development can be syncronized with the aesthetics of this building's interior, which has been bequeathed by our ancestors. It will give some usefulness for those who want to make further studies and provide scientific confirmation about interior architecture. ABSTRAK Bangsal Kencono terletak didalam Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat dan merupakan bangunan yang ada dikawasan kraton Bangsal Kencono mempunyai berbagai bentuk ragam hias, yang merupakan simbol¬simbol sebagai ekspresi sistem tanda. Simbol itu dengan maksud memberi petuah dan nasihat. Bentuk-bentuk ini mempunyai arti tentang kebudayaan Jawa, yang banyak dipengaruhi oleh budaya bangsa Hindu, Cina, Barat dan Islam. Ditinjau dari segi bentuk, warna, skala, pencahayaan serta proposisinya, maka bentuk ragam hias ini menjadi satu kesatuan estetika. Estetika mengandung nilai-nilai simbolis dengan tujuan dan maksud tertentu. Ragam hias yang dikaji bertautan dengan lantai, umpak, tiang dan langit-langit. Estetika tata ruang terwujud melalui penataan seluruh ornamen ruangan dari segi kesatuan, kontras, proporsi dan skala. Estetika arsitektur traditional Jawa tercermin, terungkap dan berakar pada warisan tradisi.budaya masyarakatnya, baik itu bersifat religi maupun norma adat istiadatnya. Arah dan maksud di dalam pengungkapan semiologis kedalam estetika adalah untuk menciptakan ketenangan, ketentraman balk kenyamanan batiniah maupun lahiriah. Masyarakatnya yang selalu mendambakan ketentraman dan keselamatan. Analisis elemen estetika ruang dalam meliputi : hirarki lantai, stilasi dinding berupa soko penanggap dan penitih, serta plafond. Pencahayaan dalam ruang Bangsal Kencono merupakan salah satu elemen estetika yang sanggup menampilkan dengan jelas setiap elemen ruang dalam bangunan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah : untuk mengetahui makna estetika ruang dalam bangunan bangsal kencono, untuk menelusuri makna simbolik yang mendasarinya serta mengidentifikasi faktor simbolik sebagai aspek estetika bangunan tersebut.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | N Fine Arts > NA Architecture |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Architecture |
ID Code: | 12440 |
Deposited By: | Ms upt perpus3 |
Deposited On: | 31 May 2010 11:53 |
Last Modified: | 31 May 2010 11:53 |
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