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ABSTRAK Kawasan Peterongan — Semarang dalam perkembangannya menjadi salah satu pusat perdagangan di Kota Semarang dan berpusat di Pasar Peterongan. Letaknya yang strategis mendorong berdirinya berbagai pertokoan di kawasan ini dan didukung dengan berkembangnya kawasan permukiman di bagian timur dan selatan Kota Semarang yang secara tidak langsung juga meningkatkan land value kawasan Selain itu, letak kawasan ini pada perpotongan jalur transportasi menimbulkan munculnya simpul-simpul transportasi di kawasan ini, dimana simpul-simpul transportasi ini memuncullcan berbagai activity support yang intensitasnya semakin besar dari waktu ke waktu, terutama PKL. Mereka cenderung memilih jalur pedestrian untuk melakukan aktivitasnya. Bahkan kecenderungan itu semakin berkembang, dimana bukan hanya jalur pedestrian saja yang mereka rambah, tetapi mereka juga telah menempati badan jalan untuk perluasan tempat usaha mereka. Bahkan pada kawasan ini, aktivitas Pasar Peterongan pun telah meluber sampai hampir di depan Java Mall, menutupi seluruh bagian jalan sisi timur kawasan ini. Hal ini tentu saja menimbulkan pengaruh terhadap ruang linier yang berfungsi sebagai jalur pergerakan (path), bahkan terhadap fasade kawasan Demikianlah penelitian ini dilakukan untuk meneliti pengaruh keberadaan activity support terhadap karakter visual kawasan perdagangan di 31. MT Haryono (penggal antara Jl. Lampersari dengan Jl. Tentara Pelajar). Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif dengan alat One Way ANOVA sehingga dapat menarik sebuah kesimpulan mengenai signifikansi perbedaan pengaruh keberadaan activity support terhadap karakter visual kawasan Hasil dan analisa signifikansi perbedaan pengaruh ini kemudian dikomunikasikan dengan teori terkait, yaitu mengenai salah satu dari lima elemen citra kawasan, yaitu path menurut Kevin Lynch dalam bukunya Image of The City dan Teori Figure Ground menurut Roger Trancik dalam bukunya Finding Lost Space. Sedangkan activity support yang ada dibahas menurut teori dari Hamid Shirvani dalam bukunya yang berjudul TheUrban Design Process dan didukung oleh beberapa teori lain mengenai pedestrian dan parkir. Dan analisa yang dilaktdcan diperoleh suatu kesimpulan, bahwa keberadaan activity support di kawasan ini cukup mengganggu, tidak hanya bagi fasade kawasan, tetapi juga bagi pergerakan di jalur pedestrian dan di badan jalan. Sehingga perlu adanya penataan ulang PKL dan activity support lainnya di kawasan ini sehingga fungsi koridor jalan kawasan ini sebagai ruang terbuka publik dapat dipulihkan kembali dengan menimbang berbagai kepentingan masing-masing pihak yang berkepentingan terhadap keberadaan kawasan ini. ABSTRACT Peterongan Area — Semarang has been developed into one of the trade centre in Semarang with its center at Peterongan Market. Its strategic location caused the development of shopping centres in this area and supported by development of residencial area in the east of Semarang which also improve its land value. Beside that, its location on the section of traffic lane emerge not only the transportation node in this area, but also some activity support, which the intensity are getting bigger, especially street vendors. They have the leaning in choosing pedestrian way in doing their activities. This leaning is getting bigger, and not only the pedestrian way they use, but also the street to expanse their business. Moreover, in this area, the activities of Peterongan Market are also overflow to front of Java Mall, covering the entire east part of this area. This, of course, emerge the effect to the linear space which its function is as a path, even to the facade of this area. Thus, this research had done to find out the effect of activity support to the trade area's visual character on A MT Hcoyono (the section between A Lampersari and A Tentara Pelajar). This research had quantitatively analyzed with One Way ANOVA for the tools. So, we can get the conclusion about the differences' significancy of the effect of activity support to this area 's visual character. The analysis output of the activity support's effect to this area's visual character, then communicated with the relevant theories, that is about one of five elements of image of the cit, that is path according to the theory from Kevin Lynch in his book, The Image of The City and Figure Ground Theory of Roger Trancik in his book, Finding Lost Space. Meanwhile, activity support had studied with the theory of Hamid Shirvani in his book, The Urban Design Process and supported by other theories about pedestrian and parking. From the analysis we get some conclusions, that is activity support in this area interfering enough, not only to the area's facade, but also to the movementon pedestrian way and street. So, it is necessary to street vendors' and other activity support in this area to be rearranged, so the function of this area 's street corridor as the open public space can be restored with the considerations to the importance of many people in this area.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning |
ID Code: | 12400 |
Deposited By: | Ms upt perpus3 |
Deposited On: | 31 May 2010 09:03 |
Last Modified: | 31 May 2010 09:03 |
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