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ABSTRAK Campuran Emulsi Bergradasi Rapat (CEBR) sebagai lapis perkerasan lentur yang memiliki sifat struktural, kedap air dan mudah pelaksanaannya, karena tidak memerlukan pemanasan dalam pencampurannya. Proses yang terjadi dalam campuran dingin tersebut adalah adanya lekatan antara butiran agrgat yang bersifat basa dengan aspal emulsi kationik yang bersifat asam, setelah terjadi proese setting (terpisahnya aspal dart air dalam aspal emulsi). Lekatan ini terbentuk oleh porses penguapan campuran dingin selama masa simpan. Hal ini memperkuat dugaan bahwa selama proses penguapan ini akan terbentuk kekentalan aspal makin tinggi sehingga rongga udara (volume pori) dalam campuran makin besar, akibatnya pada saat dipadatkan akan terbentuk CEBR dengan tingkat kerapatan campuran yang makin rendah. Bertitik tolak dart fenomena tersebut, penelitian ini akan mencoba untuk melihat seberapa jauh pengaruh variasi masa simpan (dinyatakan dalam hart) campuran sebelum dipadatkan terhadap karakterisIctik dan kinerja CEBR tipe III jenis AE — 63 S dengan meriggunalcanfiller Debu batu sebagai standar dan filler alternatif dipakai Portland Cement (PC). Untuk mengetahui Icaralcteristik dan kinerja pemakaian bahan penyusun CEBR tipe III, dilakukan pengujian Modified Marshall test. Pembuatan campuran berdasarkan spesifikasi khusus Bina Marga 1991, The Asphalt Institute, 1979 (14S.19). Can pengujian laboratorium dan analisis struktural ditunjukkan antara lain: Menentukan cold mix III dengan cara membuat kadar aspal emulsi bervariasi. Sedangkan untuk cold mix IV karalcteristik dan kinerja bahan susun CEBR tipe III divariasikan pada masa simpan 0(nol) sampai 10 (sepuluh) hart kemudian dilakukan pengujian Modified Marshall test. Hasil penelitian cold mix III di dapat job mix formula mulai dart kadar aspal emulsi 8 % sampai 11 % untuk filler standar Debu Batu dan filler portland cement, diperoleh kadar aspal emulsi optimum yang sama yaitu pada kadar aspal emulsi 9 %, seperti ditunjukkan pada nilai VMAtiebutmt. optimum 6.549 % dan VMApc optimum 6.242 %, Stabilitas Rendamandebubam 829,28 kg dan nilai Stabilitas Rendamanpc 991.85 kg, nilai Stabilitas Sisatiaubaw 89.06% dan nilai Stabilitas Sisapc 89.96%, Absorbsitiobubaru 1.116% dan nilai Absorbsipc 0.923%, semua pada kadar aspal emulsi 9%. Adapun hasil penelitian pada cold mix IV untuk variasi masa simpan 0 (nol) sampai 10 (sepuluh) dengan jarak 2 (dua) hart, ini ditunjukkan pada nilai VMA ---debubatu pada 0 hart 6.549% sampai VMAdeb,,ba,„ pada 8 hart 7.097%, sedangkan pada 0 hart VMApc 6.242% sampai VMApc pada 8 hart VMApc 7.74%. Pada 0 hart nilai Absorbsidd,„batu 1.946% sampai pada 10 had Absorbsijobi, batu 1.946%, sedangkan pada 0 hart Absorbsipc 0.923% sampai pada 10 hart VMApc 1.164%. Pada 0 had nilai Stabilitas rendamandebu batu 829.28 kg sampai pada 6 hart Stabilitas rendamandebu bath 298.6 kg, sedangkan pada 0 had Stabilitas rendamanpc 991.85 kg sampai pada 6 had Stabilitas rendarnanpc 397.8 kg, Pada nilai 0 had nilai Stabilitas SiSattebu batu 89.06% sampai pada 6 hart Stabilitas Sisarebu batu 61.69% sedangkan pada 0 hart Stabilitas sisapc 89.96, sampai pada 6 hart Stabilitas sisapc 69.78%, Dart hasil di was bahan pengisi debu batu dan portland cement menunjukkan hasil yang memenuhi persyaratan terhadap nilai karalcteristik modified marshall test dan kinerja untuk CEBR tipe III jenis CSS-1 AE-63 S sampai masa simpan 6 (enam) hart serta cukup memuaskan sebelum dihampar dan dipadatkan dilapangan untuk digunakan pada lapisan perkerasan lentur yang bernilai struktural. Abstract Emulsions dense graded mixture (CEBR) as flexible pavement has structural characteristics, waterproofing and easy to implementations, because it does not to need heating on mixing. The Process that happened in the cool mixture is the existence of juxtaposition between particles aggregates that has alkali characteristic and asphalt emulsion that has acid characteristic, after setting process (separate of asphalt from water in asphalt emulsion). This stickiness formed by process of evaporation cold mixture as long as during storage. This was strengthen guess that as long as periods of evaporation will forming higher asphalt viscosity, until air void in mixture more higher, so when mixture was compact will cause forming CEBR in low level of dense mixture. Starting from this phenomenon, the research will tray to see how much influence of variation of storage duration (expressed in day) mixture before compacted to characteristic and performances type Ill of CEBR by using filler of stone ash as standard and filler of Portland cement as altemative. To find out performances and characteristic from composition material of CEBR type Ill, examination of Modified Marshall test was done. The Making of Mixture pursuant to special specifications of Bina Marga 1991, the asphalt institute, 1979 ( MS 19). The Way of laboratory examination and analysis of structural was shown by for example: determining cold mix type by making variation of asphalt emulsion content. Beside of that for cold mix IV, characteristics and performances of CEBR mixture type Ill in variation of storage duration periods on 0 (zero) until 10 (ten) day after by using examination of modified Marshall Test. The Result of research cold mix II eaming job mix formula starting from asphalt emulsion content 8% until 11 % for stone ash as standard filler and for Portland cement obtained the same of optimum asphalt emulsion content which is on 9 % asphalt emulsion content. As for result research of cold mix IV for variation storage duration 0 (zero) until 10 (ten) with interval 2 (two) day for each, pursuant to special specification Bina Marga 1991, the asphalt institute, 1979 ( MS 19), obtained the tree of void ( VMA, totally void, air void) fulfill requisite, same with air absorption, while the third of stabilization show value of characteristic and performances only at storage duration in sixth day, where as a whole value of characteristic and performance CEBR with Portland Cement as filler much batter than stone ash as filler. From result of above, using filler of stone ash and Portland Cement showing result of fulfilling value of characteristic modified marshal for CEBR type III until storage duration 6 (six) day and quit satisfied, before speeded and compacted on field to be use as layer of flexible pavement as valuable of structural
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Engineering > Diploma in Civil Engineering Faculty of Engineering > Diploma in Civil Engineering |
ID Code: | 12397 |
Deposited By: | Ms upt perpus3 |
Deposited On: | 31 May 2010 08:49 |
Last Modified: | 31 May 2010 08:49 |
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