Purwoko, Yosef (2003) PENGARUH EKS IRAK BAWANG KUM (Allium sativum) TERHADAP RESPON IMUN SELULER MENCIT BALB/C YANG DIINFEKSI SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM (The Effects of Garlic Extract (A Ilium sativum) on the Cellular Immune Response of Balb/C Mice Infected with Salmonella Typhimurium). Masters thesis, Program Pendidikan Pasca sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Background: Typhoid fever is still spread largely in developing count?), such as Indonesia. This illness is caused by S. typhi, an intracellular bacteria. It is cellular immune which play the role in bacteria killing. Garlic is one of herbal medicine traditionally used to treat various diseases which is contains alliin with immunomodulatory effect. The aim of this study was to prove garlic extracts administration to cellular immune response of Balb/C mice infected with S. typhimurium. Method: This study was experimental study, with The Post Test-Only Control Group Design. Twenty four Balb/C male mice as the probation objects which randomly divided into 4 groups (6 mice each group): control group (K) and the 3 groups (P) was given garlic extract 1, 2 and 4 mg per ml solution each day for 10 days. All groups were infected with S. typhimurium (phage 510; 10) at gh days and samples were executed on day 11th for laboratory test: bacterial colony forming unit of the liver and spleen, T-lymphocyte to macrophage binding, measurement of macrophage's Nitric Oxide (NO) production The survival study consist of 48 Balk C male mice randomly divided into 4 groups (12 mice each group) ivhich be intervented like above, will be followed till 14 days after infected with S. typhimurium. Collected data will be analyzed along with Kruskal Wallis test followed Mann Whitney test. The survival rate will be analyze with Kaplan Meier test followed by Log-rank for. significant level was accepted when p<0.051 Result: The results revealed the average liver (p=0.13) and spleen (p=0.13) bacterial colony forming unit in group P were lower than group K, but there were no significant. Comparation test between liver colony forming unit groups showed as follows K vs. P1=0.18, K vs. P2=0.03, K vs. P3=0.09 and for spleen colony forming unit showed as follows K vs. PI =0.05, Kvs. P2=0.33, K vs. P3=0.07 The result T-lymphocyte and macrophage binding were increased significantly in the treated mice (p=0.01). Comparation test to T-lymphocyte and macrophage binding in group were K vs. PI p=0,03, K vs. P2 p<0,001, K vs. P3 p=0,03. Measurement of NO production showed no significant lower than K (p=0.37). Comparation test to Nitric Oxide production were K vs.P1 p=0.25, K vs.P2 p=0.I8, K vs. P3 p=0.13. Survival analyze showed significant difference compared K vs. PI p<0.001, K vs. P2 p-.a001, K vs.P3 p<0.001, PI vs.P2 7-0.001, and P2 vs. P3 p<0.001, there is no significant different between P1 vs. P3 p=0.20 Conclusion: The effect of Garlic extracts to Balb/C mice which infected with S. typhimurium was able to reduce liver and spleen bacterial colony forming unit, stimulates higher T lymphocyte-macrophage binding significantly compared to untreated 'nice, but cannot increases significantly the NOproduction by macrophage although increases survival rate significantly Latar Belakang : Penyakit demam tifoid masih tersebar luas di negara-negara yang sedang berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh S. typhi yang merupakan kuman bentuk batang gram negatif dan hidup intraseluler sebingga respon imun seluler berperan utama dalam pertahanan tubuh terhadap infeksi kuman ini. Bawang putih memiliki komponen aktif utama yaitu alliin yang mempunyai efek imunomodulator. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan pengaruh bawang putih tcrhadap respon imun seluler mencit Balb/C terhadap infeksi S. Typhimurium. Metoda : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental dengan the post test—only control group design. Hewan coba yaitu 24 mencit jantan Balb/C secara acak dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok (n=6 perkelompok): kelompok kontrol, dan 3 kelompok perlakuan (P) ekstrak bawang putih I, 2 dan 4 mg per I ml pelarut setiap hari selama 10 hari. Pada hari ke-8 semua mencit diinfeksi S. Typhimurium (phage 510; 107). Pemeriksaan respon imun seluler dilakukan pada hari ke-I 1, dengan menilai hitung jumlah koloni kuman hepar dan lien, jumlah ikatan limfosit T dengan makrofag dan pengukuran kadar produksi Nitrit Oksida (NO) makrofag. Pengamatan survival rate dilakulcan pada 4 kelompok mencit (n=12 perkelompok) dengan perlakuan seperti diatas, diamati hingga 14 hari setelah infeksi. Analisa data dengan uji Kruskal Wallis dilanjutkan dengan uji Mann Whitney. Uji survival dengan Kaplan-Meier dilanjutkan uji Log-rank dengan taraf signifikansi p<0, 05. Hasil • Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa jumlah koloni kuman hepar (p=0,13) dan lien (p=0,13) pada kelompok perlakuan lebih rendah daripada kelompok kontrol namun perbedaannya tidak bermakna. Pada perbandingan antar kelompok, didapatkan cfu/gram organ hepar K vs P1=0,18, K vs P2=0,03, K vs P3=0,09 dan cfu/gram organ lien K vs P1=0,05, K vs P2=0,33, K vs P3=0,07. Jumlah ikatan limfosit T dengan makrofag kelompok perlakuan lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibanding kelompok kontrol (p=0,01), K vs P1 p=0,03, K vs P2 p<0,001, K vs P3 p=0,03. Kadar NO kelompok perlakuan lebih rendah dibanding kontrol namun perbedaan tidak bermakna (p=0,37), K vs P1 p=0,25, K vs P2 p=0,18, dan K vs P3 p=0,13. Analisis survival didapatkan perbedaan bermakna pada K vs P1 p<0,001, K vs P2 p<0,001, K vs P3 p<0,001, P1 vs P2 p<0,001 dan P2 vs P3 p<0,001, perbedaan tidak bermakna didapatkan pada P1 vs P3 p=0,20 • Kesimpulan : Pemberian ekstrak bawang putih pada mencit Balb/C yang diinfeksi S. typhimurium dapat menurunkan jumlah koloni kuman pada hepar dan lien, peningkatan jumlah ikatan limfosit T dengan makrofag, produksi NO makrofag lebih rendah tidak bennakna dan peningkatan survival rate secara bemiakna.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Biomedical Science |
ID Code: | 12291 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 30 May 2010 10:14 |
Last Modified: | 30 May 2010 10:14 |
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