SAMPURNA, SAMPURNA (2003) PENGARUH EKSTRAK Allium sativum TERHADAP JUMLAH SEL BUSA DAN KETEBALAN DINDING AORTA ABDOMINALIS TIKUS WISTAR YANG TELAH DIINDUKSI ADRENALIN DAN DIET KUNING TELOR (The Effect of Allium sativum Extract on the foam cells and the wall thickness of abdominal aortic of Wistar induced by adrenaline and egg yolk dietary). Masters thesis, Program Pendidikan Pasca sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Background: Coronary heart disease, which is one of heart and vessel disease and clinical manifestation of atherosclerosis, still become health problem of the world and main cause of death. Many medication efforts have been conducted, including the use of Allium sativum extract. Research of the use of Allium sativum extract suggest a strong relation with lipid profile, while the direct effect of Allium sativum extract to atherosclerotic lesion has not known yet. Purpose: To evaluate the effect of introduction of Allium sativum extract to the amount of foam cells and abdominal aortic wall thickness of Wistar mice induced with adrenaline and egg yolk diet. Methods: Study design was randomized post-test control group, sixty male Wistar mice, 20 weeks of age, 180 — 200 grams of weight, healthy, normal behaviour and activity, injected with intravenous adrenaline bitartras 0.006 mg/200 g b.w. at the first day, continued with 5 g/day of egg yolk diet by gastric tube starting from the second day until the third week. Then they divided to three groups (A, B and C). The A group get standard diet + egg yolk + Allium sativum. The B group (control group) get standard diet. The C group get standard diet + Allium sativum Each group (A, B, C) divided to four groups of duration of treatment (1, 2, 4 and 6 weeks), so each group consists of 5 samples. At the end of study, each mouse was decapitated according to their duration of time group, and then undergone a foam cells counting and aortic wall thickness measurement. The data was analyzed using SPSS for Windows Release 10. T-test with one-way ANOVA continued with Post Hoc Tukey HSD Results: To foam cells Tukey HSD test shows that there were no difference between A and B group for the first and second week (p>0.05), while for the forth and sixth week there were significant difference (p<0.05). There were no difference between C and B group for the first and forth week (p>0.05), while for the second and sixth week there were significant difference (p<0.05). To aortic wall thickness, Tukey HSD test shows that there were no difference between A and B group for the first week (p>0.05), while for the second, forth and sixth week there were significant difference (p<0.05). There were no difference between C and B group for the first week (p>0.05), while for the second, forth and sixth week there were significant difference (p<0.05). Conclusion: The introduction of Allium sativum extract for 6 weeks to Wistar mice induced with adrenaline and egg yolk could lower the amount of foam cell and aortic wall thickness. There were significant difference to the decreasing of the amount of foam cells and aortic wall thickness at the introduction of Allium sativum extract for 6 weeks duration of treatment. There was significant difference to the decreasing of the amount of foam cells at the group which have been introduced with egg yolk and Allium sativum extract compare with the group of Allium sativum extract only. Latar belakang : Penyakit jantung koroner yang termasuk Penyakit jantung dan pembuluh darah (PJPD) dan merupakan manifestasi klinik dari aterosklerosis , sampai saat ini masih menjadi masalah kesehatan dunia dan merupakan penyebab kematian utama. Upaya pengobatan telah banyak dilakukan termasuk penggunaan fitofarmaka Ekstrak Allium sativum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak allium sativum terhadap jumlah sel busa dan ketebalan dinding aorta abdominalai pada tikus wistar yang telah diinduksi adrenalin iv dan diet kuning telor selama tiga minggu. Metode penelitian : Desain penelitian adalah Randomized Post-test Control Group, 60 tikus jantan wistar, 20 minggu, bent badan 180-200 gram, sehat, aktifitas dan tingkah laku normal, diinjeksi adrenalin bitatras 0,006 mg/200 gram BB i.v pada hari pertama, dilanjutkan diet 5 gram kuning telor lewat sonde lambung mulai hari kedua selama tiga minggu. Selanjutnya dibagi acak menjadi 3 kelompok besar A, B, C . kelompok A mendapatkan diet standart+kuning telor+Allium sativum, kelompok B (kontrol)mendapatkan diet standart dan kelompok C mendapatkan diet standart + Allium sativum Masing-masing kelompok ( A, B, C ) dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok lama perlakuan 1,2,4 dan 6 minggu sehingga masing-masing 5 sampel. Pada akhir penelitian tikus di dekapitasi berdasarkan lama waktu perlakuan , didekapitasi dan dilakukan pemeriksaan hitting jumlah sel busa serta pengukuran ketebalan dinding aorta. Data diolah dengan menggunakan SPSS for windows Release 10.00. Dilakukan uji beda dengan one way anova dilanjutkan post hoc Tukey HSD . Basil :Terhadap jumlah sel busa Uji Tukey HSD menunjukkan antara kelompok A dan B tidak terdapat perbedaan pada minggu kesatu dan kedua dengan nilai p> 0,05 sedangkan pada minggu ke empat dan keenam terdapat perbedaan bennakna dengan nilai pc 0,05. Antara kelompok C dan B tidak terdapat perbedaan pada minggu kesatu dan keempat dengan nilai p> 0,05 sedangkan pada minggu kedua dan keenam terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna dengan nilai p < 0,05. Terhadap ketebalan aorta Uji Tukey HSD menunjukkan antara kelompok A dan B tidak terdapat perbedaan pada minggu kesatu dengan nilai p> 0,05 sedangkan pada minggu kedua, keempat dan keenam terdapat perbedaan bennakna dengan nilai p < 0,05. Antara kelompok C dan B tidak terdapat perbedaan pada minggu kesatu dengan nilai p> 0,05 sedangkan pada minggu kedua, keempat dan keenam terdapat perbedaan bermakna dengan nilai p < 0,05. Kesimpulan : pemberian ekstrak allium sativum selama 6 minggu pada tikus Wistar yang telah diinduksi adrenalin dan diet kuning telor dapat menurunkan jumlah sel busa dan ketebalan aorta. Terdapat perbedaan bennakna terhadap penurunan jumlah sel busa dan ketebalan aorta pada pemberian ekstrak allium sativum dengan lama waktu 6 minggu. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada penurunan jumlah sel busa dan ketebalan aorta pada kelompok yang diberi kuning telor dan ekstrak allium sativum dibandingkan dengan kelompok yang hanya diberi ekstrak allium sativum.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Biomedical Science |
ID Code: | 12290 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 30 May 2010 10:12 |
Last Modified: | 30 May 2010 10:12 |
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