WIBOWO, JOKO WAHYU (2003) PENGARUH PEMBERIAN SUPLEMENTASI VITAMIN E DAN VITAMIN C TERHADAP PROFIL LIPID DAN KETEBALAN DINDING AORTA ABDOMINALIS TIKUS YANG MENDAPAT DIET TINGGI KOLESTEROL (The effect of vitamin E and vitamin C suplementation on serum lipid profile and the thickness of abdominal aortic wall of rats with high cholesterol diet). Masters thesis, Program Pendidikan Pasca sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Background : Hypercholesterolemia is an important risk factor in developing atherosclerosis . Hyperlipidemia may be caused by endogenic factor such as genetic or exogenic factors such as fatty diets especially high cholesterol diets. The latest theory in atherogenesis believed that hyperlipidemias is initiated by the oxidation of LDL by free radicals and than taken up by scavenger receptors to. make foam cells. Foam cells formation will than befollowed with the thickening of arterial walls which is an initial process of atherosclerosis. Vitamin E and vitamin C as an antioxidants are thought to be able to protect LDL from free radical oxidation. Objective : The aim of the study was • to analyze the effect of vitamin E and vitamin C suplementation on serum lipid profile and the thickeness of abdominal aortic wall of rats with high cholesterol diets Method : Randomized post test control group design was used in this study. The subjects of study were 15 male Wistar rats, divided into 3 groups. Group I (K) was treated with standard diet for 30 days . Group II (Pt) was treated with standard diet + high cholesterol diet contained :10 grams yolk eggs every second day and tropical oil 0,05 ml every day for 30 day. Group III (P11) was treated with standard diet + high cholesterol diet + suplementation with vitamin E 4 mg and vitamin C 2 mg everyday for 30 days. Total cholesterol, LDL,HDL,triglycerides, and thickeness of aortic abdominal wall were measured on 306 days. Data were analyzed with non parametric statistic Mann-Whitney. Result :The study revealed that there were no significant differences in the means of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides of group receiving high cholesterol diet only and group receiving the same diet with vitamin E and vitamin C suplementation (p.1=0,724, p2-0,724, p3=0,368, p4=0,724). Both groups also had no difference in the thickeness of aortic abdominal walls ( p: 0,157).Background : Hypercholesterolemia is an important risk factor in developing atherosclerosis . Hyperlipidemia may be caused by endogenic factor such as genetic or exogenic factors such as fatty diets especially high cholesterol diets. The latest theory in atherogenesis believed that hyperlipidemias is initiated by the oxidation of LDL by free radicals and than taken up by scavenger receptors to. make foam cells. Foam cells formation will than befollowed with the thickening of arterial walls which is an initial process of atherosclerosis. Vitamin E and vitamin C as an antioxidants are thought to be able to protect LDL from free radical oxidation. Objective : The aim of the study was • to analyze the effect of vitamin E and vitamin C suplementation on serum lipid profile and the thickeness of abdominal aortic wall of rats with high cholesterol diets Method : Randomized post test control group design was used in this study. The subjects of study were 15 male Wistar rats, divided into 3 groups. Group I (K) was treated with standard diet for 30 days . Group II (Pt) was treated with standard diet + high cholesterol diet contained :10 grams yolk eggs every second day and tropical oil 0,05 ml every day for 30 day. Group III (P11) was treated with standard diet + high cholesterol diet + suplementation with vitamin E 4 mg and vitamin C 2 mg everyday for 30 days. Total cholesterol, LDL,HDL,triglycerides, and thickeness of aortic abdominal wall were measured on 306 days. Data were analyzed with non parametric statistic Mann-Whitney. Result :The study revealed that there were no significant differences in the means of total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides of group receiving high cholesterol diet only and group receiving the same diet with vitamin E and vitamin C suplementation (p.1=0,724, p2-0,724, p3=0,368, p4=0,724). Both groups also had no difference in the thickeness of aortic abdominal walls ( p: 0,157). Latar betakang : Hiperlipidemia terutama kadar kolesterol yang tinggi merupakan salah satu faktor utama terjadinya aterosklerosis. Hiperlipidemia dapat tetjadi karena faktor endogen seperti genetik maupun faktor eksogen diantaranya diet tinggi kolesterol. Teori terbaru tentang ateroskerosis melibatIcan radikal bebas yang akan mengoksidasi LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) menjadi LDL-teroksidasi yang akan dikenali oleh scavenger reseptor, kemudian difagosit dan akan terbentuk sel busa (foam cells). Pembentukan sel — sel busa kemudian akan diikuti dengan penebalan tunika intima pembuluh darah yang merupakan proses awal terjadinya aterosklerosis. Vitamin E dan vitamin C sebagai antioksidan diharapkan dapat melindungi LDL terhadap oksidasi oleh radikal bebas sehingga alcan menghambat terjadinya aterosklerosis. Tujuan : Menganalisa pengaruh suplementasi vitamin E dan vitamin C terhadap profil lemak dan ketebalan dinding aorta abdominalis tikus Wistar jantan yang mendapat diet tinggi kolesterol Metodologi : penelitian ini menggunakan disain : post test only control group design, 15 ekor tikus wistar jantan yang terbagi menjadi 3 kelompok masing-masing : (1). Mendapat diet standar (K), (2). Mendapat diet tinggi kolesterol yang terdiri dari diet standar + kuning telur + minyak (PO, (3) Mendapat diet tinggi kolesterol dan suplementasi vitamin E dan vitamin C(Pia. Setelah 30 hari dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar kolesterol total, HDL, LDL, trigliserida dan ketebalan dinding aorta abdominalis. Hash penelitian diuji dengan menggunakan uji statistik non parametrik Mann-Whitney. Hasil : Rerata kadar kolesterol total P11 = 97 mg% lebih rendah dibanding yang = 107 mg% (p= 0,724 ) , Rerata kadar HDL Pll=38mg% sama dengan 131-38 me/0 (p,724), Rerata kadar LDL P1=40 mg% lebih tinggi dibanding PH =30 mg% (p--1,368), Rerata kadar trigliserida 1311 =149 mg% lebih tinggi dibanding 131 =147 mg% (p-,724), Rerata tebal dinding aorta abdominalis Pli = 119 mikron lebih tipis dibanding dengan P1 = 137 milcron ( p=0,157).Kesimpulan : Tidak ada perbedaan yang bennakna pada kadar kolesterol total, HDL, LDL, trigliserida dan ketebalan dinding aorta abdominalis antara kelompok yang mendapat diet tinggi kolesterol dengan kelompok yang mendapat diet tinggi kolesterol dan suplementasi vitamin E dan vitamin C.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Biomedical Science |
ID Code: | 12289 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 30 May 2010 10:09 |
Last Modified: | 30 May 2010 10:09 |
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