NUGROHO, TRULAKSANA (2003) PENGARUH PEMAPARAN KOMBINASI EKSTRAK MENIRAN (PHYLLANTHUS NIRURI LINN.) DAN EKSTRAK SIRIH (PIPER BETLE LINN.) TERHADAP VIABILITAS SEL TUMOR ADENOCARCINOMA : MAMMAE MENCIT C3H SECARA IN VITRO (The Effect of Expossure of Combination of Meniran Extract (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) and Sirih Extract (Piper belle Lintz.) to Viability of C3H-Mice Adenocarcinoma Mammae Cells, in vitro Study). Masters thesis, Program Pendidikan Pasca sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) has been used as an iimnunostimulant and sirih (Piper belle Linn.) was known to have an antiseptic effect through an inhibition of glycosylation mechanism. Based on their properties, expossure of combination of meniran extract and sirih extract to tumor cells will influence the viability of the malignant cells. The study was carried out to study the viability of tumor cells differentiation of C3H-mice adenocarcinoma manunae which was exposed to a combination of meniran extract and sirih extract through the activity of mononuclear-cells. This laboratory-experimental studies was designed as the "post test-only control group" using cultured tumor cells. All samples were divided into nine-treatment groups consisted of three different treatment. The first group was a control-group (TK+MoK), the second group were four single-expossured treatment groups (TK+MoMe(m), TK+MoMe(sm), Tsi(m)+MoK, Tsi(sm)+MoK), and the third group were four combination-expossured treatment groups (Tsi(m)+MoMe(m), Tsi(m)+MoMe(sm), Tsi(sm)+MoMe(m), Tsi(sm)+MoMe(sm)). After 18 hours of incubation, the viability of tumor cells was counted using trypan blue exciutionmethod. The difference of the viability of tumor cells among the groups was analized using SPSS 10.01 for Windows program. It was shown in this study that there were significant difference on the viability of tumor cells between the single-expossured treatment groups and the control-group, the combination-expossured treatment groups and the singleexpossured treatment groups, and between the combination-expossured treatment groups and the control-groups. It can be concluded that the combination of meniran extract and sirih extract significantly decreases the viability of tumor cells. Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri Linn.) dikenal sebagai tumbuhan yang berkhasiat imunostimulansia dan sirih (Piper belle Linn.) dikenal berkhasiat antiseptik melalui proses penghambatan glikosilasi. Berdasarkan khasiatnya, pemaparan kombinasi ekstrak meniran dan ekstrak sirih diharapkan dapat memberikan pengaruh terhadap viabilitas sel tumor. Penelitian ini berusaha membuktikan adanya perbedaan viabilitas sel tumor pada sel tumor adenocareinoma inammae mencit C3H yang dipapari kombinasi ekstrak meniran dan ekstrak sirih dan yang dipapari ekstrak meniran atau ekstrak sirih secara tunggal maupun yang tidak dipapari ekstrak, melalui aktivitas sel mononuklear yang berperan sebagai efektor sel imun. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental laboratorik dengan rancangan The Post Test-Only Control Group Design yang menggunakan sel tumor yang dikultur dalam sumuran sebagai objek penelitian. Sampel dikelompokkan menjadi 9 kelompok perlakuan yang terdiri dari 3 kelompok jenis perlakuan yaitu kelompok perlakuan kontrol (TK+MoK), kelompok perlakuan pemaparan tunggal (TK+MoMe(m), TK+MoMe(sm), Tsi(m)+MoK, Tsi(sm)+MoK), dan kelompok perlakuan pemaparan kombinasi (Tsi(m)+MoMe(m), Tsi(m)+MoMe(sm), Tsi(sm)+MoMe(m), Tsi(sm)+MoMe(sm)). Setelah diinkubasi selama 18 jam, viabilitas sel tumor dihitung menggunakan metode eksklusi trypan blue. Kemudian dilakukan uji beda pada ke-9 kelompok perlakuan dan antar kelompok perlakuan menggunakan program SPSS 10.01 for Windows. Basil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan viabilitas sel tumor yang bermakna antara kelompok perlakuan pemaparan tunggal dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol, adanya perbedaan viabilitas sel tumor yang bermakna antara kelompok perlakuan pemaparan kombinasi dengan kelompok pemaparan tunggal, dan adanya perbedaan viabilitas sel tumor yang bermakna antara kelompok perlakuan pemaparan kombinasi dengan kelompok kontrol. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemaparan kombinasi ekstrak meniran dan ekstrak sirih dapat menurunkan viabilitas sel tumor secara lebih bermakna.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Biomedical Science |
ID Code: | 12287 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 30 May 2010 10:04 |
Last Modified: | 30 May 2010 10:04 |
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