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The open space is one of the city's element that physically and socially has benefit and important role in the sustainable of city life. Actually, the development of open space function need to be arranged, so there will be a harmonious in many aspect of city life. Generally, in the province of Bali there are many open space that will be arranged as a component of Bali's traditional housing area, usually local people call it natah (equal with open space in the yard); telajakan (equal with fence border); pura holy area (equal with pura's border), setra (equal with cemetery area) and town centre park (equal with park public square). The phenomenon shows that the increasing of urbanization at Denpasar resulted the increasing of space using activity. This using activity forces the open space so there are open space changes at Denpasar City. The level of traditional open space changes are various because the traditional open spaces have it own value system; there are values that still be hold and there are many values that had been ignored by the people of Bali. The aims of this study is to describe the Bali society's perception to the values system of traditional open space by identified the changes of value system applied at this present time; the willingness to apply the value system; analysis and conclusion about the existence of the traditional value system of open space. This research is conducted in Kota Denpasar; especially at Desa Adat Denpasar, considering that this location could represent the problems according to the theme that discussed, that is the traditional value system of open space. The activities of this research was conducted by library system, field observation and primary survey of society perception of the traditional value system of open space. The samples taken according to the purposive sampling, the respondents are traditional neighborhood kelian (the traditional leader) and some of society prominent figures. The analysis was conducted by normative descriptive and simple quantitative methods. The changes and the existence of the value system was studied according to the references of traditional values of open space. From the research was found that the natah values that still be applied by the people of Bali are : the arrangement according to the tri mandala values; the building inside orientated to the natah; functioned as a religion ceremony location; the symbol of the companionship between the heavens and the earth. The using of sikut had been neglected by Bali's people; and the completeness of the traditional building at natah have been changes from nine to four or five traditional buildings. Telajakan values still be hold by Bali's people : that is the procurement by the owner of building, was planted with the supporting plants along the religion ceremony, and the treatments was done by the building owner. Most of the Bali's people disagree with the holy area of Pura Dang Kahyangan because it was considered that the scope is too large, but the holy area of Pura Kahyangan Desa could be accepted by the Bali's People. All of setra values that still be applied : they are the components of traditional village, such as traditional ngaben ceremony, and the existence of the specific requirements in application. The whole values of the central park area is also still be applied by Bali's people : as an historical area, as a compliment of catus patha, and as the function of tawur kesanga area. • Output of these research recommended Jbr the urban government of Denpasar as basic in Urban plan especially in urban open space plan; as discussion matter in urban development especially in urban design and urban planning. Keyword : open space, traditional, value system Ruang terbuka merupakan elemen kota yang secara fisik maupun sosial bermanfaat dan berperan penting dalam kehidupan kota yang berkelanjutan. Perkembangan fungsi ruang terbuka perlu diatur sehingga terbentuk keselarasan berbagai aspek kehidupan kota. Di Propinsi Bali pada umumnya terdapat ruang terbuka yang merupakan komponen ruang permukiman tradisional Bali disebut natah (setara dengan ruang terbuka pekarangan); telajakan (setara dengan sempadan pagar); radius kesucian pura ( setara dengan sempadan pura), setra ( setara dengan tempat pemakaman) dan alun-alun (setara dengan taman, lapangan umum). Fenomena yang terlihat bainva tingkat urbanisasi yang pesat di Kota Denpasar mengakibatkan pesatnya kegiatan pemanfaatan ruang. Pesatnya kegiatan pemanfaatan ini mendesak ruang terbuka sehingga terjadi perubahan-perubahan ruang terbuka di Kota Denpasar. Tingkat perubahan ruang terbuka tradisional bervariasi karena ruang terbuka tradisional mempunyai sistem nilai; ada nilai-nilai yang masih dipertahankan dan ada nilai-nilai yang telah diabaikan oleh masyarakat Tujuan studi ini untuk mengetahui persepsi masyarakat Bali terhadap sistem nilai ruang terbuka tradisional dengan mengidentifikasi perubahan sistem nilai yang diterapkan sampai saw ini; keinginan untuk menerapkan sistem nilai;analisis dan mengambil kesimpulan keberadaan sistem nilai ruang terbuka tradisional. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kota Denpasar; khususnya di Desa Ada! Denpasar dengan pertimbangan lokasi ini mewakili permasalahan yang sesuai dengan tema yang dianglcat yakni sistem nilai ruang terbuka tradisional. Kegiatan penelitian ini dilakukan melalui studi pustaka, observasi lapangan dan suvey primer persepsi masyarakat terhadap sistem nilai ruang terbuka tradisional Sampel diambil berdasarkan sampling purposif dimana responden adalah kelian (ketua) banjar adat dan beberapa tokoh masyarakat. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode deskriplif normatif, dan kuantitatif sederhana. Perubahan dan keberadaan sistem nilai dikaji berdasarkan acuan nilai-nilai ruang terbuka tradisional. • Ditemukan bahwa nilai-nilai natah yang masih dipertahankan oleh masyarakat Bali adalah: penataan berdasarkan tata nilai tri mandala; bangunan berorientasi kedalam natah; berfungsi tempat upacara agama; simbol pertemuan langit dan tanah. Penggunaan sikut telah diabaikan oleh masyarakat Bali dan lengkapnya bangunan tradisional pada natah telah berubah dari 9 unit menjadi 4 — 5 unit bangunan tradisional. Nilai-nilai telajakan seluruhnya tetap dipertahankan oleh masyarakat Bali: pengadaannya oleh pemilik bangunan, ditanami tanaman penunjang upacara agama, dan pemeliharaannya oleh pemilik bangunan. Sebagian besar gnasyarakat tidak sependapat dengan radius kesucian Pura Dang Kahyangan karena dinilai ter/alu luas cakupannya, namun radius kesucian Pura Kahyangan Desa dapat diterima oleh masyarakat Ba/i. Nilai-nilai setra seluruhnya masih dipertahankan merupakan komponen desa . Lathy, sebagai media upacara ngaben, dan adanya syarat-syarat tertentu dalam penggunaannya. Nilai-nilai dari alun-alun juga seluruhnya dipertahankan oleh masyarakat Bali : sebagai peningga/an sejarah, sebagai pelengkap catus patha, dan fungsi tempat tawur kesanga. Diusulkan kepada Pemerintah Kota Denpasar agar basil penelitian ini dijadikan dasar dalam penataan kota, khususnya penataan ruang terbuka; dan sebagai bahan kajian dalam pembangunan kola, terutama dalam perencanaan dan perancangan kola. Kata kunci sistem nilai, tradisional, ruang terbuka
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HJ Public Finance |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning |
ID Code: | 12153 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 28 May 2010 13:56 |
Last Modified: | 28 May 2010 13:56 |
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