ROSIANA, MARIA (2002) KAJIAN POLA MORFOLOGI UANG KAWASAN PECINAN (Studi kasus: Kawasan Pecinan Semarang). Masters thesis, Program Pendidikan Pasca sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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The purpose of the study of the pattern of a space morphology in Chinatown area is to find a figural quality and a context of the space shape as one of the historical areas in Semarang. This study uses a rationalistic approach by a qualitative paradigm in relation to the purpose of this study that is to examine the pattern of a space morphology, formed by physical an non-physical aspects, in Chinatown Semarang. In order to find the pattern of the space morphology in a city settlement, the first step is understanding the area as a place which is formed as a public space. The concept of the area was done by observing three structural component i.e. morphology, typology, and topology. Therefore, to study the pattern of the space morphology the writer examined those component in accordance with the purpose and the background theories. The main component is a physical aspect which consists of the physical space pattern and this was done by examining the building configuration, the figure-ground, the circulation and the place, the space hierarchy, the inter-space connection, and the building typology. Whereas the supporting component is a nonphysical aspect which consists of the typology in the area and this was done by examining the social order, the spatial organization, and the pattern of the nonphysical space. According to the results and the analysis, the writer found that the pattern of the space morphology in the Chinatown develops from the physical aspect as the main component and the non-physical component as the supporting component. This was done by observing the history of the Chinatown area in Semarang. The pattern of the physical space in the Chinatown is a grid pattern formed by the building configuration and the connection of the circulation lines. This area is arranged by building a row of houses / stall-houses / houses for business with a Chinese temple (klenteng) as the center of the socio-culture activities and the market as the center of the economic activities. Each of the inter-space connections is close although it can be overlaps when the community hold a celebration. The pattern of the space morphology is also formed by the community live in the area. The communityorder affecting the form of the space morphology consists of the family, the religion, and the education systems which affect the people's activities in their daily life. Thus, the writer needs to study the existence of the space pattern as well as the culture so that it can be used in consideration of the city renovation. However, the community has to maintain the internal element in this area although it will develop into a re-renovation phase. In addition, there should be further studies of the Chinatown area in Semarang concerning the improvement planning and the settlement development in adopting the socio-culture potensial in order that the people are able to conserve the culture in this Chinatown area. Kajian tentang pola morfologi ruang Kawasan Pecinan bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kualitas figural dan konteks wujud pembentuk ruang dari Kawasan Pecinan sebagai salah satu kawasan yang memiliki nilai historis di Semarang. Sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian yakni untuk mengkaji pola morfologi ruang yang terbentuk dari aspek fisik dan non fisik pada kawasan Pecinan Semarang maka metoda penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan pendekatan rasionalistik dengan paradigma kual ilea if. Untuk mendapatkan pola morfologi ruang pada suatu kawasan pemukiman kota, pertama-tama harus memahami kawasan tersebut sebagai suatu tempat (place) yang dibentuk sebagai wadah kebutuhan manusia. Pemahaman akan suatu kawasan dilakukan dengan mengkaji tiga komponen struktural yang ada pada tempat tersebut, yakni morfologi, tipologi dan topologi. Maka untuk mengkaji pola morfologi ruang di Kawasan Pecinan, dengan membahas komponen-komponen yang ditetapkan sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian dan landasan teori. Dimana komponen utama berupa aspek fisik yang terdiri dari: pola ruang fisik, dengan mengkaji: konfigurasi bangunan, figure-ground, sirkulasi, dan place; hirarki ruang; hubungan antar ruang-ruang; serta tipologi bangunan. Komponen penunjang berupa aspek non fisik, terdiri dari: topologi yang terdapat di kawasan, dengan mengkaji tatanan sosial (social order), dan pengorganisasian ruang (spatial organization) serta polo ruang non fisik. Berdasarkan basil penelitian dan pembahasan yang telah dilakukan mendapatkan kesimpulan bahwa pola morfologi ruang yang terbentuk di Kawasan Pecinan Semarang terbentuk dari aspek fisik sebagai komponen utama dan ditunjang oleh keberadaan aspek non fisik sebagai komponen penunjang, dengan memperhatikan sejarah perkembangan Kawasan Pecinan Semarang. Pola ruang fisik Kawasan Pecinan Semarang merupakan pola grid yang dibentuk oleh konfigurasi bangunan (solid/figure) dan pertemuan jalur-jalur sirkulasi (void/ground). Tatanan massa di Kawasan Pecinan ini terdiri atas deretan rumah/ruko/nunah usaha dengan klenteng sebagai pusat aktivitas sosial-budaya dan pasar sebagai pusat aktivitas perekonomian masyarakat. Hubungan antar ruang-ruang
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | N Fine Arts > NA Architecture |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Architecture |
ID Code: | 12144 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 28 May 2010 13:18 |
Last Modified: | 28 May 2010 13:18 |
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