Nugradi, Didik Nopianto A (2002) SETING DAN ATRIBUT RUANG KOMUNAL MAIIASISWA KAMPIJS UNIVERSITAS NEGERI SEMARANG (Studi Kasus Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik). Masters thesis, Program Pendidikan Pasca sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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In using a building room, some discrepancies sometimes arise between what was planned for and what actually happen. The communal rooms for the students of Civil Engineering Faculty of Semarang State University could be divided into three types; the rooms being used as planned for, the rooms being used not as intensively as planned for, and the rooms which were not planned but which became existed due to the students' behaviors This study was intended to produce some profiles and descriptive formulations for the physical and attribute settings of the communal rooms used by these Civil Engineering students for their social interactions. This study was confined to the communal rooms, within the Civil Engineering environment, used both for indoor and outdoor informal social interactions by the students. The communal rooms preferred here were the ones originally planned for circulation. The steps taken in this study were as follow: 1. Defining the cases for the communal rooms and the sample. 2. Searching for the needed data by means of field observations, documentation, interviews and closed questionnaires responded by the respondents who were in the rooms when this study was being conducted. 3. Presenting and analyzing the obtained data. 4. Providing some meanings for the existing phenomena by means of categorization 5. Drawing some conclusions. This study showed that several different settings of the communal rooms could be identified based on the dominant activities conducted by these Civil Engineering students. The categorization resulted in communal rooms for waiting for lecturing or practicing times, communal rooms for waiting for the lecturers, communal rooms for HIMA activities and communal rooms for eating and drinking. The attributes arising from each of the settings varied in both their types and order of importance. The communal rooms for waiting for lecturing or practicing times were primarily dominated (in the order of importance) by their visibility, comfortableness, accessibility and socializing qualities. These rooms also needed some secondary attributes such as territoriality, freedom, refreshing qualities and sensory stimuli. The communal rooms for waiting for the lecturers were dominated primarily (in the order of importance) by their visibility, comfortableness and accessibility and also by secondary attributes such as socializing qualities, territoriality, freedom, refreshing qualities and sensory stimuli. The communal rooms for HIMA activities were dominated by their visibility, territoriality, freedom, sensory stimuli, comfortableness and accessibility. The communal rooms for eating and drinking were dominated by their comfortableness, socializing qualities, freedom, territoriality, and refreshing qualities.From the above findings, it can be concluded that the communal rooms for the students of the Civil Engineering Faculty of Semarang State University had different characteristics in their settings, attributes and setting systems. The arising attributes can be divided into primary and secondary attributes. The existences of these informal rooms for communal interactions among the students were closely related to other formal ones, which as a whole constituted a broader setting system. From the above findings, it can be concluded that the communal rooms for the students of the Civil Engineering Faculty of Semarang State University had different characteristics in their settings, attributes and setting systems. The arising attributes can be divided into primary and secondary attributes. The existences of these informal rooms for communal interactions among the students were closely related to other formal ones, which as a whole constituted a broader setting systemSeting ruang komunal untuk kegiatan menunggu dosen didominasi oleh atribut visibilitas, kemudian diikuti oleh kenyamanan dan aksesibilitas yang bersifat primer dan juga memerlukan atribut yang bersifat sekunder seperti sosialitas, teritorialitas, kebebasan, refresment, dan stimulasi sensori. Seting ruang komunal untuk penunjang kegiatan HIIVIA didominasi oleh atribut visibilitas, diikuti oleh teritorialitas, kebebasan, stimulasi sensori, kenyamanan dan akasesibilitas. Seting ruang komunal mahasiswa untuk makan dan minum didominasi oleh atribut kenyamanan, sosialitas, kebebasan, teritorialitas, dan refresment. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian tersebut adalah bahwa seting ruang komunal mahasiswa di Jurusan Teknik Sipil UNNES memiliki karakter yang berbeda-beda, baik pada jenis katagori seting, atribut dan sistem setingnya. Atribut yang muncul dapat dilcelompokkan menjadi atribut yang bersifat primer dan atribut yang bersifat sekunder. Keberadaan ruang komunal yang bersifat informal terkait erat dengan ruang lain yang bersifat formal yang merupakan suatu sistem seting secara lebih luas.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | N Fine Arts > NA Architecture |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Architecture |
ID Code: | 12136 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 28 May 2010 11:51 |
Last Modified: | 28 May 2010 11:51 |
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