Riani, Titiek (2001) PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN GINJAL BUATAN (DIALISER) BARU DAN BERULANG TERHADAP KADAR ALBUMIN SERUM. Masters thesis, Program Pendidikan Pasca sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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BACKGROUND : Hemod ialys is (HD) has been a standard therapy for end-stage renal disease (ES RD). Itain be used to remove any urewn syndrome and stabilize the electrolyte balance. HD using reusechdyzerhas been done in the world, and some researches show that it can be carried-out securely and effectively. The benefit from using a reuse dialyzer are the cost reduction, and to diminish the posibility of appearing the fi rst use syndrome. However, the albumin within blood serum, may be influenced by the dialystS process due to the occurrence of binding the albumin molecule on dialyser membrane and the posibility offreeing it during dialysis. Therefore, a study on how far the accident offreeing albumin from dialyzer that can be found on dialysat and its effect on serum albumin weight is very important. OBJECTIVES: The aims of the research are to find out the influences of reuse didyzer on albumin loss in dialysat and albumin contents in blood serum, and to determine the optimal times applicablefor reusedialyzer. M4TERLUS AND METHODS: The research has been carried out on 21 samples of patients having ERS D. The patients that are being treated by chronic hemodialysis using new and reuse dial&er at the HD unit of RS DK semarang. The dialyzer machine used are Nipro type IICU-IOE and type NCD-11, with Hollow Fibre IVipro dializer type FB- I 10 T, and using Acetate type AR as dialysat liquid. The Hitachi spectrophotometer 704/911 was applied for albumin analysis, which consist ofserum analysis for pre and post HD, and dialysat analysis. The resulting data were analysed with ANOVA test, Pearson correlation test, andnatiplecomparison on mean differences for dialyzer status. RESULTS: Observation on 21 samples of patients give the following results: mean often= albumin weight pre-post HO are 3.9700gr. ±12.8680gr. (R0),0.7490gr±12.4753gr. (RI), 3.9290gr±12.6989gr. (R2),9.1233gr ±22.6969gr.(R3), 1.1552 gr t 12.5718gr.(R4),T compute and F table from ANOVA test are 1.015 and 2.47 respectively, show that are no significant difference ofmean; Pearson correlation test with R=04226(<0.5)and P=0.398(>0.0.5) indicate a weak correlation between mean ofsenan albumin weight Pre-Post HD and reuse dialyzer status. mean difference analysis using They and Bonferroni test (multiple comcarison)provethatare no effect on serum albumin weight Pre-Post HD among the dialyzer status. In the case albwnin in dialysat analysis, the results are as follow : 1.8048gr *2.1 k2gr. (RO), 2.6619gr±2 5464gr.(RI 1, 5.1 I 38g rt.O..5 /94g r.(10, 10.1705g r ±10.6502,gr.(R3), I 5.5733 gr ±11.7654gr.(R4); F compute and Ftable from ANOVA test are] 1.368 and 2.47 respectively, that prove a significant difference of mean; Pearson correlation test with R=0.537 (>0.5)and P=0.000 (<0.05) show that the reuse dialyzer status correlate. tomsan value ofdialysat albumin weight. From Turkey and Bonferroni test (audtiple Comparison), Diesel/lam mean differences of albumin weight have been foundfor several dialyzer status, ; between -RO and R3 and R4; : between RI and R3 and : between R2 and RI. The serum albumin concentration tend to increase after HD but with the total serum albumin weight tend to diminish. This augmentation seem to be the result of diminishing the body liquid during dialysis process, that in turn lead to raise the serum albzerninconcentration. kr other hand the adhesion of albwnin ondializer Membrane may cause the drop of sentm albumin weight. CONCLUSION & SUGESTION : The application of reuse dialyzer has caused a bigger membrane penetration, which is designated by the augmentation ofctlbutninmoleculefoUnd in dialysat. Statistical test show the significance difference for reusing dialyzer after third application. So, reusing dialyzer can only be implemented for two times, since the third reuse and so on produce a significance increase ofallstennMueight found in dialysat. KEY WORDS Hemodialysis, End-stage Renal Disease, Albumin, Reuse Dialyzer. LATAR NELAKANG :Hemodialisis (HD) merupakan terapi baku Gaga/ Ofrajal Terminal (GOV. HD dapat menghilangkan berbagai gejala uremia dan memperbaiki keseimbangandektrolit. HD dengan ginjaltuatan pakaiulang (GPO telah dilakukan di berbagainegara,dan bebe rape penelitian menun,lukkentetapamanclan efektif. Penggunaan OBU rnemiliki keuntungan antara lain :.penurunan kemungkinan terjadinya 'first use syndrome "dan penghernatan biaya. Namun yang perludicermati, albumin dalam serumdanzhinanusta,dapat mengalarniperzw-unan sebagai aJcibatpenempelan albumin pada membrandanlolosnydmoklatlalbuminclari membran dialiser selama proses dialisis, sehingga perlu dilakukan suatupenelitian mengenai seberapajazih terjaclinya kebocoran albumin yang tertampung dalam isat danpengara.thrryaterhadaploacktrIbetutalburnin. TUSCAN: Penelitian tni dilaA.-Wcan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahuipengaruhpengguriaan CIBU terhadap kebocoran albumin dan kadar albumin serum, dan menentukan be rape kali ginjal buatain dapatd4oakaiulang secara aman. SABAN DAN IIIETODA Penelitian telah dilakukan pada 21 penderita GOT yang menjalani HD kronik dengan menggunakan ginjal buatan barn (OPB)dan diteruskan dengan OBU di unit lib RS DK Semarang. Merin dialiser yang digunakan adalah Nor° tipe NCU-10E dan tipe NCD-11,dengan ginjal buatan Hollow Fibre ihpro tipe FP-110 T, cairan dialisat Acetate tipe AR, dari pemeriksaan albumin menggunakan spektrofotometer 704/911 Hitachi. Pemeriksaan albumin yang dilakukan meliputi albumin dalam serum sebelum dan sesudah proses dial is is, dan albumin dalam dialisat. Hash pengamatan dianalists dengan uji ANOVA, up korelasi Pearson, dan uji perbandingan beda mean. HAM : Dar: penelitian terhadap 21 orang penderitadiperoleh hasil; mean selisih beratalburnindalarnserzen pre HD dan post HD adalah Ro=3.9700gr +.12.8680, RI =0.7490gr±12.4753, R2=3.9290gr±12.6989, R3-9.1233gr 122.6989, 124-1.1552 gr 112.5718; UjiANOVAmenunjukkan Fhitung 1.015 dan F tabel2 .47 yang berarti tidak ada perbedaan bermakna; uji korelasi Pearson dengan _R.026 (<0.5) dan. tingkat sign flikansi P=0.398 (>0.05) menunjukkan korelasi yang Leman; serta ufindcey dan Bon/ errant (multiple comparison status ginjal) terhadap rata-rata be rat albumin serum pre-post HD menunjukkan Wick ada perbedaan nyata antar nilai selisih be rat albumin serwnpre-Post HD dari kelimapopulosigiijalbuatan.Untuk mean be rat albumin dalam dialisat diperoleh: Ro=1.8048gr +.2:1362 RI =2.6619gr-12 5464, R2 =5.1138grth.6.5794, R3-10.1705gr 10.6502, R4-15.5733 gr'l 11.7654; Uji ANOVA menunjukkan F hitung 11.368 dan F tabel 2.47 yang berarti ada perbedaan bermakna; uji korelasi Pearpon dengan R 37 (>0.5) dan tingkat signifikansi P-0.000 (<0.05) menunjukkan status ginjal buatan.berkorelasidengan beret albumin dalam dialisat. Dan ziji Tirkey dan Bonferroni, dupe roleh hash aclanyaPerbedaanmeanberutalbarmin dalam dialisatuntuk bebe rape status penggunaan gnzjal buchan,yaituantaral0 dengan.R3 clan R4,antrual?.1 dengan R# dan R4, dan antara R2 dengan R4. Kadar albumin serum cenderung nadc setelah HD, tapi jumlahnya cenderung turtaz. Kenaikan inn merupakanakibatdari berkurangnya cairan Winch selarna proses dialisios sehingga konsentrasi albumin dalam serum menjadi lebih besar. Sernentara ilu, jumlah yang cenderung i741207 ketnungk inan disebabkan adanyapenempelan albumin dalwil membrandkiliserdanlolosqya albumin rnelalui membran dialiser. KETSMITULAN & SARAN : PenggunaandBU menyebabkan tingkat kebocoran membran yang senaakinbesar, hal ini ditandai dengan semakin besarnyajwnlah albumin yang ditemulcakrIalam dialisat. Hasa penguhatz statistik menunjukkan perbedaan yang sangat nyata ditemukan mulch pada pemakaia n Wang yang ketiga. Dengan demikian, petnakaian ulang ginjal Satan dianjurkan hanya sarnpai pada pemalazian ulang yang kedua, karena pada pernakaianulang yang ketiga dan seterusnya, ditemukan perbedaan benatalbuntiadalana dialisat yang sangat nyata RATA Hemodialisis, Gagal Giryal Terminal, Albumin, Dialiser Pakai Ulang.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > R Medicine (General) |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Doctor Program in Biomedical Science |
ID Code: | 12127 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 28 May 2010 11:08 |
Last Modified: | 28 May 2010 11:08 |
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