ADIMURYANTO, EKA (2001) POLA TATA RUANG MAKAM BUYUT TRUSMI DI CIREBON. Masters thesis, Program Pendidikan Pasca sarjana Universitas Diponegoro.
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Tomb of Buyut Trusmi is located at Trusmi Village in Cirebon Regency. Tomb of Buyut Trusmi is one of the Islamic religious leaders Tomb was built in 15th Century. Trusmi Village itself was founded in 1405 and according to History of Cirebon, the village was actually a Kadipaten (regency), or an area ruled by adipati or an inferior of a King. Trusmi village has unique culture, for example a unique ritual ceremony to replace sago plan roof of the Tomb of Buyut Trusmi that performed occasionally and other ritual ceremonies. The ritual activity is concentrated in the Tomb of Buyut Trusmi because that place is considered by Trusmi communities as the most sacred place in Trusmi and the center of Trusmi village. The Tomb of Buyut Trusmi spatial order becomes the main theme in this research according to the fact that Tomb of BUyut Trusmi has the higest ritual value in Trusmi village. The relation of spatial order between the Tomb of Buyut Trusmi and the Trusmi villages is suspected to indicate former function of the tomb as a palace or the center of government in the classic period of Trusmi. The main goal of this research is to reveal the spatial pattern of Tomb of Buyut Trusmi by tracing the morfology.The other goals is to reveal the connection between The Tomb of Buyut Trusmi Spatial order and Trusmi village spatial order which indicates the former function of Tomb of Buyut Trusmi as a Dalem or Regency Palace. The method which used for this research is rationalistic, which is chosen based on the research and goals to be achieved. Rationalistic is a research that the object considered as a part of its environment and explained as whole. The goal of this kind of research is to proof a hypotesis based on grand theory or grand concept. The analysis is divided into 2 section, the first section is analysis about spatial order of Trusmi village and the second section is analysis about Tomb of Buyut Trusmi to proof the hypotesis about former function of Buyut Trusmi Tomb and the factors that become the background. Based on the explanation, it can be revealed that according to village Trusmi spatial order, the tomb of Buyut Trusmi was placed on the sacred zone and considered as the first stage of Trusmi development. When the regency of Trusmi was founded, the location of Tomb of Buyut Trusmi is highly suspected as the center or the palace of the regency. At the period after Trusmi regency had lost its power, the palace became the place where the Adipati or the leader of the regency was burried. According to explanation of Tomb of Buyut Trusmi spatial order, the place actually was not designed as a tomb, but designed as palace of regency. The spatial order of tomb of Buyut Trusmi refered to early residence of Buyut Trusmi and considered as development of the early structure of the residence. After the period of Trusmi regency, the function of the elements of palace converted into place for worshiping the leader and some new element were added according to the changes. Makam Buyut Trusmi terletak di desa Trusmi, Kecamatan Weru, Kabupaten Cirebon. Makam Buyut Trusmi adalah salah satu makam tokoh penyebar agama Islam yang dibangun pada abad 15. Berdasarkan sejarah Cirebon, desa pada era Kasultanan Cirebon tersebut merupakan sebuah Kadipaten atau kesatuan pemerintahan setingkat di bawah Kerajaan. Desa Trusmi memiliki kekayaan budaya berupa tradisi - tradisi ritual seperti penggantian atap welit dan atap sirap yang dilakukan tiap tahunnya dan berbagai tradisi unik lainnya yang dilaksanakan di Makam Buyut Trusmi karena objek tersebut dianggap memiliki paling nilai sakral dan dianggap sebagai pusat desa oleh masyarakat Trusmi. Makam Buyut Trusmi menjadi objek penelitian karena nilai sakral yang dimiliki dan pentingnya peranan makam ini dalam tata ruang desa. Dugaan awal penelitian ini adalah bahwa fungsi awal makam ini sebagai Dalem. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah mengungkapkan pola tata ruang makam Buyut trusmi yang didasarkan oleh morfologi dan mengungkapkan apakah hubungan antara tata ruang makam Buyut Trusmi dan desa Trusmi mengindikasikan fungsi awal objek tersebut sebagai Dalem. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah rasionalistik, yang dipilih berdasarkan jenis penelitian dan tujuan yang hendak dicapai. Metode rasionalistik adalah model penelitian di mana objek penelitian dipandang dalam kesatuan holistik dengan lingkungannnya dan tujuan penelitian adalah membuktikan suatu dugaan awal yang didasarkan pada teori tertentu. Pembahasan terdiri atas dua bagian utama, yaitu pembahasan yang mengungkapkan tata ruang wilayah desa Trusmi untuk mengungkapkan morfologi wilayah Trusmi dan pembahasan berikutnya adalah pembahasan tata ruang makam Buyut Trusmi untuk mengungkapkan dugaan fungsi awal dan perubahan tata ruang yang terjadi pada makam Buyut Trusmi serta faktor yang melatarbelakanginya. Berdasar pembahasan tata ruang wilayah Trusmi, posisi makam Buyut Trusmi dalam tata ruang desa terletak pada zone yang disebut tanah keramat dan merupakan awal dari perkembangan wilayah Trusmi Pada scat berdirinya Kadipaten Trusmi, makam Buyut Trusmi sesungguhnya dirancang struktur Dalem atau pusat kekuasaan Kadipaten Trusmi, sedangkan setelah pudarnya kekuasaan Kadipaten Trusmi maka struktur Dalem ini difungsikan sebagai makam Adipati tersebut. Pola tata ruang Makam Buyut Trusmi mengacu pada hunian awal pemimpin wilayah tersebut. Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya tata ruang makam Buyut Trusmi mengalami perubahan fungsi menjadi tempat pemujaan terhadap tokoh dan terjadi penambahan elemen barn dikarenakan perubahan status dari sebuah Dalem Kadipaten menjadi makam Adipati tersebut.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | N Fine Arts > NA Architecture |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Architecture |
ID Code: | 12120 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 28 May 2010 10:40 |
Last Modified: | 28 May 2010 10:40 |
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