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There are so many high cos buildings which this function are life time is finished. The function has drastically decreased or, even worse, the building have turned into poorly neglected and become monuments. This happens not only to e water-buildings but also too, such other builldings, as offices an which are daily equipped. The classic reason that often coming up to the limitation of budget/fund, since the fund-raising proposal for operation and maintenance seems hard to be approved. In terms of the development process, in which the project operation limit of time are included in the link, the operational and maintenance costs are indeed in the project budget. However, in the course of the program covered by the foreign loan, it may be remain the same. More ever, the loan is only aimed until the construction, while the operation and maintenance are of the local government's responsibility. These operation and maintenance (0 & M) are two different, but un seperatable activities because they ifluence by one to (Suripin, 2003) to the other. The use of water causes water quality degradation therefore, the waste water needs to be chemically treated before discharged to the receptor. This is completely aimed to avoid the negative impacts such as the water borne disease, water pollution and ground water resources. This research is aimed to evaluat the effisiensy of Waste Water Treatment Plan Bojongsoang particulary the reability to the water treatment pool. The installment of Bojongsoang water waste recycling has operated for 10 years and the only one of Waste Water Treatment Plan (IPAL) in Bandung. The installment applies Mechanical & biological systems. This application may have a disturbance when one of the system does not run as it has too. More ever, when the two systems does not operate well, the result should not be as effective and efficient as it is when the systems can working out well. The disturbance that may coming up is, for instance, a damage on electrical mechanical-units as on the bar screen screw pump. Design pool for set B at Anaerobic pond got an sediment find concentrate with 0,94 m high average was over limited from 0,25 to 0,50r and got leaking at facultative pond and Maturation pond. Then problem makes stabilization prqcess in pond can not working effectively and caused on relevan parameter design/criteria and government rules likes government of west Java SK. No.: 34, 2000 also standardization quality of water pollution and government regulation No: 82, Year of 2001. The result of analysis laboratory of PDAM Bandung and data analysis of the year 2003 showed which are : BOD inlet = 214,55 mg/I; outlet = 53,39 mg/I COD in inlet = 256 mg/1- outlet = 65,12 mg/I; Fecal coli in inlet = 28,109 mpn/100 ml; outlet = 10,103 mpn/100 ml. Based on the result of analysis laboratory Environment faculty of Tech ITB for water sample oxidation ditch has, taken July 7, 2004 is not to fulfill of standardization quality an government regulation, such as ROD inlet = 739,50 mg/I ; COD in inlet = 134,50 mg/I, outlet = 108,79 mg/1 ; Fecal coli in inlet = 7.10E mpn/100 ml and outlet = 43. 105mpn/100 ml Betapa banyak bangunan-bangunan yang dibangun dengan biaya cukup besar namun kondisinya mempntatinican sebelum umur (time life) teknis infrastruktur tersebut tercapai. Fungsinya menurun drastis, atau bahkan bangunan menjadi terbengkalai dari menjadi monumen. Biaya Operasi & Pemeliharaan (0 & P) sebelumnya sudah termasuk dalam perhitungan kelayakan proyek. Namun dalam perjalannya apa yang sudah diprogramkan tidak direalisasi sesuai dengan rencana. Kegiatan Operasi dan Pemeliharaan (0 & P) merupakan dua (2) kegiatan yang berbeda namun tidak dapat sating dipisahkan karena saling pengaruh-mempengaruhi satu dan lainnya (Suripin, 2003). Pemakaian air menyebabkan degradasi kwalitas air, oleh karena itu air limbah domestik perlu diolah sebelum di buang kebadan air penerima. Hal ini diproses di sistim Operasi dan Pemeliharaan, agar menghindari dampak negatif seperti penyebaran water borne disease, pencemaran air tanah dan somber air balm serta meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat. IPAL Bojongsoang berfungsi untuk pengolahan air buangan domestik Wilayah Timur Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efisiensi kineja IPAL, terutama pada kolam pengolahan air limbah. Dalam penelitian ini didapat bahwa pada kolam anaerobik terjadi sedimentasi lumpur dengan ketinggian rata-rata 0,94m - 1 m jadi sudah melebid ketinggian yang diijinkan yaitu ,25-0,50m serta pada kolam fakultatif dan maturasi ada kebocoran masalah ini menimbulkan bahwa proses stabilisasi tidak bekerja efelctif sesuai dengan standard balm mutu yang dikeluarkan Gubemur Jawa Barat dengan SK: No. : 39 tahun 2000 demilcian juga dengan standard balm mutu air limbah serta peraturan pemerintah PP No. 82 tahun 2001, Hasil analisa laboratorium PDAM Bandung menunjukkan bahwa analisis data tahun 2003 dimana BOD Inlet = 214,55 mg/1 di outlet 53,39 mg/1; COD di inlet = 256 mg/1 ; di outlet = 65,12 mg/1; fecalcoli di Inlet = 28.109 mpn /100 ml, di outlet = 10. 10' mpn/100m1. Berdasarkan hasil analisa laboratorium Fakultas Teknik Lingkungan ITB untuk analisis data kualitas air yang diambil untuk sampel air limbah tgl. 07 Juli 2004 hasilnya tidak menunjukkan sesuai dengan standard balm mutu: seperti BOD di inlet = 139,50 mg/I di outlet =- 65,5 mg/1; COD di inlet = 139,50 mg/I di outlet = 108,79 mg/1; fecalcoli di inlet = 7.108 dan di outiet 43.105mptill 00 mi.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Civil Engineering
ID Code:12051
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 1
Deposited On:27 May 2010 14:07
Last Modified:27 May 2010 14:07

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