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The social disturbance that has been happening in the past four years, besides giving impact in the delayed agenda of recovering national economic existence that had been falling since the economic crisis in the middle of year 1997, also affect the degradation of residential facilities and infrastructures. As an effort to overcome these problems, the government proclaimed an integrated movement in recovering community prosperity for Aceh, Maluku, Sulawesi Tenggara and Madura as one of the special program on residential facilities and infrastructure rehabilitation/reconstruction program after the social disturbance. This programs aims to help the community participation in the conflict areas to be able to rebuild houses, religious areas, social and public facilities. This research was based on the purpose to reveal community participation in the residential facilities and infrastructure rehabilitation/reconstruction program after the social disturbance, by identifying the factors that influenced it. The research scope consists of community participation study and factors influenced to the program in Bacan Sub district of North Maluku regency (Desa Amasing Kota, Labuha, Kupal Mandaong dan Tomori). The analytical techniques used were the Chi-square analysis (quantitative) and descriptive analysis (qualitative). Result shows that the implementation of the residential facilities and infrastructure rehabilitation/reconstruction program after the social disturbance has not reach the purpose of the program in involving the community actively, from the planning stages to the management stage. In this case, generally the community participation was less active in every stages of program implementation. Low participation was effected by the limited support from program agent of government, facilitator, community and implementer. The government and implementer were lack in giving chances and support to the community and facilitator, the facilitator also giving lack of performance that support the improvement of community ability and willingness. On the other hand, the community themselves were lack in showing willingness and ability to participate. Finding in this research also shows that community participation was not giving any influence to the condition of residential facilities and infrastructure. The point was that prerequisite was needed in the participation implementation on the time availability and preparation also commitment from the agent of the program in supporting community participation. Kerusuhan sosial yang terjadi selama kurun waktu empat tahun terakhir, selain berdampak pada tertundanya agenda pemulihan kehidupan ekonomi nasional yang terpuruk sejak adanya krisis pertengahan tahun 1997, juga mengakibatkan rusaknya prasarana dan sarana permukiman. Dalam usaha menanggulangi dampak yang ditimbulkan, pemerintah mencanangkan Gerakan Terpadu Pemulihan Kesejahteraan untuk daerah Aceh, Maluku, Sulawesi Tenggara dan Madura dengan salah satu program khusus berupa Program Rehabilitasi/Rekonstruksi Prasarana dan Sarana Permukiman Pasca Kerusuhan Sosial untuk membantu memberdayakan masyarakat di daerah konflik sehingga mampu membangun kembali rumahnya, tempat ibadah, fasilitas sosial dan fasilitas umum. Penelitian ini pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan dan menilai partisipasi masyarakat dalam Program Rehabilitasi/Rekonstruksi Prasarana dan Sarana Permukiman Pasca Kerusuhan Sosial, dengan melihat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Ruang lingkup penelitian meliputi kajian partisipasi masyarakat dan faktor yang mempengaruhinya pada empat desa di Kecamatan Bacan Kabupaten Maluku Utara yang melaksanakan program tersebut (Desa Amasing Kota, Labuha, Kupal Mandaong dan Tomori). Teknik analisis yang digunakan meliputi analisis kuantitatif (zil i Chi Square) dan analisis kualitatif (deskriptif analitis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan Program Rehabilitasi/Rekonstruksi Prasarana dan Sarana Permukiman Pasca Kerusuhan Sosial belum mencapai tujuan dalam melibatkan masyarakat secara aktif, mulai tahap perencanaan sampai pengelolaan. Dalam hal ini, sebagian besar masyarakat kurang aktif berpartisipasi pada tiap tahap program. Rendahnya partisipasi dipengaruhi oleh keterbatasan dukungan dari pelaku program meliputi pemerintah, pelaksana, fasilitator dan masyarakat. Pemerintah dan pelaksana kurang memberi kesempatan dan dukungan kepada masyarakat dan fasilitator, fasilitator menunjukkan kinerja yang kurang mendukung peningkatan kemampuan dan kemauan masyarakat. Selain itu, masyarakat sendiri kurang menunjukan kemauan dan kemampuan untuk berpartisipasi. Diketahui pula bahwa partisipasi masyarakat tidak mempengaruhi kondisi prasarana dan sarana permukiman. Pada intinya diperlukan prasyarat dalam penerapan partisipasi, yakni ketersediaan waktu serta kesiapan dan komitmen pelaku program dalam mendukung partisipasi.
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | T Technology > TH Building construction |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning |
ID Code: | 11942 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 27 May 2010 09:51 |
Last Modified: | 27 May 2010 09:51 |
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