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A place used to be the first place for the development of a city usually becomes the center of the city (down town) later. Nowadays, in addition to commerce and services, offices dominate down town. Government policy in decentralizing commercial and services area aiming at eliminating traffic jams in down town, eliminating the centralization of commercial functions and developing new commercial centers in suburbs results in the decrease of the vitality of the old city center. People's moving from downtown to another healthier place (residential flight) and the removal of capital, traders and businessmen (capital flight) to other commercial and service centers considered to be more advantageous reduce the importance of an old city center. One of the efforts to revitalize an old city center area whose vitality decrease, as has been done in other countries (especially in USA and Europe), is by implementing the concept of pedestrian mall. The concept of pedestrian mall is also implemented in the area of Pasar Bam (particularly in some parts of Pasar Bam and its surrounding). As the area of the old city center of Jakarta, Pasar Barn's activities decrease, implying that there is also the decrease of visitors and economy. Inhabitants, traders and people around it finally agreed to block Pasar Baru street for traffic and to change it into the area only for pedestrians. The concept of pedestrian mall with full mall type has been implemented since 1990. With government support, through the planning of building canopy in response to the instruction of the Major of Central Jakarta in 1995 and the decision to make Pasar Baru and its surrounding an international shopping center since 2000 (SK Gubernur DKr Jakarta), Prism. Baru street and its surroundings have been revitalized. The objective of this research is to investigate the concept of pedestrian mall in the revitalization of Pasar Baru street and its surrounding. From the studies of the implementation of the concept of pedestrian mall aiming at revitalizing an area, it is found out that some components found in the area change after the implementation of the concept of pedestrian mall. The components are the designs of buildings (the shape's and the height's of buildings), the function of the buildings, visitors, the characteristics and the range / distribution of activities, facilities, traffic system and the participation of the inhabitants. Those components are the components for the analysis. Using descriptive method and longitudinal study, the conditions of Pasar Baru and its surroundings before the implementation of the concept of pedestrian mall are compared to the conditions after the implementation of the concept, To analyze cause and effect relationship among the component cross tabulation analysis is used. From the result of the analysis, the findings of the research are organized from which some conclusions will me made. The findings of the research area : n At some parts of Pasar Baru street in which the body of street changes into pedestrian mall, some components change : the design of the buildings (in this case, it is shapes of the buildings which change), the functions of the buildings, visitors, the characteristics and the range / distribution of activities, traffic system and the participation of the inhabitants. The changes are resulted from changing Pasar Baru street into a pedestrian mail. They change in order to be more contextual with pedestrian mall's environment. • At the areas around Pasar Bam street (JI.Antara, Jl.Pasar Baru Selatan, JI.Kelinci Raya, JI.Pintu Air, JI.Gereja Ayam and JEGKJ), some components change : the design of the buildings (in this case it is the shapes of the buildings which change), the function of the buildings, visitors, the participation of the inhabitants, facilities and traffic system. Thosechanges, except the traffic system, are not resulted from inhabitants, facilities and traffic system. Those changes, except the traffic system, are not resulted from changing Pasar Baru street into pedestrian mall. From those facts, it can be concluded that the concept of pedestrian mall strongly influence the revitalization of Pasar Baru street. On the other hand, the revitalization of Pasar Baru street obviously cannot revitalize its surroundings. The only component influencing macro revitalization is the traffic system. It does so since traffic is macro in nature and relates to wide scope so that the changing of Pasar Baru street into the area for pedestrian results in overflowing traffic density and circulation to the areas around it. The hypothesis proposed in this thesis is therefore not proved since the concept of pedestrian mall is in fact only able to revitalize Pasar Baru street. It is recommended that those who have interest in improving the area of Pasar Baru should involve the society through the process of complete socialization, the improvement of facilities, the reorganization of the functions of the buildings for the conformity of activities, the redesigning of pedestrian mall at Pasar Bam with a view to ease accessibility, the expansion of the area of pedestrian mall by building semi mall or transitways at the areas around Pasar Baru Street and the consideration of easy access for pedestrian who have physical defects. Titik awal tempat tumbuh dan berkembangnya suatu kota biasanya menjadi pusat kota tersebut. Dominasi fungsi yang ada disana umumnya adalah perdagangan dan jasa serta pada masa sekarang ditambah dengan fungsi perkantoran. Kebijaksanaan desentralisasi kawasan perdagangan dan jasa yang bertujuan untuk mereduksi kepadatan lalu lintas di pusat kota, mengurangi terpusatnya fungsi-fungsi komersial serta menumbuhkan pusat-pusat komersial baru di pinggiran kota membawa akibat kepada menurunnya vitalitas suatu pusat kota lama. Betpindahnya penghuni pusat kota ke tempat yang lingkungannya lebih sehat (residential flight) serta berpindahnya modal, pedagang serta pengusaha (capital flight) ke lokasi-lokasi perdagangan dan jasa barn yang dianggap lebih menguntungkan, semakin mengurangi arti penting suatu pusat kota lama. Sala!' satu upaya untuk merevitalisasi kawasan pusat kota lama yang menurun vitalitasnya seperti yang telah dilakukan di luar negeri (terutama di Amerika dan Eropa) adalah dengan menerapkan konsep pedestrian mall. Den-Aldan pula yang terjadi pada kawasan Pasar Bam (terutama penggal Jalan Pasar Baru dan kawasan sekitarnya). Sebagai kawasan pusat kota lama Jakarta, kawasan Pasar Baru juga mengalami penurunan aktivitas yang juga berarti penunman pengunjung dan ekonomi. Penghuni bangunan, pedagang serta masyarakat setempat akhirnya bersepakat untuk menetapkan menutup Jalan Pasar Baru dari kendaraan dan menjadi area khusus bagi pejalan kaki. Konsep pedestrian mall dengan tipe full mall diterapkan mulai tahun 1990. Dengan dukungan pemerintah kota, antara lain dengan tunumya planning pembuatan kanopi sesuai Instruksi Walikotamadia Jakarta Pusat tahun 1995 dan penunjukan kawasan Pasar Baru dan kawasan sekitarnya menjadi kawasan wisata belanja bertaraf internasional mulai tahun 2000 (SK Gubemur DIG Jakarta) adalah upaya untuk merevitalisasi Man Pasar Baru dan sekitamya. Penelitian Si bertujuan untuk mengkaji konsep pedestrian mall dalam merevitalisasi Man Pasar Baru dan km, asan sekitarnya Dan kasus-kasus penerapan konsep pedestrian mall yang bertujuan merevitalisasi kawasan, didapatkan komponen-komponen kawasan yang berubah setelah konsep pedestrian mall diterapkan. Komponen-komponen tersebut adalah : rancang bangunan (bentuk dan ketinggian bangunan), fungsi bangunan, pengunjung, karakter dan sebaran aktivitas, sarana dan prasarana, sistem lalu lintas dan partisipasi penghuni bangunan. Komponen-komponen tersebut selanjutnya menjadi komponen analisis. Dengan menggmakan metoda deskriptif dan studi longitudinal, diperbandingkan kondisi Man Pasar Baru dan kawasan sekitarnya, sebelum dan sesudah penerapan konsep pedestrian mall di Jalan Pasar Baru. Selanjutnya untuk menganalisa hubungan pengaruh antar komponen digunakan analisis tabulasi silang (cross tabulation). Dan hash analisis, disusun temuan-temuan penelitian setiap komponen analisis untuk kemudian dibuat suatu kesimpulan. Temuan-temuan yang dapat dikemukakan adalah : Pada penggal Jalan Pasar Baru dimana ruas jalannya berubah menjadi pedestrian mall, terjadi perubahan-perubahan komponen : rancang bangunan (dalam hal ini hanya bentuk bangunan), fungsi bangunan, pengunjung, karakter dan sebaran aktivitas, sistem lalu lintas dan partisipasi penghuni bangunan. Perubahan-perubahan tersebut berhubungan dengan perubahan Jalan Pasar Baru menjadi pedestrian mall. Tujuannya agar lebih kontekstual dengan lingkungan pedestrian mall. • Pada kawasan selcitar Jalan Pasar Baru (J1. Antara, JI. Pasar Baru Selatan, JI. Kelinci Raya, JI. Pintu Air, JI. Gereja Ayam Jan J1. GIG) terjadi perubahan-perubahan komponen : rancang
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | N Fine Arts > NA Architecture |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Architecture |
ID Code: | 11891 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 2 |
Deposited On: | 26 May 2010 16:08 |
Last Modified: | 26 May 2010 16:08 |
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