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Jr \ Exchange of state-owned land or properties (ruilslag), or better known as tukar guling in Bahasa Indonesia, constitutes one of the alternatives that can be taken by government institutions, especially Kodam IV/Diponegoro, in fulfilling the need of facilities for the force. The asset of Kodam IV/Diponegoro is exchanged with that of a developer to meet the need of the command in relation to specification, dislocation, tactics, and technical aspects of the military. There are a lot of supplies of the force facilities in Kodam IV/Diponegoro that Qr have been obtained by means of asset exchange (ruilslag) with a developer or other government institutions. The developer is responsible for the supply of substitute assets in the form of land and properties/buildings (constructions) with dislocation, specifications, quality and masterplan thas has been determined by Kodam IV/Diponegoro. During the process of supply of the subtitutes assets, there is a certain problem arising such as the agreement of asset exchange between Kodam IV/Diponegoro and PT. Graha Digjaya, Jakarta. The writer brings up the analysis of asset exchange in this thesis titled "DEVELOPER'S RESPONSIBILITIES ON ASSET EXCHANGE (RUILSLAG) AGREEMENT AT KODAM IV/DIPONEGORO" with the following subject matters : I. Are the administrative regulation in the carrying out of asset exchange (ruilslag) at TNI-AD, especially Kodam IV/Diponegoro, relatively good ? 2. How and what are the responsibilities of a developer in the agreement of asset exchange (ruilslug)? 3. What is the solution to overcome the dispute of aset exchange (ruilslag) when there is some deviation in the process of realization ? In order to answer the problem above, the writer has conducted a research applying the legal research method. The result of the research shows that the regulations of the state-owned asset axchange of land and properties (ruilslag) are relatively good. Some of the problems that can arise are as follows ; the authorized officials are not subject to the procedures and the contents of the agreement do not strickly mention the right and duties, the time line of implementation, the risks and penalty than can be placed upon the developer. The carrying out of asset exchange of shooting range Meteseh Semarang between Kodam IV/Diponegoro and PT. Graha Digjaya, Jakarta thas has been neglected should be settled through discussions and deliberations. Although it is not mentioned in any clause of the agreement that it can be solved through litigation process, this case can be filed in the first¬) level court in order to get a desired decision by the law. Tukar menukar tanah/barang milik negara (ruilslag) atau ada juga yang menyebutnya dengan istilah " tukar guling" merupakan salah satu altematif yang idapat ditempuh oleh instansi pemerintah, Khususnya Kodam IV/Diponegoro dalam rangka memenuhi fasilitas satuan. Aset Kodam IV/Diponegoro dipertukarkan dengan aset developer yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan komando, yang berkaitan dengan spesifikasi, dislokasi, taktis dan teknis militer. Banyak pengadaan fasilitas satuan di jajaran Kodam IV/Diponegoro dilakukan dengan cara tukar menukar (ruilslag) dengan developer ataupun sesama 0 instansi pemerintah. Developer hams bertanggung jawab terhadap pengadaan aset pengganti berupa tanah dan bangunan sesuai dengan dislokasi, spesifikasi, mutu dan bestek yang sudah ditentukan oleh Kodam IV/Diponegoro. Dalam rangka pengadaan aset pengganti tersebut, adakalanya timbul masalah sepe'rti perjanjian tukar menukar `(ruilslag) dengan PT.Graha Digjaya, Jakarta. Penulis mengangkat kajian tentang tukar menukar dalam suatu tesis dengan judul : TANGGUNG JAWAB DEVELOPER DALAM PERJANJIAN TUKAR MENUKAR (RUILSLAG) DI KODAM rV/DIPONEGORO, dengan permasalahan sebagai berikut : 1. Apakah ketentuan administrasi yang mengatur mengenai tata cara penyelenggaraan tukar menukar (ruilskig) di lingkungan TNI-AD, khususnya di Kodam IV/Diponegoro sudah baik ?. 2. Bagaimanakah tanggung jawab developer dalam perjanjian tukar menukar (ruilslag)?. 3. Bagaimanakah penyelesaian sengketa tukar menukar (ruilslag) bila tedadi deviasi dalam pelalcsanaannya ?. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut Penulis melakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode penelitian normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peraturan tentang tukar menukar tanah dan bangunan/ milik negara (ruilslag) sudahl, baik. Permasalahan dalam tukar menukar dapat terjadi karena pejabat yang berwenang tidak mentaati prosedpr clan isi perjanjian tidak mengatur secara tegas mengFnat liqlc qv kcwanban, wa ftp pclalcsanaan, beban resiko dan penalty yal dapatcrbcbanlcan kepada c reloper. Pelaksanaan tuka nupivicar glcs 4partgari Wilt Oc Meteseh, Semarang dengan PT.Graha Digjaya, 'Jakarta ' yang rterbengkalai merupakan kasus yang hams diselesaikan secara musyawarah dan mufakat. Mesloptin dalam perjanjian tersebut tidak dicantumkan klausula penyelesaian secara litigasi, namun terhadap perkara tersebut tetap dapat diajukan gugatan di pengadilan negeri untuk rnemperoleh keputusan hukum yang diinginkan.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:H Social Sciences > HV Social pathology. Social and public welfare
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Urban and Regional Planning
ID Code:11766
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:26 May 2010 11:37
Last Modified:26 May 2010 11:37

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