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Data Bulan November 2002,terdapat Batita BGM (Bawah Garis Merah)di Puskesmas Kalicacing Kota Salatiga 0,91%,sedangkan BGM rata-rata Kota Salatiga 0,81%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pendidikan,pengetahuan gizi,status pekerjaan ibu dan tingkat kecukupan gizi dengan status gizi Batita. Rancangan penelitian adalah panel observasional dengan survey,dan pendekatan crocc sectional.Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah Batita di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Kalicacing Kota Salatiga,dengan jumlah sampel 89 orang yang diambil secara simple random sample.Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara dengan menggunakan kuesioner, recall konsumsi pangan Batita selama 2 hari berturut-turut menggunakan lembar recall dan foods models,status gizi dengan melakukan penimbangan berat badan menggunakan dacin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pendidikan ibu 46,07% telah menempuh pendidikan lanjutan (>SLTP) dan 53,93%< SLTP(Pendidikan Dasar 9 Tahun).Pengetahuan gizi ibu sebagian besar tergolong baik (70,79%) dan yang kurang sebesar 29,21%. Status pekerjaan ibu sebagian besar adalah adalah ibu bekerja (51,69%) dan yang tidak bekerja sebesar 48,31%. Tingkat kecukupan gizi Batita dilihat dari konsumsi energi adalah:yang tergolong baik (46,06%),sedang((30,34 %),kurang (14,61 %), defisit (8,99 %). Dilihat dari konsumsi protein adalah: yang tergolong baik (77,53 %), sedang (20,22 %), tingkat konsumsi protein yang kurang dan defisit tidak ditemukan. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa: ada hubungan bermakna antara tingkat pendidikan ibu dan tingkat kecukupan gizi Batita yakni pada konsumsi protein (p=0,035 dan rs=0,224), sedangkan konsumsi energi tidak bermakna (p=0,185)dengan Spearman Correlation Test. Ada hubungan bermakna antara pengetahuan gizi ibu dan tingkat kecukupan gizi Batitadengan p=0,026 dan r=0,236 (Pearson Correlation Test) pada konsumsi energi dan p=0,038 dan rs=0,220 (Spearman Correlation Test) pada konsumsi protein.Ada hubungan bermakna antara status pekerjaan ibu dan tingkat kecukupan gizi Batita dengan p=0,037 (Chi-Square Testa konsumsi energi dan p=0,023 (Chi-Square Test pada konsumsi protein.Ada hubungan bermakna antara tingkat kecukupan gizi dan status gizi Batita dengan p=0,001 dan r=0,70 (Pearson Correlation Test)pada konsumsi energi dan p=0,001 dan rs=0,61 (Spearman Correlation Test) pada konsumsi protein. Kata Kunci: Karakteristik ibu, status gizi batita CORELATION BETWEEN MOTHER'S CHARACTERISTIC AND NUTRITION CONSUMPTION OF UNDER THREE TO ITS NUTRITIONAL STATUS IN PUSKESMAS KALICACING, SALATIGA MUNICIPALY In November 2002,Batita BGM (Below Red Line) in Puskesmas Kalicacing Salatiga is as much as 0,91%, while the mean of BGM for Salatiga is 0,81%. The target of this research is to know the relation of educational bacground,knowledge of nutrient,mother's status of job and the level of nutrient suffesiency with batita's nutrient status. REsearch device represent observational panel with survey,and use the cross sectional research design. The population in this research are the mother's of batita around Puskesmas Kalicacing Salatiga working region, with amount of sample 89 people who were tajen by simple random sample. Data colecting method widh is used is the interview using questioner, recall sheet and food models are used as Batita's food consumption recall for 2 days, status of batita's nutrien by cunducting body's heavy weiging use weigh-beam. The research result indicate that the level of mother's education 46,07% have gone trogh second education (>SLTP) and 53,93% < SLTP (9 years elementary education).Mother's nutrient knowledge mostly partained good (70,79%) and other29,21% is not good. Most of the mother's job status workers (51,69%)and they who are not workers are 48,31%. Batita's nutrient consumption levels seen from the consumption of energy are; what pertined good (46,06%), average (30,34%),less ( 14,61%),deficit (8,99%). Seen from protein consumption are; what pertained good (77,53%),average (20,22%),and less protein consuming and deficit level are not found. Result of statistical analysis indicates that;There is relation between mother's education and batita's nutrient sufficiency level 0n protein consumption (p=0,035 and rs=0,224), while consumptio of energy is meaningless (p=0,185) according to Spearman Correlation Test. There is relation between mother;s nutrient knowledge and Batita's sufficiency level with p=0,026 adn r= 0,236 (Pearson Correlation Test)at energy comsumption and p=0,038 and sr=0,220 (Spearman Correlation Test) at protein consumption.There is relation between mother;s job status and the level of Batita's nutrient cunsumption with p=0,037 (Chi-Square Test) at consumption of energy and of p=0,023 (Chi-Square Test) at protein consumption. Tere is relation between Batita's nutrient consumption level and Batita's nutrient status with p=0,001 and r=0,70 (Pearson Correlation Test)at energy consumption and p=0,001 and rs=0,61 (Spearman Correlation test) at protein consumption. Keyword: Mother's characteristic, nutrient status,Batita.)
Item Type: | Thesis (Undergraduate) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Divisions: | Faculty of Public Health > Department of Public Health |
ID Code: | 11738 |
Deposited By: | INVALID USER |
Deposited On: | 26 May 2010 10:17 |
Last Modified: | 26 May 2010 10:17 |
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