Purwanto, Purwanto (2002) ANALISIS KEPUASAN KONSUMEN TERHADAP PRODUK MEBEL PADA CV. JATI INDAH WELERI. Masters thesis, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro.

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The furniture company of Jati Indah Weleri is one of some furniture companies existing in Weleri. Some furniture companies existing having mennoked, it insists the Jati Indah of Weleri on employing a godd marketing strategy in antiapating its compesitors. This research aims at enoving consumers' response toward furniture price, furniture design, furniture quality, furniture endurance, furniture convenience, furniture strength and standardized furniture type. The population of this research is the consumer who buy the furniture product during the period of this research. The sample is taken randomly. Data analysis which is used is cross tabulation, chi-square (x2), and coeffisien contingency (C). The result of price analysis, model, quality, strength, convenience, endurance and standardized type is that most of the respondents who complain their dissatisfaction. The reasons which need to be and conveyed is that the company need to increase the quality in order that its product is highly in circulation. The highly demand of product is require the high quality of the raw material, such skillful and experienced best labour, doing quality control before selling the product. Perusahaan Mebel CV. Jati Indah Weleri, merupakan salah satu perusahaan mebel dari beberapa perusahaan mebel yang ada di Weleri. Dari banyaknya perusahaan mebel terse-but mengharuskan perusahaan mebel Jati Indah Weleri melakukan strategi pemasaran yang balk dalam mengantisipa¬si pesaing. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui tanggapan konsu¬men terhadap harga mebel, model mebel, kualitas mebel, kekuatan mebel, kenyamanan mebel, keawetan mebel dan type standart mebel. Populasi penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang membeli produk mebel selama periode penelitian. Sampel yang diambil secara sampel random. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah Tabulasi Silang, Chi-square ( 7y1,2) dan koefisien kontingensi (C). Basil analisis harga, model, kualitas, kekuatan, kenyamanan, keawetan dan type standart adalah sebagian besar responden menyatakan tidak puas. Saran-saran yang perlu disampaikan adalah perusahaan agar meningkatkan kualitas supaya produknya dipasaran mengalami penjualan yang tinggi dengan menggunakan bahan¬bahan baku yang berkualitas tingg, misalnya jati kualitas nomor satu, menggunakan tenaga kerja yang terampil dan berpengalaman, melakukan kontrol kualitas sebelum produk dijual dipasaran.

Item Type:Thesis (Masters)
Subjects:H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Divisions:School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Management
ID Code:11722
Deposited By:Mr UPT Perpus 2
Deposited On:26 May 2010 09:38
Last Modified:26 May 2010 09:38

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