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Environmental management problem, particularly waste process has still been felt as a dilemma, the will to process thoroughly has often been faced with high operational costs of Waste Water Processing Installation (IPAL) which finally would increase production costs. End of Pipe Treatment Strategy which has been known until this day, in fact has not been able to give competitive opportunity anymore because it has been too costly. Efficiency has been an alternative needed by management, waste process which has considered efficiency has been a reduction in a process. Good housekeeping (GHK) has been one of easy and cheap reduction approachs in a process, the problem has been GHK has not yet been known well by industrial community. The level of efficiency and an improvement in the performance of corporate environment through GHK strategy has given an alternative solution for industrialists in applying GHK strategy to improve the performance of their corporate environments. The subject of the research were PT. Unggul Jaya Sejahtera (UJS) which runs textile (printing) business and is located in Pekalongan Regency, and PT. Asia Sandang Maju Abadi (SAMA) which runs ready-made clothes (garment) business and is located in Semarang City. PT. UJS and PT. SAMA use a lot of water in the production process, namely for washing batik cloth and laundry. The method of research used was Ex post Facto, data used was obtained from two sources, namely primary and secondary data, the method or the technique of collecting primary data was survey, namely interview, other method used was observation. Decision making used SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat), while to find out the existence of efficiency an economy analysis was used, and to calculate the improvement in environmental performance a calculation of Load of Pollution was used. The result of research at PT. UJS Pekalongan gave a description of efficiency of Rp. 25.657.1500/year with an improvement of environmental performance of 60.88 % - 99.70 %, and one at PT. SAMA Semarang gave a description of efficiency of Rp. 330.336.000/year with an improvement of environmental performance of 27.12 % - 95.72 %. Keywords: Efficiency, Good Housekeeping and Environmental Performance - Persoalan pengelolaan lingkungan khususnya pengolahan limbah dirasakan masih dilematis, keinginan melakukan pengolahan secara tuntas seringkali terbentur pada mahalnya operasional Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah (IPAL) yang pada akhimya akan menambah biaya produksi. Strategi End of Pipe Treatment yang dikenal selama ini, temyata tidal( mampu memberikan peluang berkompetisi lagi karena relatif mahal. Efisiensi merupakan altematif yang diperlukan oleh manajemen, pengolahan limbah yang mempertimbangkan efisiensi adalah reduksi pada proses. • Good Housekeeping (GHK) adalah salah satu pendekatan reduksi pada proses yang relatif mudah dan murah, persoalannya pendekatan 01-1K belum begitu dikenal oleh masyarakat industri. Tingkat penghematan dan peningkatan kinerja lingkungan perusahaan melalui staretgi GHK, memberikan altematif solusi bagi pars industriawan melaksanakan strategi GHK untuk meningkatkan Icinerja lingkungan perusahaannya Subyek penelitian adalah PT. Unggul Jaya Sejahtera (UJS) bidang usaha industri tekstil (printing) yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Pekalongan dan PT. Sandang Asia Maju Abadi (SAMA) bidang usaha industri pakaian jadi (garment) lokasi kegiatan di Kota Semarang, PT. UJS dan PT. SAMA banyak menggunakan sumber daya air untuk proses produksi, yaitu untuk pencucian kain batik dan loundry Metode penelitian yang digunakan Ex post Facto, data yang dinggunakan berasal dari dua sumber yaitu sumber primer dan sumber selcunder, can atau teknik pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan metode survei, yaitu wawancara, metode lainnya yang digunakan adalah metode observasi. Pengambilan keputusan menggunakan analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat), sedangkan untuk mengetahui adanya penghematan digunakan analisis ekonomi, untuk menghitung Peningkatan Kinerja Lingkungan digunakan perhitungan Beban Pencemaran Hasil penelitian pada PT. UJS Pekalongan memberikan gambaran penghematan Rp. 25.657.000,- / tahun dengan Peningkatan Kinerja Lingkungan 60,88 % - 99,70 % dan pada PT. SAMA Semarang memberikan gambaran penghematan yang diperoleh Rp. 330.336.000,-/tahun dengan Peningkatan Kinerja Lingkungan 27,12 % - 95,72 %. Kata kunci : Efisiensi, Good Housekeeping dan Kinerja Lingkungan
Item Type: | Thesis (Masters) |
Subjects: | G Geography. Anthropology. Recreation > GE Environmental Sciences |
Divisions: | School of Postgraduate (mixed) > Master Program in Environmental Science |
ID Code: | 11570 |
Deposited By: | Mr UPT Perpus 1 |
Deposited On: | 25 May 2010 14:24 |
Last Modified: | 25 May 2010 14:24 |
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